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So two weeks ago Alex and Servando made up, and now he's all she talks about. I'll admit, a piece of my heart breaks off and dies every time she mentions him, but I'm doing my best to be a good friend. 

Since making up last month, we've been getting pretty close. Alex, Kelley, Tobs, Allie, Ali, Ash, Christen, Pinoe, and I hang out a lot which is fun. Alex and I don't really hang out alone too much though. I have a full blown school kid crush on the forward, which is terribly hard to hide from her. Literally everyone in our group except for the blue eyed woman knows about it, and they'll often tease me both when she's around and when she's not.

I've continued talking to my Aunt and my Mom pretty much everyday, but I talk about different things with them. With my Mom, it's updates about training and upcoming events with the team, and with my Aunt, all we talk about is what's going on with Alex.

She's convinced that Alex is in denial, but I'm not sure. The way she's been talking about her boyfriend lately....it makes me want to curl up and cry.

It's now February, which means our next friendly is in two months; in April. We've been working our asses off the past two weeks, preparing to take on Sam Kerr and the Aussie team. Scrimmages have been more intense than ever, filled with Alex and I's trash talk. 

Although we're good friends now, our habit of teasing one another has not left, and I doubt it ever will. I'm just really hoping that the shorter woman cools it with all the Servando talk. I'm getting really tired of hearing about the two of them, and the team (save from Alex, obviously) knows it.

Everyday it's the same shit. "Serv and I talked on the phone for hours!" "I love him so much!" "He's promised to be more supportive of me."

Does she not realize that he's fucking with her. He doesn't give a shit about her, he probably just wants to stay with her because she's the face of US soccer. I've wanted to tell her to break up with him and save herself before shit hit's the fan so many times, but out of respect for her, I've kept my mouth shut.

Jill somehow knows literally everything that goes on around here. I swear to god that woman has super hearing. The other day, after our practice ended, I was the last one on the field, helping the trainers pick up the extra balls and cones, when Jill came up to help me.

"So how are things between you and Alex?"

At first I didn't think anything of it, assuming she just wanted to make sure we had gotten our shit together.

"Good, we haven't fought in at least two weeks. Why?"

"Nothing...special going on?"

I stood and faced her, slinging the large ball net over my shoulder. I narrowed my eyes at Jill's smirk. "What are you talking about?"

"So you don't like her then?"

I scoffed, but I couldn't stop my ears from burning. "Psh...No..t-thats...why would you think that?"

The coach laughed. "Oh come on Y/n, I'm not stupid. Everyone can see the way you look at her; like she's the most beautful thing you've ever seen. Everyone except for Alex sees, it at least."

I sighed, knowing it would be useless to deny. "Even if I do like her....I have no chance. She's....she's straight. And she's dating someone. Why would she ever like me?"

"Y/n, we have had quite a few people come in and out of this team over the past five years; since Alex joined. Not once has she ever reacted this way to anyone but you. We've had players even more cocky than you, and she didn't constantly fight with them. That girl picks her fights carefully, and trust me when I say that she deliberately picks them with you. Or picked them, now that you two have made up. She may not be fully aware of it, but she's picking you for a reason. She wants your attention."

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