7. Love Story

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Riley is off sick this week, so she's not here in the studio. The dancers that went to Elite came into the studio. And Carly notices that Michelle ain't with them. "Um, where's Michelle?" She asked them. "We left her behind" Emily said to her. "Why?" Carly asked her sister. "Because she got caught" Emily said. Carly was fuming. "You know what? I feel like you keep pushing Michelle away" Carly started off.
"It's not right to call out the dance captain but I honesty feel like Emily needs to be put in her place" Carly explains.
"You're threatened by her somehow" Carly said. "She doesn't threaten me" Emily said to me stunly (A/n is that how you spell it). "Right, ok, yeah. She is our one chance at winning at regionals" Carly told her big sister. "Oh, so none of these people can help us win at regionals? Youre such a team player" Emily asked Carly. "That's not what I'm saying" Carly said. "Good for you" Emily said with bitterness. James goes to stand next to Carly and as he put his hand on her shoulder, she shrugged it off whilst saying "get..."
"I was just trying to say that Michelle is on this team for a reason. She's helping us get to nationals and it's so crucial that she stays with us" Carly explains.
"I know Carly puts up a front where you think that she's fine. But I know she doesn't like fighting with Emily" James said.

At Elite
Michelle is stood in front off the whole Elite troupe. "What are you donig here?" One of them asks.
"I actually have no idea how I'm gonig to to get myself out of this situation. I'm in trouble" Michelle explains.

In studio A
"Ok, dancers- listen up. We're gonig to do something different this week, ok? We're gonig to do duets. We all need to work on working together more, listening to each other, collaborating" Kate was saying. "Sorry Kate, do you guys know where Michelle is?" Chris asked the dancers.
"It's weird that Michelle's not here. Something weird's gonig on" Chris explains.
"No, I haven't seen her" Emily stated. "Really?" Chris asked. "Anyone?" Emily asked the rest of the troupe.
"I do know where Michelle is she's over at the Elite studio and from what I know she's been caught" Daniel said.
"We're so in trouble. You have no idea" James says.
"She's late, though" Emily stated as Carly shook her head. "Interesting" Chris said to Kate. "Anyway, as I was saying, duets- we need you to all pair off, ok? Chose your own duet partner, create a duet, work together, listen to each other" Kate explain to the dancers.
"Lately in our studio, things have been a bit divided and we haven't been working as a team. Duets are so important, cos it teaches you to lean on your duet partner" Kate says.
"Cool? Questions? No? Get started. Let's go, come on" Kate says then her and Chris walk in the office. Eldon then walks up to Emily. "Hey, Emily, uh, do you want to be my duet partner?" Eldon asks Emily.
"I don't even know what to say to him. This is probably the 1,031st time I've turned him down. If I have to do it one more time I might just kick myself" Emily said.
"No" Emily told him.
"It's kind of like the same feeling as always when Emily turns me down. I mean, it's kind of comforting, to know that nothing's changed, bit hopefully one day she'll actually say yes" Eldon says.
"Well, uh, do you want to go out sometime?" Eldon asked Emily. "Why would I want to go out with you if I just said no to being your duet partner?" Emily asked. Eldon just look clueless.
"Carly, I've got some sweet moves for our duet" James said to Carly. "Yeah, but I don't remember agreeing to be your partner" Carly told James. "Yeah, but I decided for the both of us" James said.
"When James asks me to be his partner- well, he didn't really ask, he kind of just implied that I would be his partner. I don't know, I was kind of like- ok. I just kind of agreed to it" Carly said.
"Wasting time, babes. Let's go" James said to Carly as the walked. "Do not call me babes" carly told James. "Tiff, do you want to be duet partners?" Daniel asked Tiffany. "Yeah, for sure" she said.
"He's technique is just impeccable, so I'm really excited to work with him, but also scared" Tiffany said.
"Hey, you. Hey" Stephanie said to West. "Uh, my name is West" he told her.
"E-girl rule number 71- never call a person by their first name, in less they've said yours first" Stephanie explains.
"Cool, um, you're gonig to be my duet partner, ok? Ok, cool. Thanks" Stephanie said then walked away.
"Being Stephanie's partner... I mean, it could have been worse. I mean I could have been paired up with Emily" West said.
Michelle walks into the studio. "Hey, guys" Michelle said. Everyone started to ask Michelle questions. "What happened" Carly asked. "I got caught. Don't worry. I handled it" Michelle said. "Well what did you tell them?" James asked. "I told them that I was there to audition for their studio" Michelle said.
"When Michelle came back from Elite, I don't know, I mind of thought I was a little bit weird that she said she was audioning for them" Tiffany said.
"After what happened, I really hope Michelle isn't considering gonig to Elite" Carly said.
"I told you guys it was a bad idea to spy on them" Daniel said. Some of the other dancers agreed. "My bad, Michelle" James said to Michelle.
"I feel bad for Michelle. I told Carly is keep an eye on her but I left, like everyone else" James said.
Kate and Chris come into the studio. "Michelle, I need to talk to you" Kate told Michelle. "Oh, ok" Michelle replied.
"When Kate calls Michelle into the office, I'm almost 100% sure that she knows that Michelle was there" Chloe said.
"I'm worried for Michelle. I just.. I really hope she doesn't get kicked out of the studio" Carly said.
"I hope Kate kicks Michelle out of the studio!" Emily says.
"When I'm walking into Kate's office, I know that it's about the Elite-spying situation. I just don't know if she knows that I was spying, or how she found out" Michelle explains.
As Michelle is in the office Kate starts "Lucien gave me a call and told me that you were planning on transferring."
"To be honest, I'm a little worried that Michelle may switch studios. She just hasn't been getting along with the E-girls" Kate said.
"Look, I assure you I'm not transferring" Michelle told Kate. "What we're you doing?" Kate asks. "I was there to check out the regional routines" Michelle said slowly. "Why were you donig that?" Kate asked. "So that we know what we're facing" Michelle told Kate. "You're not planning on leaving?" Kate asked Michelle. "No" Michelle replied. "Ok, good" Kate said.
"I feel relieved that she just thought I was transferring. I'm so glad I'm not in trouble" Michelle said.
"Now, go get a duet partner" Kate told Michelle. "Ok!" Michelle said then walked out of the office. As Michelle walked out of the office, she saw Chloe and Emily. "Do you think those pants are appropriate dacne-wear?" Emily asked Chloe.
"E-girl rule number 9- always wear appropriate clothes to dance. It's a no-brainer. That's It's part of the top 10" Emily explains.
"Those shorts are completely inappropriate and I don't want to see them in the dance studio again" Emily said to Chloe. "Emily!" Kate shouted from the office doorway. She did a come here signal. "Hey, uh, Eldon" Michelle said as she approached Eldon. "Yeah?" He asked. "Do you want to be my duet partner?" Michelle asked Eldon. "Yeah, sure" Eldon replied.
"I asked Eldon to be my duet partner because, well, he's an amazing dancer and he's kind of cutebut you know, I only asked him because he is a GREAT dancer. That's it" Michelle said.
"My first choice would have been Emily but I am happy with Michelle being my duet partner" Eldon said.

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