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Alex POV

I felt so badly for hurting Y/n. And I felt even worse for not immediately apologizing. But honestly, I have never been good at admitting when I was wrong, especially to people who make me want to shoot myself.

I was so frustrated that whole game by the goalie. I couldn't even make a single fucking shot, not to mention her teasing. She's so annoying.

But even still, I did hurt her, and I need to say I'm sorry. I was going to do it on the walk back to the bus, but she and Jill were having a conversation, and I didn't want to interrupt. 

That's another thing about Y/n that pisses me off. She's always hanging around our coach like a lost puppy, begging for attention she doesn't deserve. I mean, sure, she made some good saves today, but everyone has good days. It was probably just luck.

I decided to talk to Grant after my shower, and I was thankful we had some time before the meeting, just in case the rookie decided to waste my time by being stupid and difficult.

Another thing that's super weird is like, whenever I see, think of, or talk to Y/n, my heart always beats faster and I have this weird feeling in my stomach. Probably just my boiling hate and anger for her.

If I'm being honest though, I was kind of scared to talk to her. I knew Kelley was with Allie at the moment, so I'd be alone with the keeper. She's hard enough to deal with when people are around, she's probably going to be even worse when it's just us.

My palms got a little sweaty and my heart rate sped up as I approached her room. I knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, it opened.

There stood Y/n, shirtless, wearing a Nike sports bra and black sweat pants that hung low on her hips, displaying her Calvin Klein boxers.

But it wasn't her clothes that made my mouth go dry, it was the sight of her abdomen and arms, which had a gorgeous bronze tan. Veins snaked down her arms and over the tops of her hands, and she had a few tattoos scattered across her body.

She had the most well defined, well structured abs and v-line I had ever seen, making me think of Hope, who shared this same trait. Dare I say though, Y/n probably looked even better than Hope.

"You're staring." The keeper said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to her face, which dawned a smug smirk, instantly making me want to punch her.

"Like what you see Princess?" She asked in a teasing tone, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorway. All her muscles seemed to involuntarily flex in that movement, making my knees weak for some reason.

Well now I don't even want to apologize. If she's going to be an arrogant prick. 

Still, I couldn't stop the heat from rising to my cheeks. I really needed to pull it together. I think it's just been too long since I've seen Serv. That's why my hormones are tripping out. I don't even like girls anyway.

"Don't call me that." I growled. 

Y/n swallowed back a grin. "What do you need?" She asked me, her eyes narrowed.

I forced myself to keep eye contact with her, because otherwise I knew I'd just ogle her. "Can I come in?" I asked her, not really wanting to have this conversation in the hallway where other people could hear us. She shrugged and moved aside so I could enter. I made sure to close the door behind myself, walking over to one of the beds and sat down.

Y/n stayed standing, in the same position as before, with her arms crossed, leaning against the wall.

"I wanted to apologize...for today- for hurting you." She nodded, but didn't say anything. She was not going to make this easy, was she.

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