17. Forget You

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A/n This chapter might not be the same as the episode
Carly's POV
So I'm currently off as I'm feeling sick. So I haven't been in dance bit Michelle is going to teach me the moves I've missed. As I'm lying in bed, I pull my tablet out to phone James as I just wanted to catch up with him. James answers with a "hey Carly, what's up?"
"Hey not much. How are you?" I asked. "I'm pretty good" James answered.
"Right now, I'm video chatting with James because his mother won't allow him to come to the studio" Carly says.
"Two weeks to get my grades up. So it's my only way to connect with her" James says.
"It's going good actually. Um, you're..... second row?" I thinks. "Of course, I'm in the middle row. I didn't even have to audition" James says. "I know. So you already know Emily is in the back and I'm in the front with Michelle" I say. "That's still funny to hear she's in the back" James says. "No it's not. I saw her audition. So how's the math going" Carly changed the subject. "It's good. It's good. Don't even worry about it. We'll be going on that date in no time" James says smiling.
"Me and James have our own little deal. If he gets a 70% on his next math test, then I will go on a date with him" Carly says.
"Test me" James challenges her. "Ok. What is the volume of a cube that is 2 by 2 by 2 inches?" Carly asked. "Um... 2 by.... the volume of.....? Uh, 39 cubic inches?" James struggled to find the answer. "Really?" Carly asked him. " No, wait, wait, I know this. It's 34 cubic inches" James told her. "No" Carly told him. "It somewhere in the 30s" James argued to Carly. "No, it's not even close to the 30s" Carly says. James then smiles at her.
"I feel a little doomed, the fact that, you know, James doesn't know the answer to that work math question. I just hope he can start taking this seriously and really focus" Carly says.
"Can you please like think, like seriously think about it" Carly tells him. "Uh... I'm losing signal.... I.... I can't... I..... I cant... i cant hear you" James says then makes nosies while yous his finger to cover the camera. "James? James" Carly tries to get his attention. "Nah, I'm totally playing, girl" James tells her. "Well you have to stop playing all the time. We're counting on you" Carly reminds him. "I know" James says to her.
"I may be a little disappointed. I mean, I did kind of want to go on a date with him, but, you know, it's also more important that he gets here for regionals so that we can work on our routine" Carly says.
"I actually have to go though. So get well soon" James tells Carly as he need to go back to class. "Yeah. Okay. And thank you" Carly says then goes to end the call. "Wait. Wait. It's 8 cubic inches" James stops her from ending the call to tell her the right answer. They both smile at each other then end the call.
"It seems like every math question he gets right kind of shows that he likes me even more. Let's just say I hope he aces the test" Carly says.
While Carly has been sleeping all day, in studio A the dancers has been practising and then Emily accuses Michelle of liking Eldon.
Late on in the day, Emily is feeling down and need a friend to talk to. At the girls house, Carly is awake and feeling better, the sleep must off helped. She's now making cue cards for James.
"I'm writing cue cards for James. With all the drama and craziness that has been going on at the studio, it's a great way to kind of get my mind on something else. That and well I'm at home so I'm board" Carly says.
Carly's mam comes into the room. "What you doing sweetie?" She asked.
"Making cue cards for James" Carly answered. "For James?" Her mom asked. "Yeah" Carly said confused. "What's going on between you guys?" She asked. "Nothing. We're just friends" Carly answered her mom. Carly's mom gave her a look. "I'm just helping him with math. He is in the second row, we do need him for regionals" Carly explained. "Look Carly I've meet him before, and well I've seen the way he looks at you. Definitely more than "just friedns". He gives you those googly eyes. I'm telling you, he likes you" her mom says before leaving the room.
I'm stidio A Michelle was talking everyone the she's changed Eldon to the back with Emily, so now she's in the front row. Riley is on the phone to Carly as she rushes into studio A. "Guys. Emily and Stephanie are leaving the studio" Riley says after she caught her breath. "What?" Everyone asked including Carly.
It a short chapter.  I know. Hope you are still enjoying the book.


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