Minor Setback.

197 13 33

Y/n P.O.V

I felt slightly strange after the white glow had disappeared from around me,when I could see again Gellert,Matthew and a third guy who's name I had forgotten are all looking at me
"Well I brought you back,with just a minor problem" the other man said
"Who are you again?" I ask

"The Doctor" he says
"So what is this problem?"
"Take a look" the Doctor says,I look to my right and see myself beside me
"How did that happen?" I ask
"I would like to know that my self?" Gellert asks
"Not now,now we fix the world" the Doctor says,running over to the center console "You agreed after I fixed your wife you would save the world"

"How is Y/n fixed,there is two of her?" Matthew asks
"Well you have the real one back,so its a start" the Doctor says
"So we are saving the world then?" I ask
"Yes my love,we are hero's just for one day" Gellert says
"Where do we start?"Matthew asks.

"Who has the rings?" The Doctor asks,as the tardis begins to shake
"Madaline Kowski" I say
"Where is her base?" The Doctor asks next
"We don't know,the only people that might know are ministry people" Matthew says.

"Now for this to work we have gone back in time,to find these people properly we need a distraction" the Doctor says as the tardis comes to a stop
"Okay what do I need to do" Gellert says
"Oh I know" I say"Just stand and mock people "
"I can do that" Gellert smirks
"How will that work?" The Doctor asks.

"In the past we are under 24/7 watch, in jail" I explain
"Right,but no violence that's not how I work" the Doctor says
"Its not me that will be violent" Gellert says
"Just in case,when you step outside those doors don't go more than two feet" the Doctor instructs
"Why?" I ask
"That is the tardis shield"
"Right let's cause some trouble."

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