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Later in the day Queenie informed you and Gellert that for the time being you could adjust to life outside prison. And since Queenie insisted on the two of you staying for the rest of the day,you suggested to Gellert that the two of you get some decent sleep
"I don't think I want to sleep" Gellert tells you as the two of you stand in a guest bedroom
"And why not?" You ask him
"You know why" Gellert tells you,sitting down on the end of the bed
"I know,the nightmares" you say sitting beside him"But we are perfectly safe here."

"Its not that..."Gellert begins
" I know you're scared,but I will be here by your side"You say taking his left hand in your own left hand"When we married I promised to always be by your side. And you helped me all those years ago with my bad nightmare"You remind him
"Yes but that was just once,this is a reoccurring nightmare" Gellert tells you
"And I am still here" You say.

In Gellert's reoccurring dream you where in prison and you had been dragged away from Gellert and he was forced to watch as they made you suffer for two hours and then they would kill you in front of him. After you died in the dream Gellert would wake up scared,crying and calling out for you not to be dead and you would awaken and comfort him.

You would hold onto him for as long as it took for Gellert to calm down,some nights it was quicker than others but on really bad nights,you would be awake for the rest of the night. You placed your freed hand onto Gellert's cheek and turned his head to face you
"If you don't want to sleep at the moment its fine,we can just lay here" you say. You take off your boots and lay down on the bed,as Gellert takes off his boots,his trench coat, his waist coat and white tie.

                    Time skip.

It didn't take long for the two of you to fall asleep,several hours had passed when you hear a gentle knock on the door,you open your eyes
"Come in" you said quietly, you didn't want to move as Gellert is sound asleep,the door opens and Queenie walks in
"I thought you two might like something to eat" Queenie says
"What time is it?" You ask
"Nearly 7:00pm" Queenie tells you
"OK thanks" You say,Queenie leaves closing the door quietly.

You can't really move as Gellert has you in a strong grip,your back is against his chest,his legs are tucked in behind your own and his right arm is under you and his left arm is wrapped around you protectively. Since the nightmares this is how Gellert holds you when you sleep,so he knows your there. With a bit of work you manage to turn over so you are face to face with your husband.

His platinum blonde hair is slightly flat from where he is lying and his handsome face is calm. You wanted to awaken him so you two could go and eat,but disturbing a face as beautiful as his is like sinning. Although you have sinned plenty of times before. But the choice is made for you as Gellert began to stir,not from a nightmare.

Once his eyes have adjusted to the lighting in the room,Gellert smirks at you
"Will there ever be a time to where I wake up to find you not staring at me" Gellert asks
"Nope" you say kissing his nose
"You missed" Gellert tells you
"Oh no,every time we are in bed and I kiss your lips we do things" you say
"Yes but you enjoy those things" Gellert tells you
"I know I do,but now it is time to eat not sex" you say getting out of bed before Gellert can pounce on you
"Fine we shall eat food, but you my Queen will be my dessert" Gellert says
"You know I'm glad Macusa never cut out your tounge,I would have lost out on so much pleasure."

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