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I licked my lips, swallowing as best as I could with how dry my mouth was, and watched Alex slowly hooked her fingers under the thin lace fabric of her panties, pulling them down her thighs in a tantalizingly slow motion. 

Once she was completely naked, she shifted her attention to me, my lower half still clad in my boxers.

"May I?" The forward asked, an amused smirk on her gorgeous face.

I nodded, breath hitching when her fingers ghosted ever so lightly over the fabric of my underwear, which was tight against my cock.

Alex hummed while she pulled the garment down my legs, finally releasing my erection, which sprung free, hitting my stomach.

Finally we were both fully naked, eyes fixed one another, dragging up each other's bodies. I still couldn't believe that Alex Morgan- the Alex Morgan, was my girlfriend. I got to call this angel of a person mine. Now if that's not the biggest accomplishment, I don't know what is.

I inhaled sharply, my eyes connecting with hers once more. "Condom?" I asked, hoping I had the good sense to bring some with me to camp.

The brunette shook her head. "I'm on the pill."

I nodded, running my hands up her tan thighs, causing noticeable goosebumps to break out onto her skin, making Alex giggle. From her position, I could feel the warm heat of her pussy pressing against my pelvis, just the thought of it causing my dick to jump.

My girlfriend shifted her position, moving back a bit, before gently reached down, taking my member into her warm hands, giving it a few teasing pumps. 

I sighed, closing my eyes, trying not to get too lost in the feeling.

"Fuck I can't wait to have you inside of me." She murmured, giving my tip a rough squeeze.

"Oh god..." I moaned, my breath quickly growing ragged.

"Ugh I'm so wet. Can you feel it baby? You feel me dripping onto you?"

I nodded, a pleasurable shock shooting up my spine when I realized she was right. A small, but growing pool of her arousal was dripping from her soaked center onto my thigh, which Alex pressed herself against, no doubt enjoying the friction from the pressure on her clit.

I smirked, raising my leg to apply even more pressure, drawing a whimper from the woman on top of me.

Her hips bucked, dragging her pussy on my leg, leaving behind a trail of slick.

"Fu-fuck I'm gonna cum just from t-this..." Alex cried, desperately rolling her hips back and forth.

Just before she had the chance to reach the edge, I flipped us over, taking away the friction from where she needed it most.


I chuckled, kissing her lips. I smirked down at the captain and grabbed her hands, pinning them to the bed on either side of her head. 

"You, my darling, are one needy little girl." 

Alex groaned, trying to wrestle out of my grip while thrusting her hips against me.

"What's wrong baby?"

The blue eyed woman glared at me, daring me to keep going. "Y/n I swear to god, fuck me already!"

My eyes widened slightly, and suddenly I forgot all about teasing her. "Yes ma'am."

One of my hands went down and grabbed hold of my stiff shaft, guiding it her her dripping folds. I stopped before making contact, looking into her eyes.

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