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Alex POV

Once the doors shut behind us, we all started our walk up to our rooms. There was something about the new kid that reminded me of something. Or someone. I could already tell she was going to be one of those cocky goalies. By the way she winked at me. Ugh, pissed me off. She irked me for some reason.

"So what do you guys think about the newbie?" Megan asked as we walked.

"Hot." Christen said. "Babe!" Tobin looked at her girlfriend, outraged. 

Christen just laughed. "I speak the truth. Besides, she's too young, plus I'm already taken."

Tobin smiled smugly and kissed her head.

"I agree with Chris, though she does give me fuckboy vibes." Abby stated, and a few people made noises of agreement.

"She looks like Hope." Carli said, and immediately, I knew that Y/n Grant reminded me of our old goalkeeper. I didn't have a super fond memory of Hope. In the weeks leading up to her quitting the team, she and basically all of our other teammates were arguing about something.

The two of us had our own beef, which we still haven't resolved. It's been a year since any of us have seen her, and as angry as I am at her, I do miss her, and I know everyone else does, even though they won't admit it.

"Yeah, she has the blue eyes and black hair." Sam commented.

"I wonder if she has Hope's abs?" Kelley asked, her voice longing. It was common knowledge that Kelley and Hope had dated for four years when Hope was still on the team. They broke up around the time when Hope quit, and the defender still wasn't over it.

"Kelley you really need to get over her." Allie told her. Kelley sighed. "I know. I just miss her. She just broke up with me without any real reason, left for LA, and never talked to any of us again. Who does that?"

We stayed quiet for the next few steps. "What do you think about her Alex? I saw her wink at you." Tobin wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, and I whacked her arm.

"Ugh, she's annoying." I grumbled, finally reaching my room, where I'm bunking with Pinoe.

"She is really hot though. I can't wait to see her train." Emily Sonnett said, making us laugh.

"Oh my god Sonnett, calm down." Ali laughed.

"Hey, am I wrong though?" She asked defensively. No one said anything, telling her the answer. 

"Exactly." She said smugly.

"I wonder if she has any tattoos." Ashlyn pondered. 

Kelley laughed. "Of course that's what Ash is thinking." Ash just grinned and shoved her.

"Alright so what do you guys want to do? We have a few hours until lunch." Becky asked. We all shrugged. "We should unpack, but how about we meet in the Lobby at 10:30? That gives everyone half an hour to unpack and get ready."

Everyone agreed and went to their respective rooms.

"Which bed do you want?" I asked Pinoe once we closed our door. "Doesn't matter to me-oh wait! I want the one farthest from the bathroom so that you die first if there's a monster."

I laughed and rolled my eyes at my friend, grabbing my bag and setting it on the bed she didn't choose.

"I'm glad you care so much about me Pinoe." The purple haired woman grinned at me and set to work unpacking her stuff.

I did the same, the whole time my mind occupied with thought's of our new goalie. There's just something about her. I can't put my finger on it.

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