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A/n this is a filler chapter.

The room was big but not well lit and the few people in there,where not welcoming to the new person. They couldn't understand how someone like him had gained the attention of her. The door at the back of the room opened and a woman walked into the room. She isn't overly tall,her jet black hair is styled in a neat ponytail. Her small eyes fix on the traitor in front of her.

"You have information for me?" The woman asks
"Yes excellence" the traitor says"The ministry has gained two new allies"
"So this information is of no importance to me" the woman said dismissive
"But Madame Kowski,these aren't normal allies" the traitor said
"Then tell me" Madaline Kowski demanded
"The Grindelwald's".

"What? There out of jail" Madeline said shocked"Why wasn't I told sooner?" None of the people around her could answer her demand
"This is why I am telling you" the traitor said
"But why?you work for the ministry yourself" Madeline asks
"Because Grindelwald took someone from me,and I wish to see him lose someone as important" the traitor says.

"Tell me who?" Madeline asks
"His wife Y/n,is the only one Grindelwald cares the most about"
"You think you could get close to her?" One of the others said
"I can" the traitor said confidently, Madeline thought about it and said
"What is your plan?"
"Tell me,what do you know of the rings of Aliamrod?"

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