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Jill was right when she said time between our semi finals win and the Netherlands game was going to fly because before I knew it, it was Saturday; officially the day before the biggest game of my life.

The team had been training hard the last few days after taking a break the day after our win. We had a fun team bonding day where the coaches organized a scavenger hunt for us to complete in groups, but after that it was all hands on deck.

Our entire team needed to be performing at the top of our game on Sunday, and that meant eliminating all distractions and zoning in on our goal. We were so close to winning the gold.

As Jill usually does before game day, we took today off as a rest day, only doing some simple low intensity cardio after our shorter training in the morning before we were allowed to go out and explore the city on our own.

Since coming to France almost two months ago, we had been so busy with training and tournament prep that we hadn't really had time to go see the sights or anything. France was just as new and incredible to me as it was to the rest of the team, and it was clear we were all eager to explore it.

After taking our post training showers, everyone changed into day clothes then split into groups, ready to go out.

As usual, my group was Ash, Allie, Ali, Pinoe, Tobin, Alex, Christen, Kelley, and Crystal.

None of us, save for Tobin, really had any experience with France, so we relied on the midfielder for direction.

Tobin had spent a few seasons of her earlier professional career playing for PSG, so she knew her way around.

The brunette lead us to a small, but bustling neighborhood street which was lined with store fronts, restaurants, and large apartment buildings on top of each establishment.

It truly was a sight to see. Lyon was extremely beautiful, and one of my bucket list places to go. I guess I just never thought I'd actually get here.

The only thing that sucked was that I couldn't hold my girlfriend's hand, or show any kind of affection other than platonic, because there were eyes everywhere. No doubt someone might recognize us, and we'd be outted.

Speaking of being recognized, as we walked down the streets, visiting shops and buying small items from street venders, some people would give us dirty looks, and I don't know if that's because french people just don't like tourists, or if it's because our team kicked their teams ass and ruined any chance they had of winning the world cup. Maybe both.

Either way, it was a little scary, but Tobin assured me they weren't going to beat us up in an alley.

Around noon we arrived at a small cafe that sat right on the front of this large canal/river thingy, which ran between the city of Lyon. It was a picture perfect view; no doubt a wonderful place to stop and have lunch.

Tobin helped us all order, speaking to the waiter in what little French she knew before telling us about her time playing for Paris-Saint Germane.

It was one of those moments; sitting there with my friends and my girlfriend in one of the most beautiful cities in the world...everything just felt so right. And even with the fait of our country on our shoulders, I didn't feel weighed down.

I was excited about tomorrow, though I only hoped my mom could be there to see me in person. Maybe congratulate me if we won. That would be a dream come true.

My thoughts were interrupted when our food arrived, and everyone dug in, enjoying their meals as we recounted our favorite memories and stories from the last seven months together.

It didn't feel like seventh months. In truth, I couldn't tell you if it felt like a life time or just one day. Either way, there was one thing I was completely sure of, and that was that I belonged here. This team was my home. These people were my home.


After lunch we continued to walk around a bit more, even taking a ride on a small boat which road along the canal.

It was around four o'clock when my phone dinged with a text from Jill.

Jill: Hey, when will you guys be back? I need you help with something.

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion as I read the text, unsure of what she could possibly need me for.

Me: Um, not sure. Do you need all of us, or just me? I think we planned to meet up with everyone else and head back together.

Jill: Doesn't matter, but I do need you. No rush though.

Y/n: Okay...uh yeah, we'll start heading back

"Everything okay, Y/n?" Christen asked, her tone slightly worried.

I nodded, slipping my phone into my pocket. "Jill said she needs my help with something. She was asking when we think we'll be back."

"Um..." Christen looked at her watch. "I don't know. Babe, how long will it take to get to Tour Metallique de Fourviere?"

"Just a few more blocks. Carli and Sam's groups are meeting us there." Tobin responded.

"So probably around twenty minutes." Christen finished.

"Okay, that should be fine. She said not to rush."

"I wonder what she needs help with." Alex voiced.

I shrugged. "Dunno. Hopefully she's not gonna bust me for something."

"Did you do something bad??" Alex questioned, narrowing her eyes.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, not that I remember."

"Well there was that prank-" Ash started to say, but I covered her mouth with my hand, shushing her.

"Right then, shall we continue?"


Just as Christen had said, the team arrived back at the hotel in around twenty minutes, everyone making our way to the conference room just as Jill had told us to in a group text.

I kept trying to think about what it was she needed me specifically for, but came up with nothing. Unless it was a goalie thing since I'm starting tomorrow, but you'd think she'd want Ash and Alyssa too if it what that.

I was the first to enter the room, the rest of the team following behind me.

Jill, Dawn, Mark, and Erica stood at the front, facing us, talking to someone who's back was facing us.

"Ah, Y/n, glad you are here."

The woman they had been talking to turned around, and my heart stopped.



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