A strange new ally.

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A/n one swear word

Gellert got up and slowly followed after Matthew and the young man called the Doctor. Gellert didn't really pay attention to his surrounding's,he only looked up when he heard Matthew say
"That's impossible" he looked up to see the door he walked threw opened into a large room with stairs and a strange thing in the middle.
"No that's not what your meant to say" The Doctor said"What about you,anything to say I've heard them all?"he asks Gellert.

"I couldn't careless about this place,I only want my wife back" Gellert says,The Doctor frowns slightly
"That's a first,tell me what happened?" The Doctor asks
"I take it your not from this universe?" Gellert asks
"Yes,just a different planet" The Doctor says"How did you... "
"I've been to an alternative universe full of superheroes" Gellert tells him.

"What was it like?" The Doctor asks
"This isn't helping" Matthew says
"Right yes sorry" The Doctor says,he walks over to Gellert"I'm going to read you mind"
"You can't,he has mind blocks in place" Matthew says
"If he can help get Y/n back,then he can read my mind" Gellert tells his brother.

"I promise to do everything I can to get your wife back" The Doctor says,he placed his hands beside Gellert's head and sees everything that has happened recently. "The rings of Aliamrod are extremely dangerous"
"No shit Sherlock" Gellert says,sitting on the stairs
"Those rings shouldn't even be here" The Doctor says,going up the stairs to the center of the room.

"What are you doing?" Matthew asks,as the Doctor moved around flicking switches and levers
"Taking off" The Doctor says"This is the Tarids,Time And Relative Dimentions In Space"The room starts to shake as a strange humming is heard "Geronimo" The Doctor shouts,Matthew grabs onto something. Eventually the shaking stops and the Doctor runs over to the doors and throws them open,revealing space.

"Wow" Matthew says"Y/n would love this"
"She is such a child" Gellert says quietly
"Okay now,I need the basics on your Y/n" The Doctor says
"Her name is Y/n M/n Grindelwald, her maiden name is L/n,she is (height) with (hair colour and length) with beautiful (eye colour) eyes" Gellert says. The Doctor puts this into the console
"Who are you to each other?" The Doctor asks.

"Grindelwald married my sister Y/n" Matthew explains
"Right I need your blood" The Doctor says pulling a injection from his pocket,after collecting the blood,the Doctor inserts it into the console
"What did that do?" Matthew asks
"It should help me pin point Y/n" The Doctor says pulling more leavers
"And if it doesn't?" Gellert asks,joining the other two
"Er...its a work in progress" The Doctor says
"Well that's comforting."

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