Y/n,but not Y/n?

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"What do you mean blood?" The young Y/n asks
"Well your brother's blood led us to you,but we need you but older" the Doctor explained
"Brother, I don't have a brother" Y/n says,the Doctor looks to Matthew to explain
"It isn't until we are both older,do we actually find out about each other" Matthew explains.

"Ah" the Doctor says"Still I need your blood"
"What do I get out of it?" Y/n asks,putting her wand away
"Let's see what do you humans,have after blood is taken?" The Doctor thinks
"What do you mean human?" Y/n asks
"I've got it, a cookie" the Doctor says happily.

"Y/n loves cookies" Gellert says
"Are you stalking me?" Y/n asks Gellert
"No,I'm from your future" Gellert says
"You three are weird" Y/n says,as the Doctor jabs her in the arm with a needle making her slap him across the face.

"Ow,what was that for?" The Doctor asks rubbing his cheek
"You jabbed me" Y/n says "Now make with the cookie" the Doctor hands over a cookie from his pocket
"Does Y/n slaps always hurt like that?" The Doctor asks Gellert
"Don't know,never been slapped by her" Gellert says"Not across the face anyway"

"Can I go now?" Y/n asks
"Yes,run along" Matthew says,the three men return to the tardis and the Doctor heads to the console and inserts the blood
"My face is red now" the Doctor complains
"What happens now?" Matthew asks.

"Now we should be able to locate adult Y/n properly" the Doctor says

Small time skip

The Doctor opens the doors to the tardis and the three of them step out onto a empty street
"Where are we?" Gellert asks
"This should lead us to your missing wife" the Doctor says.

"There,there is a woman now" Matthew says,pointing. They look and see a woman about the right height and weight for Y/n,but the clothes aren't her normal style she is wearing a dress
"Something isn't right" Gellert says
"How can you tell?" Matthew asks.

"I know my own wife,that's how" Gellert says,the three men walk over to the woman, and it is Y/n exactly as they remember her
"Hello,I'm the Doctor and me and my...friends are doing a survey for...black mold in the home" the Doctor says cheerily
"My husband informed me of no such thing,young man" Y/n said.

"Excuse us" Gellert says,dragging the other two to the side"That is not my wife"
"It is her" Matthew says
"It looks like her,but she is more well spoken and more lady like,and less child like" Gellert says
"So it is Y/n,but not Y/n. That's a puzzle?"

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