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"Aww oh my god they're so cute! I didn't know Y/n could be all soft."

"Shhh! Kelley shut up, you're gonna wake them up!"

I inhaled deeply, my mind slowly coming out of it's sleepy trance and moving back into the present. 

"Allie shut up you're literally so loud!"

I blinked, puzzled, still half asleep. 

"Wait, I think Y/n is waking up..."

At the sound of my name, my ears perked up. I knew I couldn't be dreaming. 

I moved my position, gently colliding with a warm body laying next to me. I didn't even need to open my eyes to know that it was my girlfriend, Alex, sleeping peacefully beside me. 

"Kelley you're even louder, you shut up!"

"Both of you shut up!"

The conversation was now too loud for me to ignore, and I definitely couldn't write it off as a figment of my imagination. I still couldn't pin faces to voices yet though since I was still out of it.

I sat up in the bed, rubbing my eyes groggily. Blinking aware the blurry spots, my vision finally came into focus, and I realized half the team was standing in my hotel room, looking at Alex and I while giggling and taking pictures.

"What the fuck." I said, my voice raspy and deep from sleep.

Ash, Ali, Kelley, Pinoe, Crystal, Allie, Christen, Tobin, and Abby all stood there, all of them laughing, which caused Alex to wake up.

The brunette stirred, looking around in confusion, clearly still half asleep.

"Morning love birds!" Pinoe said loudly, snapping a picture.

"Jesus Pinoe, what time is it?" I asked, shielding my eyes from the bright lights and sun streaming through the window.

"It's 9. Jill let everyone sleep in, but we've got a conditioning sesh later and then a meeting." The forward explained.

"Great." I grumbled.

"So...how did you guys sleep?" Allie asked, smirking and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Well, did you sleep?" Kelley questioned with a snicker.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head before flipping them off.

"Y'all were so fucking loud, jesus man, Tobs and I barely got any sleep." Ash complained, the dark circles under her eyes proving that.

"Yeah, we could hear you guys from down the hall." Pinoe laughed, looking at Kelley, who slept in her room.

"I couldn't, I slept like a baby, thank god." Abby said smugly.

Everyone turned to look at her, glaring. 

"What? I sleep with headphones on. Sue me for being smarter than all of you idiots." The blond said, raising her hands innocently. 

"Y/n? Wha-" Alex voiced, cuddling into my chest.

"Aw, you guys are so cute. I'm so single." Pinoe said, wiping a fake tear.

"Bitch you're literally in a two year relationship, the fuck planet are you on?" Crystal asked incredulously. 

Pinoe rolled her eyes. "Well duh, but she's not here, is she. So I'm lonely." 

"Okay but why has no one told me why the fuck everyone is in our room?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, we wanted to get blackmail material before you guys woke up. Oh also to let you know that the Netherlands won, so we're playing them in the finals in 4 days." Ash explained helpfully, holding up her phone.

"Great. Christen, Ali? I'm surprised you guys went along with that." I said, looking at the two brunettes.

They both rolled their eyes, looking at their girlfriends in annoyance. "We tried to stop them, they wouldn't listen." Christen stated as Ali nodded.

"Okay...so you've all gotten your blackmail material...are you going to leave so that I can enjoy the morning with my girlfriend or....?"

"Let's go guys." Ali declared, helping Christen push everyone towards the door, much to their protests.

"No! I want to live vicariously through them!" Pinoe complained.

"How am I supposed to tease Y/n for being soft!" Kelley whined.

"Everyone shut the fuck up and go get ready for breakfast!" Christen ordered.

She was the last one to leave the room, turning around as she closed the door. "I'm happy for the two of you, Y/n."

I smiled at the older woman. "Thanks Chris."

The brunette nodded then left, closing the door behind her.

I smiled, finally happy to have peaceful silence again. I love my teammates, but holy shit I don't need half of them crowding my room and watching me sleep at 9 am.

"Baby..." Alex mumbled, cuddling even closer to my side, her eyes still closed.

"Hello beautiful." I murmured wrapping my arms around her, moving my head so that she could tuck her own under my chin, her head now laying on my chest.

We laid there for a number of minutes, me getting lost in thought while Alex slowly woke up. I threaded my fingers through her long, chocolate brown hair mindlessly, only thinking about her.

I inhaled deeply. "I love you." 

Alex's entire body went rigid, and I suddenly realized what I had said. My hand froze and my heart rate went from 60 to 100 in less than a second.

I felt Alex shift, most likely to get up and leave, or maybe shoot me an angry look, but when I met her eyes, all I saw was...love.

"You love me?" She asked softly,  her blue eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

I didn't hesitate to nod. "I do."

A wide grin spread across her gorgeous face. "I love you too."

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