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Since officially becoming a couple with Alex, things have been better than I ever could have imagined. 

I've taken her out on two dates already, causing us to endure countless hours of teasing from our teammates, and we've kissed a few times, but haven't gone beyond that.

I'm nervous about over stepping since I know that this whole situation is very new to Alex, but I can't lie, I've had blue balls almost everyday.

I swear, that woman makes me feel some type of way, and Kelley wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. Neither would anyone else, for that matter. Not even Jill, who always winks at me whenever Alex and I pass her.

Of course, we've set ground rules to stay at least (somewhat) professional during games and practice, especially games though, since neither one of us are ready to announce our relationship to the world so soon after getting together.

Honestly I still can't fully comprehend that I actually got her. I got the girl, and I wake up everyday, pinching myself, just to make sure it wasn't all a dream.

The team has been an absolute unit the past week, crushing every enemy we played against. We were now officially entering the group stage, fighting against Sweden tomorrow to advance to the Round of 16.

Admittedly, I am nervous for the game. But not about playing. I'm nervous that I'll fuck up and accidentally out Alex and I to the world. And to my mom. That would be a total train wreck.

I like Alex too much to risk doing anything to fuck up what we have so soon after we finally got it.

We had a day off today so that the team could rest up for tomorrow's match. Ali, Kelley, Pinoe, Chris, and Alex all went shopping, just as they usually do, while Tobs, Ash, and I went skateboarding, like we usually do.

From what I heard, most of the younger players went and saw a movie, while the vets just stayed in their hotel rooms.

Tobs, Ash, and I got back to the hotel around dinner time, having stayed out in the sun all day. It was still cold in Europe, but that apparently didn't stop me from dripping sweat.

My hair was close to soaked, and my shirt had been taken off a while ago, and entering the warm hotel didn't exactly help.

"Damn, what happened to you?" Ali asked, walking up to us in the lobby.

"It's hot dude." I said, making a stupid face.

"When did you guys get back?" Ash asked after kissing her girlfriend.

"About twenty minutes ago. Y/n, I'm sure Alex would love if you ran upstairs and hugged her. She, Kelley, and Pinoe are in your room right now. Oh, and Tobin, Christen is waiting for you."

Tobs didn't hesitate, clapping us both on the shoulders before taking off for the elevator. Ali chuckled, getting lost in the other goalie. I sent them one last smile before smirking to myself and following Tobin.

I knocked on Kelley and I's door after hearing loud giggling inside. Kelley was the one who opened it, the short defender still laughing to herself as she let me in.

"Damnit Y/n, stop walking around shirtless! You look like Hope and now I'm sad!"

I chuckled, patting her head like a small child. "My bad, Squirrel. What are you guys up to?" 

The other two women looked at me when I entered, getting off the bed they were laying on.

"Pinoe, wanna go see what's for dinner?" Kelley asked the purple haired forward, who eyed my girlfriend and I suspiciously before nodding, and leaving with the other woman.

"Hey Lex." I said, smiling, going over to hug her.

"Ew! Y/n!" The brunette laughed, trying to get away from me.

I didn't let her escape, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close, much to her annoyance. "Gross! You're all sweaty! And why are you so hot?"

I hummed, enjoying the scent of her shampoo. "Mmm...good question. It just comes naturally."

The forward turned in my arms, making no effort to pull away, despite having just voiced her disgust. She rolled her shining blue orbs. "Way to be humble. But seriously though, you're always warm. You should be my personal heater."

"Okay wow, way to use me Lex." I pouted, feigning hurt. She giggled, pressing a kiss to my chin before standing on her tippy toes to kiss my lips.

"Of course. Now go take a shower, you smell."

I glared at her playfully, but knew I needed to. Dinner was in less than twenty minutes, and no doubt Jill would kick me out if I entered the dining hall how I was.

"Fine. I'll see you at dinner."



"Yo so you guys ready to kick Sweden's ass tomorrow?" Sonnet asked excitedly as we ate.

"Fuck yeah man, we're gonna crush them!" Ash agreed, far too loudly for her girlfriend.

"Better watch out Alex, don't want another mom to steal Y/n like last time." Pinoe laughed, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. 

"Jesus Pinoe, shut up!" Christen snickered.

The forward raised her arms innocently. "Hey bro, I'm just being honest. You can't deny that Y/n is one sexy goalie."


My hair still wet, and my clothes fresh, I entered the dinning room, right on time to hear Megan mention my name.

"I'm what now?" 

"Pinoe was just professing her love to you." Allie joked.

"Damn, I see you." I chuckled, taking my seat between Kelley and Alex, who had just walked up with her food.

"So Y/n, we were just talking about the game tomorrow. How you feel about it?" Sam questioned, taking a bite of her food.

I looked over at my girlfriend, smiling at her, before looking back to my teammates. "I feel like we're about to kick some ass."

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