Not quite right.

189 12 37

A/n swearing
"So your saying that woman is my sister,but it also isn't her?" Matthew asks
"Yes,it looks like her but her personality is all wrong for some reason" Gellert says
"Let's ask some more questions" the Doctor says"Wait where did she go"they all look around them
"There she just went into that house" Matthew says
"Lets go" Gellert says making his way towards the house.

"Wait a minute,we need a story" Matthew says
"No we don't" Gellert says,taking out his wand and opening the door
"No I don't work this way" the Doctor says
"Best leave Grindelwald to it" Matthew says
The three of them enter the house.

Inside the house is a man sat on a sofa reading a paper in first room they enter, he has short black hair that is greyish at the sides,he looks up surprised as Gellert enters the room
"Who the hell are you?" The man demands, standing up he barely reached Gellert's chin
"Where is Y/n?" Gellert asks
"Why do want my wife?" The man asks.

"If you would be so kind to bring her here please" the Doctor asks
"If it'll get you out of my home quicker" the man says"Y/N GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW"a few seconds later Y/n comes down the stairs
"Yes" she says
"Do you know this man?" The husband asks.

"I saw them on the street,I don't know anything else" Y/n says
"See she don't know you,now clear off" the man said
"Does he always treat you like this?" Matthew asks Y/n
"Don't speak unless I tell you" the husband says.

He went to shove her back out of the room,but Gellert steps in the way
"You do not speak to a woman in that way" Gellert tells him
"She's my wife,I'll speak to her how I please" the man says,Gellert grabs him by the shirt so his toes are nearly touching the floor
"I have limited patients and they are wearing thin,so don't anger me" Gellert tells him.

"Let me go" the man says"Do you know who I am?"
"Do you know who I am?" Gellert says
"I'm Bernard Deed,my best friend is the minster of magic he'll arrest you for this" the man called Bernard threatens
"Do I look like I care about your so called friend, I despise the ministry" Gellert spits.

"Well who are you then?" Bernard asks
"Grindelwald" Gellert says
"No it can't be your dead,so I was told" the man says scared now
"Do I appear dead to you?" Gellert says
"Stop this now" the Doctor says"Violence will not help us"

"All we need is Y/n,then we shall leave" Matthew says
"Take her she's no use to me, hopeless bitch" Bernard says
"Thank you, we shall take our leave" the Doctor says quickly before Gellert did something to him. The four of them head outside "Right to the tardis"

"No I'm not going anywhere with you" Y/n says,she starts to walk off
"Oh no you don't" Gellert says,before picking her up and carrying her over his shoulder towards the blue police box
"Unhand me you brute" Y/n screeches,trying to get free
"This should be interesting."

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