13. Don't Go Breaking My Heart

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"What are we going to do?" Carly asked. "I'm sure she won't tell anyone" Daniel said. "I'm not so sure about that Daniel" Carly says. "If she tells Emily, we're done" Michelle says.
"This was a mistake" Carly says. "You know what I'm just gonna go talk to her, tell her not to tell anyone" Michelle said then walked out. As Michelle is talking to Chloe, James and Carly are talking on the side lines.
James POV -Studio A
As me and Carly are talking I can't help but smile. Once we see Tiffany and Stephanie go over to them, me and Carly make a move for it. "What are you guys doing here" I heard Stephine asked as me and Carly got closer. "Uh, just rehersing" Chloe said. "And what are you guys doing here?" Stephanie then asked me and Carly. I looked at Carly. "Uh, rehersing" Carly says.
"James and Carly walk closer and..... we're busted" Michelle said.
"I'm freaking out because... I don't know what Chloe has told them" Carly says.
"They're al helping me. They're all helping me" Chloe a says. "Yup" I said. "Without us?" Tiffany asked. "I couldn't find you guys. I'm sorry. I'll definitely ask you guys next time" Chloe says.
"I do trust Chloe a little bit more now. We could maybe get her on our side" I said.
"Hey! It's getting late. Everybody head home" I heard Kate shout from the office.
"I don't believe their story at all, it don't make sense" Tiffany said.
3rd person- juice bar
Stephanie told Emily that she got an agent and then startedto tell Emily about what she saw. "The weird thing is, is that when we left to and, like, went to go get our stuff out of our cubbies... Michelle and Chloe were there. And James and Carly walked in." Stephanie said. "Carly?" Emily asked. "And apparently they were what?" Stephanie asked Tiffany. "Rehearsing" Tiffany answered. "Carly said she was at a movie last night" Emily says. "She definitely wasn't watching a movie last night" Tiffany says. "Yeah, she was at the studio" Stehpniane said.
"She told my mom she was goingto a movie. That means she lied to her. Something big is going on" Emily says.

Studio A
James, West and Eldon are showing each other new moves as Carly is streaching on the side lines. Emily walk in and go straight to Carly. "So, you, uh... you weren't at dinner last night" Emily said. "No" Carly said quietly. "Where were you?" Emily asked. "Mom said you, uh, went to the movie?" Emily added on.
"I know she lied. I'm going to get to the bottom of what she was doing last night" Emily said.
"I, uh... I went to see that new musical one" Carly says.
"She's definitely up to something. She's snooping, I can tell. I know my sister. Cos we never talk at the studio" Carly says.
"You went to see a musical?" Emily asked. "Mm-hmm" Carly hummed. "You hate musicals" Emily says. "I love musicals" Carly said.
"I know for a fact, she hates musicals" Emily said.
"Who'd you go with?" Emily asked. "Um, I went with Michelle" Carly says. "Wow, that's great. I didn't know you guys were that close" Emily says. "Yeah, well, it's just a movie" Carly stated. "Yeah?" Emily asked. "Mm-hmm" Carly hummed. "So what movie? You don't remember the title or any name?" Emily started to ask. "Mmm. You know I have a terrible memory" Carly says.
"I'm asking Carly so many questions about the movie because I'm hoping she'll slip up" Emily says.
"You know if your so interested in the movie, you should probably just go see it yourself" Carly said. "Hm" Emily hummed. "Hm" Carly hummed back.
"I'm not goingto stand there and have her lie to my face anymore" Emily said.
"Rehearsal. Let's go for rehearsal, everyone. Let's go boys" Emily said then walked away.
"I know my sister, um.. And I know she's definitely goingto question Michelle. So I got to go get to Michelle before she does" Carly says.
Carly stands next to Michelle. "By the way, me and you saw the new musical movie last night at the Grand Theatre, theatre 12. We got popcorn. You liked it, I didn't" Carly says. "Sweet" Michelle says.
"I got this. No big deal" Michelle said.
"One, two, three, four.... turn out those legs. Energy from the boys, please!" Emily says.
"I'm just really bored of Emily's routine and I can't wait to get out of here and back to Michelle's" Carly said.
"Chloe, this isn't cheerleading. Good job, Tiffany" Emily says.
"Doing Emily's routine feels like going back to baby ballet" Daniel said.
"Michelle, those arms" Emily said. As they keep rehearsing, West does Michelle's choreography. "Stop! Stop. West" Emily shouts. "Woo" he said as he spins around. "West" Emily shouts to get his attention. "That's not my choreography. What are you doing?" Emily asked.
"I do Michelle's routine while I'm doing Emily's routinebecasue I got kind of confused" West says.
"He clearly just ruined our cover" James said.
"Emily's already suspicious. She just questioned me about the movie, so she already knows something's up" Carly said.
"What was that?" Emily asked. "You know... your choreography just makes me want to just.... just get so amped! You know I just want to..." West said then did a backflip. "... do that" he said after the flip.
"You know I complimented her, so she can feel good about that. My cover was.... it was.... it was genius" West says.
"You want to do that?" Emily asked. "Yeah. Yeah" West says. "No. If I wanted that, i would have put it in my dance. Understood?" Emily asked. "You know what? You're so right. That's why you're Dance Captain" West said. "From the top. Everyone can thank West" Emily says.
Emily goes in the juice bar to see Michelle. Emily takes a sit opposite Michelle and questions her about the movie. Michelle just walks away without answering the actually question.
"Five. Six. Seven. Eight. One and two, three, four.... Stop! Chloe you're a beat behind, and I need more energy from everyone in this room. Five, six...." Emily said. "Hey, you know what? Why don't we take a 15 minute break?" Eldon asked. Everyone agrees. "Fine.... Five minutes, that's it" Emily said. Emily tells go Eldon to see what's up in the studio. And Tiffany and Stephanie and Chloe talk on the side line. As Eldon and Emily hug, Michelle doesn't like it. Once Eldon is gone Chloe, Tiffany and Stephanie go over to Emily. "What was that about?" Chloe asked. "Nothing, we're just..... nothing" Emily said. "You liked it" Chloe says. "Mind your business, chloe" Emily snapped at Chloe. Chloe walks away.
In the juice bar Eldon and Michelle are talking and having a juice. Michelle is asking Eldon about the relationship he and Emily have. And Eldon is sick of everyone doubting their relationship. He walks away from Michelle.
In studio B, some of the dancers are working on Michelle routine. As they are rehearsing, Chloe comes in. The studio is silent for a while. "What are you doing here?" Michelle asked. "Emily's reign as Queen Bee is over" Chloe said. Everyone is exited as Chloe us joiningthe group.
In studio A, all the dancer are gathered. "Okay, Daniel, are you ready to do your solo, full out?" Emily asked. "Yep" Daniel said. "Ok" Emily says. Daniel starts dancing the solo but it's not to his best ability as he's ankle is sore. Emily notices. "Daniel... just because you got the soloist spot doesn't mean you can slack off. You know that right?" Emily asked. "Yeah" Daniel answered. Eldon comes in with a music box and cards. Everyone moves to one side to see what he is doing. The music starts to glitch and he kicks the music box and it starts to play yodellling music. Everyone is laughing at him.
"I'm top of the fact that Eldon embarrassing himself, j is music stops working. I feel so sorry for him right now" Carly said.
The music starts working again and then he puts the cards up. Emily doesn't look pleased. The first card said 'there is no one else in the world.' The second card said 'that makes me feel the way you do.' The third card said 'whenever you are not around it makes me feel blue.' The fourth card said ' I will be there for you until the very end.' The last card said 'Emily will you be my girlfriend?' Once Eldon asked that question, Emily is beyond pissed. Most of the dancers are laughing, Carly's not cos she knows what her sister is about to do. Emily walks up to Eldon. "What are you doing?" Emily asked. He pointed to the card. Emily grabs the card. "Eldon, I will never be your girlfriend. This is the most embarrassing moment of my life!" Emily said the ripped the card. Eldon walks out of the studio. "Rehearsal places, again!" Emily said.
In studio B, Eldon is sitting feel blue after the Emily thing. Michelle walks in. Carly, James, West, Daniel and Chloe come in. Michelle the stands up. "We have something to show you" Michelle said.
In the juice bar Stephanie and Tiffany are making fun of Eldon as Emily just sits there, she thinks that she was little harsh on Eldon, but he did in the wrong setting and the wrong time. Emily asked Stephanie to go find Chloe. 
Michelle and the rest are showing Eldon the dance they did to out thrown Emily. Outside the door, Stephanie is watching them dance to Emily's music. Steph then leaves as they finish the dance. "So.m what do you think?" Michelle asked. "Well, it was amazing" Eldon said. " But. Uh. What's is for?" Eldon asked. "It's for regionals" Michelle said. "Instead of Emily's" Michelle added. "Does... Does she know about it?" Eldon asked. "No" West said.
"I'm not to sure if Eldon is going to join. He's so in love with Emily. He's been trying to get her to be his girlfriend for so long, bit at the same time, she did just break his heart" Carly says.
"So.. are you in?" Michelle asked.
Stephanie walks back in the juice bar. "Found her.... In studio B. Dancing go your music, but not your choreography!" Stephanie says. "With who?" Tiffany asked. "With Daniel, West, James, Carly and Michelle" Steph said.
"My spider senses are tingling. I've been Dacne Captain a couple times now. I know when people are trying to overthrown me. Do you think I'm going to stand for that?" Emily said.
"It's time for me to take Michelle down" Emily said firmly.
Aww I feel sorry for Eldon.  Merry late Christmas. Also, can use chose a name that smoches James and Carly together cos my mind at a blank and I'll pick the best one

XOXO Kisses

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