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My alarm started blaring at 5:45, which meant we had 15 minutes to get our training gear on and grab our practice bags, and get to the bus.

"Kelley wake up!" The defender groaned and rolled over, so I threw a pillow at her.

"Alright! I'm up! Jesus!"

I ran into the bathroom, did my business, changed into my training gear, did my hair, which was short so I wouldn't have to deal with it falling in my face every two seconds, and then packed my bag.

I checked the weather, which said it was going to be about 75 today, so just in case, I put a training tank top into my bag, pulled on my hoodie and slides, grabbed my phone, keys, wallet, and airpods, and then waited for Kelley to finish getting ready.

By the time we got to the bus, it was 5:59. Everyone else was already waiting outside on the curb. 

"What took you two so long?" Christen asked, her voice full of amusement. I shot a teasing glare at Kelley before replying.

"Kelley wanted to sleep in."

A few people laughed at that, and Jill made sure everyone was down here before we got on the bus. It was a 15 minute ride to the field, and I chose a seat in the back, popped in my headphones, and zoned out.

Once we reached our training area, Jill gave us the run down of how the day would go. "We are starting off with drills separated by positions, so the goalies will work with Abel, defenders with Erica, Mids with Mark, and Forwards with me. Be warned that we have conditioning tomorrow. Once we finish with the drills, we'll do a scrimmage, and depending on where we are at, we'll either call it a day, or keep going. If you cause problems, you will run laps."

Everyone got off the bus and walked to the field. I was super excited to show the team what I'm made of. Especially Alex.

Once we reached the field, everyone set their bags down and got out their boots and other gear, putting it on.

I was already wearing my padded shorts and goalie shirt, so I just needed to get my boots, socks, shin guards, and gloves on. We all made sure to put on sun screen before starting, not wanting to get a burn. There's nothing worse than sunburns. Except maybe straight girls who break your heart.

We spent about an hour working on foot work, shooting drills, goal kicks, and passing, before Jill called a water break. I had barely even broken a sweat, but I was having so much fun.

After our quick break, we worked on penalty kicks for an hour and a half, working on reading body language and shot prediction. I didn't miss any of Abel's shots, which I was happy about. For some reason, a part of me kind of hoped that Alex was watching, or had seen some of my saves.

Jill blew her whistle, signaling another water break before we start our scrimmage. "Good work out there Y/n, fantastic predictions." Abel told me, patting me on the back. I thanked him and took a sip of my Gatorade.

"Okay everyone, it is time for our scrimmage. Carli and Becky will be your captains, and I've already picked teams. On Carli's team: Ashlyn, Alex, Pinoe, Sonnett, Lindsey, Rose, Mewis, Tierna, Abby, and Mal. The rest of you, on Becky's team. Alyssa won't be playing due to her injury. Everyone get your pennies on and get in position, kick off is in two minutes."

I went into goal while Becky talked to the rest of our team. I was super happy Jill put Alex and I on different teams because now I could piss her off even more by blocking all of her shots.

The first half of the game was pretty boring. I only had to make one save, which was a near miss shot made by Alex anyway. We took a half time to get water and reapply sunscreen before starting up again.

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