1. Get This Party Started

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Kate the owner of the next step walks into a studio and smiles.
"My name is Kate and I became the owner of the next step dance studio because my mom was the previous owner. I mean, I grew up at the studio. It's my one true passion." Kate said to the camera.
"I am head choreographer here. That means that I teach the kids all their competition routines, and I pretty much oversee all the administrative work" Chris says to the camera.
As they walk around they make small talk "maybe we'll make it to nationals this year" Chris said to Kate. She fired back with a "ok, hold your horses. Let's focus on regionals first, ok?"
Chris gave in "ok, regionals, regionals, regionals.
"It takes blood, sweat and tears to win regionals and I know we have the ability and I know our kids are talented enough, and I know they want to win as well." Kate explained to the camera.
"Are you ready?" Chris asked. "Let's do it" Kate replied with. "All right. Let's do it" Chris said.
Then loads of teenagers walk into the studio to adution for a spot on the A-troupe.
"The next step dance studio is a highly competitive dance studio. So a lot of the elite dancers come here and we're pretty well known for how amazing we are." Emily says to the camera.
Kate goes around and tells everyone "get focused, ok? This is serious stuff. A-troupe auditions." The dancers began to warm up.
"There's J-troupe, which us like junior troupe. And we have B-troupe, which is more of the recreational kids. And basically the highest level in the next step is A-troupe." Carly explains to the camera. 
"I want to dance in A-troupe because it's the only team that gets to compete at regionals. It gets you the most exposure. I don't want to dance with B-troupe." James said.
"At those big competitions there are scouts from all over the world, so being in A-troupe means that you're gonig to be seen and, if your gonig to be seen, you're gonig yo get a career in dance." Daniel says. 
"As I'm getting ready to audition and I'm warming up, I'm really nervous. I worked really hard in B-troupe last year and I know that A-troupe is where I belong. So, if I don't make it, I'll be crushed." Chloe says.
"A lot of people from B-troupe come to audition to get into A-troupe. But also the people that were in A-troupe last year have to audition again, almost fighting for their spot, like myself." Carly said.
"Kate makes us re-audition every year. No spot is guaranteed. But this will be my third year in it, and my second year as dance captain, hopefully, so it's not secret. I'm gonig to be on A-troupe again." Emily explains.
"Dolphin tail!" Chris tells all the dancers that are ready to audition. They all squeaked. "That, dancers, is the first dolphin tail of the year. Congratulations!" He explained to them. They all applasued.
"So let's begin auditions for A-troupe." Kate tells them. They all cheered again.
"There are only 11 spots so it's all to play for" Carly said.
"All right dancers, let's do this! Group one, I have Daniel, West, Emily and Stephanie." Kate says. "Ok, Daniel, you're first."

  As Daniel is dancing Chloe says to Beth "he's totally going to make it."
"I started dancing when I was seven years old. That was kind of hard for me because everyone had started dancing at the next step three or four years before me, but it's given me a really strong work ethic because I've had to work so hard to catch up to them. If I don't make it into A-troupe, I think that would end my dance career because what chance is there for me becoming a professional dancer if I can't even make it into A-troupe?" Daniel explains.
Stephanie is up next to dance.
"I dance because I love it, and it's just become such a huge part of my life that I really can't picture myself donig anything else." Steph says.
West is up next to dance.
As he dances Tiffany says to the girls "he's really good".
"My dance background, I was a part of this street dance crew. And then last year I auditioned for B-troupe, so now this year, I'm auditioning for A, and I want to take my dancing to the ultimate level." West said.
Emily is next and her two sisters cheer her on "go Emily", "You've got this".
"I've been here since I was two. I did the ballet here, I've done J-troupe, B-troupe and A-troupe. My bestfriend, Stephanie, goes here, my two sisters go here. It's my life." Emily explains.
"Let's go on, group two. We have Beth, Riley, Charlie, Chloe and Carly."
"Riley, can I just get in here?" Emily pulls Riley to fix her hair.
"As I'm looking at Emily babying Riley, I'm thinking, I'm glad it's not me, I'm the middle child so Em baby's Riley more" Carly says.
"What, no, stop" Riley tries to stop Em. "Do you want it to fall out when you dance?" Emily challenges and Riley gives in.
"Riley is my baby sister. So I am pretty protective of Riley. Carly is also my sister but she's older than Riley and don't tell her I told you but Carly is quite intimidating when she wants to be." Emily says.
"I got into dance because of her. She was my inspiration. Sometimes she can be a little overprotective but, at the end of the day, I love her to death and, you know, she always has my back. So does Carly and she was also my inspiration for the passion of dancing." Riley says.
"Beth, you're up first" Kate says.
Beth starts to dance really well then she messes up.
"When Beth messes up in the audition, I'm thinking, she's not A-troupe material" Tiffany says.
As the other dancer watch her adution Daniel and West is talking with each other. "That's gonig to cost her" Daniel says to West. "Yeah" he replied with.
"This is a very competitive group. We go to regionals and we go up against amazing studios who have not one dancer messing up, so, like you can't have that." Riley says.
"Five, six, seven, Riley" Kats said. As Carly watched her baby sister dance, she feels like Riley can definitely do anything. As Riley carries on Emily shouts "go Riley" from the side.
"Im a little nervous auditioning for A-troup because, at any point, my spot can be taken by someone else." Riley explained.
Charlie goes up to audition next, Eldon walks up to Carly and Emily. "Hey" he said to Emily. "Im just going to go, bye" Carly said. "No, you are staying here" Emily told her while grabbing Carly's arm so she doesn't go anywhere. "Hi" Emily bluntly told him.
"My relationship with Emily is pretty simple. I really like her. She really doesn't like me." Eldon told the camera.
"So, er, I was wondering, like, do you want to go to, like...?" Eldon tries to ask Emily. She interrupts him with a "no".
"Eldon has a crush on me for probably over five years. I mean, I get it, but come on." Emily said.
As Carly watched Emily she knew it Emily wasn't taking it. "Now can you leave me alone, please?" Emily told Eldon.
"Man, I'm surprised Emily said please. Never knew she knows that word, but watch Eldon give up" Carly told.
"Certainly" he said then walked away. Emily rolled her eyes while Carly felt a little sorry for him.
"I come into the studio, Hey, Emily! You want to go out?" Emily mocked Eldon's voice.
"That kid has to stop asking Emily out." James says to the camera.
"I leave the studio, Hey Emily! You want to go out?" She mocked his voice again.
"He's a cling. Stage five" James said.
"I know there is something magical between me and Emily. It's just gonig to take some time for her to realise it. And that's ok. That's what loves is all about" Eldon said.
Chloe is up next to dance and everyone cheers her on.
"I started dancing at the next step when I was six, and I've been there ever since. I've always wanted to be part of the E-girls. You know Emily, Stephanie, Riley, Tiffany, and Ellie kind of took me under their wing. But I can't be officially part of the E-girls until I make it into A-troupe" Chloe said.
It was now Calry' turn to dance and once she started everyone was blown away.

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