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Alex and I sat next to one another on the edge of her bed. I had purposely left some space between us, unsure of how Alex was feeling about the whole situation during that moment.

A part of me was terrified that she hated me, or wanted to break up with me because I hadn't told her about my mom, even though she had brought up the goalie quite a few times over the last 8 months.

What if she didn't trust me anymore? 

What if she didn't want to be with me because of Hope being my mom?

All of these thoughts and questions swirled around in my brain, causing me to feel overwhelmed and dizzy. I tried to focus on the fact that Alex hadn't seemed mad when she asked to talk about it, which was hopefully a good sign.

"Relax, Y/n. I'm not upset." The brunette said softly, as if reading my mind. She gave me a warm, sparkling smile; the one I had so quickly fallen in love with. 

"Honestly, I'm more upset at Hope for making you lie for so long. I can't imagine what it must have been like for you."

I shrugged, my nails digging into my palm slightly. "I mean...I don't know...she didn't make me lie. I just...I just went along with it. Even though it made me miserable, I figured she at least had a good reason for it, you know? I mean obviously now I know, but the longer she hid me, the more I started to feel that maybe I had done something wrong. I guess this whole things was sort of a big miscommunication."

I small, humorless chuckle left my mouth. Thinking about the situation now made the whole things seem fucking stupid.

"Well, regardless, you are the strongest, bravest person I know. I know I wouldn't have been able to deal with that and make the national team. I'm really proud of you Y/n."

Her hand cupped my cheek and I leaned into the touch, relishing the feeling of her skin on mine. Alex just had a way of instantly calming me down and making me feel loved. 

Even still, the guilty, heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach didn't leave. "Are you sure you're not mad? I mean, I totally get if you were, I basically lied to you for like 8 months even after you-"

"Y/n! Stop." She giggled, silencing me with a sweet kiss. "Baby, I promise you, I'm not mad. It's okay. I don't trust you any less, I don't think you're a horrible person. Quite the opposite actually." She laughed, the pad of her thumb rubbing my cheek.

"Y/n Grant, I love you so much."

Now it was my turn to pull her into a kiss, my hands on her hips.

"I love you more, Alex Patricia Morgan."

The forward smiled, moving her position so that she was cuddling me. I sat back against the headboard, the brunette sitting in my lap with my arms wrapped around her.

"Wait..." Alex said after a few minutes of silence.


"Why is it Grant and not Solo? I mean, aside from the fact that you guys having the same last name would be so fucking obvious. Where did Grant come from?"

I chuckled, pressing a kiss to her neck. "It's my middle name. When I was really little I had a beagle named Grant. He was my best friend."

"Aww! You named yourself after your dog? That's so cute!" Alex laughed, teasing me.

I shook my head in faux annoyance, but couldn't hide my grin.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Anyway,  when it came time to go to school and play soccer, mom and I picked that name for me. I suppose I never really thought I'd have the chance to have Solo on my jersey. Maybe the next world cup. I'm sure the team will lose their shit once they find out I'm named after a dog."

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