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We didn't end up partying. I know, it sucks, but when you're in the position we are, where you have to always be on your A game, you can't risk doing anything that may jeopardize that.

We rode the bus back to the hotel and pretty much all went our separate ways to shower before dinner.

As I was exiting the steam filled bathroom, I came face to face with my roommate. Kelley's expression was unusually hard to read, and I furrowed my eyebrows. She looked a mix of nervous but also amused, maybe?

"Uh...is everything okay?"

"Um......Alex may or may not have watched your interview with that hot blonde lady after the game...and now she may or may not be...um....you know what why don't I just show you?"

I honestly had no fucking idea what she was talking about. What was so bad about the interview?

"Can I at least put a shirt on first?" I asked, my hair still wet and my body clad in only sweats and a sports bra.

"You could, but if I were you I'd use it to my advantage and maybe distract her."

"Distract who from what?! Kelley, what is going on?"

The southerner rolled her eyes. "Just come with me."


We ended up outside of Pinoe and Alex's room, and I could already hear some commotion happening inside.

We were greeted by Ash and Allie at the door, who both looked at me sympathetically.

"We've tried to keep her from ripping your head off." Allie said.

"Yeah, good luck man. If you die, I call dibs on your skateboard."

I wanted to laugh but I was too scared to. I followed Kelley into the room, and when we entered, everyone went silent, and all eyes were on us.

Ali, Christen, and Pinoe looked as though they were trying to get a lion to go back into its cage, while Tobin just stood in the corner looking confused.

"Uh...what's up?" I asked slowly, trying to avoid the piecing blue eyes of my girlfriend.

"Y/n! When were you going to tell me!?" She asked, Ali, Pinoe, and Chris holding her back.

"Wait, tell you what?" I was so lost.

The three women shot me a warning look, while Alex just glared at me.

"So that's how you're going to play this? You wanna play dumb then?"

"What are you talking about? I'm- What is happening?" I was desperate to understand what in the flying fuck the big deal was, especially what it was that got Alex so upset that she wanted to rip my dick off.

"The interview, where that woman touched you!"

"What do you mean touch me? When? I don't remember that."

Kelley, oh so conveniently, had the video pulled up on her phone, and she showed it to me. I watched it, still not seeing what the big deal was.

"Okay she tapped my arm, so?"

"That and the fact that she looked like she wanted to fuck your brains out! And you didn't even tell her you're taken!"

"Wha- Alex what was I supposed to say!? 'Sorry Ma'am you can't look at me like you want to fuck my brains out because I'm in a super secret relationship with Alex Morgan, my incredibly jealous girlfriend' ?!"

"I'm not jealous!"

At that moment, everyone in the room made a "Mhm" sound, and I had to hold back a laugh while the forward glared at them all.

"I'm not!" She said again.

"Babe, you got mad at me when some rando lady asked for my number." I said.

"Well you said she was hot!"

"Yeah, but we weren't even dating!"

"Yeah but- "

"Oh for the love of god can you two please just fuck already!? This weird horny sexual tension is killing us all!" Pinoe said dramatically. "Alex you're clearly jealous, and Y/n, I'm getting really tired of seeing your boner every time you look at Alex or even breath in her direction."

"Jesus Pinoe, could you be more blunt?" Christen snorted.

"I could." The purple haired forward responded. "But that is not the point. Now, we're all gonna go down to dinner while you too stay up here and work your shit out. I'll ask Jill to save you some food, and Kelley, looks like I'm bunking with you tonight. Capish?"

No one objected, and just like that, everyone cleared out, Tobin and Ash fist bumping me on the way out, much to the dissatisfaction of their girlfriends, who whispered good luck in my ear as they passed me.

Then it was just me and Alex.

"I'm not jealous." She huffed.

I smirked at her, walking over to where she sat on the edge of her bed.

"That is debatable."

"I'm nooooot!" She whined cutely, and I smiled, planting my hands on either side of her and leaning down, capturing her lips with mine.

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Oh yeah? Well is what Pinoe said true?"

"About what?"

"You getting a boner every time you see me?"

"Okay see now that's just-"

Her heavenly laugh interrupted me, and I chuckled, kissing her again.

"I'll only admit to that if you admit you're jealous."

She groaned, but conceded. "Fine. I was jealous. But you can't blame me, she's really pretty and-"

"Yet somehow no where near as beautiful as you are." I finished. "You don't ever have to worry about anything like that Alex, I only have eyes for you. How could I not? You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever met."

Her cheeks flushed red, but she grinned.

I sighed dramatically "I guess a deal is a deal, though. I'll admit that Pinoe is right."

"Hah! I knew it!" She squealed excitedly, pumping her fists.

I laughed, trying not to feel embarrassed. "While we're on the topic of admitting things though, can I just say that you are so fucking sexy when you're mad." I rasped in her ear, giving it a teasing nip.

"Oh yeah?"

I nodded.

"Well, what are you gonna do about that?"

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