Disater at the ministry.

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What started out as a normal peaceful trip to the ministry of magic,ended in a disaster that no one saw coming. A couple of days after Y/n and Gellert's anniversary they where asked to head to the ministry, it was time to teach the Auror's about the different forms of dark magic that Madaline Kowski could use.

Once at the ministry the two had to wait until all the needed people where available, whilst they waited they saw an old friend/follower and Y/n's brother Matthew. He is older now his hair is flecked with bits of grey
"Aren't you going to talk your brother" Gellert asks Y/n
"I want to...but what if he doesn't want to see me?" She asks
"Only one way to find out"

Gellert walks over to Matthew
"Matthew Taylor, it has been years" Gellert says,the man in question turns to the voice
"Grindelwald, I didn't know you where here?" Matthew says
"Sadly I have to be here,terms of our release" Gellert says
"Our release, as in my sister as well?" Matthew asks.

"Yes,she has been looking for you since we got released" Gellert tells him
"Is she here?"
"Of course,she is over there"Gellert says turning to where Y/n is. The two men make their way over to Y/n."We learned from Newt Scamander that you married a woman called Natasha Evergreen and had children"

"Yes but that's not it all" Matthew says. The two men reach Y/n
"Mathew, oh my god look at you" Y/n says happy
"You look amazing sister,like you haven't aged a day" Mathew says hugging his sister
"The only one around here that hasn't aged is this pain" Y/n says about Gellert"He doesn't even look any different "

"I'm ageless like fine wine" Gellert says smug
"So what have you been up to?" Y/n asks,Matthew explains that he did a couple of years in jail for harbouring a criminal and then he met Natasha. They got married and had two daughters, Lila and Katy but when Natasha learned who Matthew is related to,she filed for divorce and stopped him from seeing his children and she turned them against him.

"What about you two,any kids?" Matthew asks
"I...I can't have kids" Y/n says quietly
"Oh Y/n,I'm sorry to hear that" Matthew says
"Don't worry about it" Y/n says. The three are interrupted by a new voice
"Mind if I interrupt this touching family reunion?"

The three look and see a woman that isn't overly tall,with black hair and small eyes
"Allow me to introduce my self,I am Madaline Kowski your new Queen" the woman announced
Ministry works take out there wands,but Madaline's workers pour into the room from behind her."I am only here for one person,and that is Y/n Grindelwald "

Gellert draws the elder wand and steps in front of Y/n
"You will not be taking my wife" Gellert says
"Foolish old man,you missed the traitor" Madaline says
"What traitor?" Matthew asks
"You will see" Madaline says,taking out a ring from her pocket"Ring of alliamrod,perfect and affective weapons "

"But those rings are legend"Y/n says
"Or so you thought" Madaline says,she nods to someone behind them. Both men turn in time to see Theseus Scamander with the other Ring of Alliamrod and once he touches Y/n,she disappeared from existence
"Y/n" Gellert shouts,he shoots the killing curse at Theseus which only just misses as he dissaperates
"The world as you know it Grindelwald, is now mine."

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