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Our entire team ran to the center of the field from all directions, jumping onto one another and cheering. I don't think I saw a single person who wasn't crying.

Looking around the stadium, seeing the gleeful faces of fans, players, and coaches alike, I couldn't help but wish this time would never end. I wanted to be here, in this moment, forever. 

It was one of those moments where you just can't believe it was actually happening. Coming out of the serious, determined mindset from the game and realizing that we had really won was such a bizarre, yet amazing feeling.

We danced together, flags draped over our backs like capes. I embraced every single one of my teammates, my heart bursting with pride and joy. 

Everyone made their way to the sections where our loved ones sat, jumping up into the stands to hug our parents and kiss our partners. I couldn't believe my eyes when Kelley and my mom kissed, but I was even more surprised when I felt someone tap my shoulder, and there stood my girlfriend, her face red and sweaty, loose hair sticking to her forehead, but her bright blue eyes glowing with happiness, and the widest, most dazzling grin on her face. She had never looked more beautiful.

I expected her to just hug me, but when she threw her arms over my shoulders, I knew right then what she was about to do, and made no move to fight it.

She crashed her lips onto mine in a searing kiss, and in that moment, the world around us seemed to melt away. It just the two of us, in our own little place. 

I pulled away, my chest heaving. I felt like I was floating. "What happened to not being ready?" I teased with a laugh.

The forward giggled, then shrugged. "Fuck it. What's the worst they can do, fire me for dating you? I'm not going to hide who I am, or my love for you just to keep my career. Besides, it's the greatest moment of our lives, and you're batshit crazy if you think I'm not going to spend it with you."

I grinned and the two of us looked over at my mom and Kelley, watching them laugh and hug. 

"YOOO DUDES WE GOTTA GO GET THE TROPHY!" Pinoe shouted from behind us.

Kelley and the rest of the team who were still in the stands jumped back down onto the field, and we hugged everyone once more, clapping each other on the back, saying how proud we were, and how much we loved everyone.

We all put our new championship jerseys over our game ones, then lined up, our flags still in hand, to walk onto the stage to receive the trophy. 

Feeling the weight of the medal around my neck once we were up there, and having my teammates next to me as they handed Carli and Pinoe the trophy was surreal.

We all got down low and counted to three before the two captains raised the trophy high, the entire stadium erupting with excited cheering and applause. We jumped up and down, confetti raining over us, drinking in the moment.

We made a circle around Carli and Pinoe, everyone reaching up to touch the trophy, or take hold of someone's hand on it. 

After that we walked around the field, waving to the fans, raising the trophy, and just thanking all of the people who were there.

FIFA staff set up an area for a team photo, and Julie ran over from where she stood onstage, playing air guitar with the the World Cup, to hand the award to Carli. I stood next to Alex, and Ash, grinning from ear to ear as they took the picture.

Once done, some players went back over to the stands, other's walked along the field with their children, while Tobin, Christen, Alex, and I went back over to the stage and laid in the confetti, making angels while laughing uncontrollably. 

Tobin and I gathered handfuls of the shiny paper in our hands and threw it onto our girlfriends heads, which made us all laugh harder.

Not long after it was time for Jill, Dawn, and Pinoe to go do their post game interviews, while the rest of the team made our way to the locker room where piles of deserts, silly string, and champagne was waiting for us. 

It was a blast covering everyone in the expensive alcohol and dancing to our favorite songs which were blasting loudly. Ash didn't hesitate to capture every moment on camera, posting the hilarious videos of Ali, Alex, Christen, Tobin, and I to her Instagram. 

The party got even more hype when Pinoe came back from her interview, and it truly was the greatest time of my life.

As Ash said, I get to spend every fucking day with my best friends.

And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

The End. 

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