Never to old to learn.

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A/n excuse the spelling.

With the new Nurmengard we have different rooms for different things. So after talking in the meeting room,we lead the way to the magic room where we practice our skills and it would be the best place to try out this new spell. Once we are all gathered, Harry spoke
"When I learned the Protronus Charm back in my third year of school,I was told it it a very advanced piece of magic and most fully fledged wizards cannot produce a corporeal protronus"

"Yes but we aren't your normal every day wizards are we" I say
"But as I said before, it hasn't been proven if a dark wizard or witch can do one" Hermione says
"Except Severus Snape did,but he wasn't a fully evil wizard" Kingsley says
"So let's begin" Gellert says.

"So first you both need to focus on a really happy memory" Harry says to us
"Yeah we know that" Gellert says bored
"Shh Gellert" I say nudging him"Let him talk
"Once you have that happy memory, let it fill you up and focus only on that" Harry continues. We stood and focussed on our chosen memory "Now say the incantation out loudbexpecto patronum."

"Expecto patronum" we both say
"Now try it with wands" Hermione says"Who's going first?"
"Age before beauty" I say
"You know that doesn't work" Gellert tells me
"Yeah,your older than me but your more beautiful than me" I say
"True I am older than you,but you are more beautiful than me" Gellert says.

"So ladies first?" I suggest, I step forward, draw my wand and focus on my happy memory
"Now when your ready,say the spell" Hermione encourages "Though we have yet to see one done on the first go"
"Expecto patronum"I say,a small white light comes from the tip of my wand but that's it.

But on the second go
"Expecto patronum" a white shape comes from my wand and runs around the room
"What is that?"Kingsley asks
"Its a horse" Harry says,but then it spread its wings
"No wait,its a Thestral" Hermione says"Wow there rare"the Thestral flies around before stopping in front of me
"Top that" I say to Gellert.

"Alright I will" Gellert says confident. He steps forward as my Thestral fades"Expecto patronum"and in that second a blindingly bright white light comes from the tip of the Elder Wand and we all have to shield our eyes when I look again there is a big white shape flying around the room
"Is that a dragon?" Hermione asks.

"It is a dragon" Harry says,we watch as the dragon fly's around the room before landing beside Gellert
"Done it and on first go" Gellert says smug,we all stare at him"What?"
"Dragons are extremely rare,there rarer than Thestral's" Kingsley says
"Not only is your patronus extremely rare,but you did it on your very first go" Hermione says
"Of course I would" Gellert says"Impressed yet,my love?"

"I'm always impressed by you Gellert" I say to him
"What where you thinking about?" Harry asks me
"Him" I say"Gellert and his smile,his smile is rare to anyone but me but so beautiful "
"What about you?" I ask Gellert"Or are we not allowed to know?"
"For me it is a combination of things" Gellert says "When we first met,when we became friends, our first kiss,our first I love you, when you agreed to marry me and then our wedding"
"Wow" I say"That's a life time of happiness "
"And that whole life I have been happy,because of you and only you Y/n" Gellert tells me
"You big softie."

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