Back in Time.

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Gellert and I stepped out of the Tardis and see that we are in the entrance hall of Hogwarts
"This isn't the ministry" Gellert says
"No its Hogwarts" I say"Hey Doc, this is the wrong place"The doctor comes over to the doors and looks around
"Ah yes,that can happen" the Doctor says"Right back inside and off we go".

"Let's get out of here" I say,we head back into the tardis and head back to the console
"Right second time lucky" the Doctor says. This time when the tardis lands we are in the right place"Take this ear piece to stay in touch"the Doctor says, handing me a small thing
"Where does it go?" I ask
"The ear."

After inserting the ear thing into my ear,we step out of the tardis again and into the Ministry of Magic
"God this place is a dump" I say
"When do think someone will notice us?" Gellert asks,as there is a lot of people around us
"Next century" I suggest. We are however noticed sooner than I thought.

Within the next few moments there is a dozen or so aurors in front of us
"Remember what I said" the Doctor says, into the ear thing
"We know" I say quietly
"Grindelwald, you should be in jail" one person says
"Do you mean me or her?" Gellert asks.

"You" the man says
"I'm Grindelwald too,you idiotic boy" I tell him
"What?"the man asks confused
"And this is the next generation?" I say to Gellert
"I know"
"How did you get here?" Another person asks
"Magic" I say sarcastically.

"How?" The first man asks
"Its quiet simple really,I'm a wizard and she is a witch" Gellert says as if its the most obvious thing
"Let's kill them" the second man says,taking out his wand and shooting the killing curse at us,but it disappeared before it hit
"What the...?"
"Missed me" I smirk.

"Get them" more spells are then fired at us
"These shields are really impressive" I say to Gellert
"Yes,I've counted 10 killing curse's so far" Gellert agrees .Eventually the spells stop as they see we aren't dead
"How are you not dead?" Someone asks annoyed
"Because we are awesome" I say.

One of the doors on the tardis opens behind us,and the Doctor steps out
"Who are you?"
"I'm the Doctor"
"You broke them from jail?"
"No,we have come to get your help" the Doctor says
"Worst luck" Gellert says
"Take us to your leader" the Doctor says straightening his bowtie
"I wanted to say that" I complain, Gellert rolls his eyes at my comment
"I like her" the Doctor says.

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