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"Mmm I don't know, Ms. Morgan. I believe that is up to you." I murmured, moving my hands under her thighs and picking her up.

The brunette squealed, quickly wrapping her legs around my waist and throwing her arms around my neck.

I walked around to the side of her bed and leaned down, slowly setting her on top of the sheets.

She looked up at me from where she laid on her back, her eyes dark with lust. 

"Take off your shirt." She breathed, gaze raking over my body.

I did as she asked, pulling my shirt over my head before tossing it to the side and turning back to her.

"Fuck I love your abs." She giggled, running her fingers over the taught skin of my stomach, stopping to trace my tattoos.

"Don't let Kelley hear you say that, she might start crying about Hope." I laughed, leaning down to capture the forward's lips with mine. Alex chuckled into the kiss, pulling me down on top of her on the bed.

Things moved quickly after that, with Alex flipping us so that she was now on stop, straddling my waist. She pulled off her shirt, leaving her in a black lacy bra that surprised me.

"What?" She asked with a laugh.

"Nothing...I just didn't expect that." I rasped, drinking in the sight of her full chest.

"Well...I think there's a lot of things you'll find unexpected about me."

I cocked an eyebrow, running my hands down her sides to her hips, stopping at the top of her jeans. "Is that so?"

She nodded, biting her lip, and kissed me again. This time, instead of pulling away, we both deepened the kiss, our tongues clashing while my hands wandered down to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze. 

Alex moaned, grinding her front against mine, making my cock twitch from the friction. 

I managed to unhook the button of her pants while we continued to kiss, and she helped me pull them down her legs, wriggling her body until the garment was off. 

When she least expected it, I flipped us back over in one swift motion, putting me on top and her on the bottom, eyes wide, cheeks flushed, chest heaving.

Instead of going back to her lips, I began to lick, suck, and nip at the sensitive skin of her neck, jaw, and collar bones, enjoying the moans and gasps that came out of her each time my teeth sunk into her.

I sucked generously on her pulse point, and the forward's hips bucked, her head tossed back against the pillows.

Slowly but surely, I made my way down her body, stopping when I reached her bra. 

I met her eyes, silently asking for permission to take the clothing off. She nodded frantically, fingers threading through my hair, and I wasted no time in unhooking, tossing it somewhere behind me.

I groaned when I saw her chest, nipples peaked and straining for attention. "You're so beautiful." I whispered, giving her breasts the same treatment as her neck. I wasn't even thinking about all the marks I was leaving. I was too distracted by the woman under me, who squirmed and moaned uncontrollably.

After slowly torturing her chest, I continued to make my way down, pressing kisses to the tight skin of her toned stomach and navel, once again pausing to ask for permission when I reached her panties.

"Are you sure?" I breathed, wanting to make sure this was exactly what she wanted.

"If you don't, I'll kill you." She whined breathlessly, and I took that as a yes.

I pulled the last article of clothing from her body, leaving her completely naked. Completely at my mercy. 

Alex had wetness pooling between her thighs, dripping onto the sheets, creating a shining sheen of slick on her creamy skin.

"Fuck." I muttered, my erection straining in my pants as I took in the sight of her gorgeous pussy. 

I started by kissing the inside of her thighs, inhaling her delicious scent. The blue eyed woman gently tugged at my hair, clearly trying to coax me to where she needed me most.

I playfully pressed a soft kiss to her swollen clit, and she jumped. 

"Y/n d-don't fuck-fucking tease!" 

I would have done it again, but she sounded so needy, so desperate, and I couldn't resist. 

I started out by circling her clit with my finger ever so slowly before taking the bundle of nerves into my mouth. The forward let out a guttural moan, her thighs tightening around my head.

While my mouth worked on her clit, my hand went to her dripping entrance, coating my hand in slick. Once I had gathered enough of her wetness, I allowed one finger to enter her tight cunt, causing her to moan again.

Once she had gotten used to one finger, I slipped a second one in, and then a third, moving slow, taking my time, allowing myself to explore her body. I took in what made her react the most, what made her legs twitch, what made her hips shake, what made her cry out, and filed it away in my brain.

My mouth still sucked on her swollen bundle of nerves, and I began to gradually push my fingers in and then pull them out of her, curling the digits up to hit her g-spot on each thrust.

I could tell how close she already was by the way her soft velvety walls clamped around my hand.

"Oh f-fuck..." The brunette whimpered.

I sped up my movements, and she moaned louder.

"Holy shit Y/N! Right there! Oh god right there! Yes!"

With one last thrust, and a swirl of my tongue on her clit, Alex came with a scream she tried to muffle with her hands, her whole body convulsing as she fell over the edge.

I didn't let up though, continuing my ministrations, hitting her g-spot until she came again, this time, a loud yell escaped her mouth that she couldn't stop, and to my pleasure, a large stream of come erupted from her.

I didn't stop until she was done coming for the second time, her breathing ragged while her hips twitched and her legs shook.

Pulling my hand out of her, I sat up with a smirk, licking her sweet come off my fingers. She tasted so fucking good.

"How you feelin, baby?" I asked, since the woman hadn't spoken in a few minutes.

"F-fu-fuck..." She breathed, and I chuckled. "Did I just..."

She didn't need to finish. "Yes. Yes you did. And quite a lot, actually. Pretty sure I won't have to take a shower now." I joked.

"I didn't even know I could do that." 

"What can I say. I'm good with my hands."

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