8. Just The Two Of Us

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Eldon right now has two duet partners; Michelle and Emily. Riley is still off sick. All the dancers are in studio A. "Ok, a reminder you're performing your duets for Chris and I tommorw, ok? So make sure they're ready. Do you need some inspiration, maybe?" Kate asked them.

(Carly is Riley in this)
"I loved Kate and Chris's duet. That was... it was unreal" West says.
"Make sure you grab your partners, work hard, and kill it like we just did" Kate started. "Cos we are way too old for this!" Chris finished. All the dancers laughted.
"Hey Eldon" Michelle said as she walked up to him. "So we need to rehearse" she told him. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited, let's go" Eldon said.
"I'm glad Eldon is my duet partner. He's an amazing dancer" Michelle says.
As Michelle and Eldon is walking, Emily pulls Eldon to the side. "Are you ready?" Emily asked Eldon. "Yeah" Eldon says unsure. "We're duet partners" Emily told him. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah" Eldon says. "Ok, I need you to work up, make sure you're stretched, and meet me in studio Bin ten minutes. Don't be late" Emily tells Eldon.
"Eldon has amazing technique. I have amazing technique. I think we're really going go get it done" Emily says.
"I know of in a bit of a dilemma" Eldon says.
Chloe walks up to Eldon. "Hey, Eldon" Chloe says. "Yeah?" Eldon asks her. "Did you want to be duet partners?" Chloe askes him cheerfully. "I still don't have a partner" she added. "Um... I.... uh...." Eldon struggled to say something.
"I've gone from, like, no duetpartners to, all of a sudden, three girls wanting to be my duet partner" Eldon explained.
"I can't... I can't do it" Eldon says to Chloe then walks away.
West and James are talking when Eldon comes up to them. They all greet one another. "I don't know what to do. I have two duet partners" Eldon explains. "Two?" James asked confused. "Yeah" Eldon answered. "Who?" West asks him. "Michelle and Emily" Eldon told them. "Man, since when? How did that happen?" James asks Eldon.
"How in the world did Eldon get two duet partners?! Has probably the most awkward guy on the planet" James said.
"Eldon has no clue. He never has, he never will" West says.
"You know what, man? You've got to do what's right" West told Eldon. "Well, what's right?" Eldon asks them. "I say you go for it with Emily, man. Trust me, I've got three sisters. I know the ladies..." James said. "No, no, that's not what I said at all. What's right is who asked you first" West says inturupting James.
"James and West both make good points, so I'm gonig to stick with Michelle AND Emily for now" Eldon says.
"It's not gonig to turn out good" West says shaking his head.
"West!" Stehpine shouts form across the studio. "West, come here!" She's added while doing a come here movement with her hands. West walks over to her as Tiffany exuses herself.
"When Stephanie called me over, I mean, like, she's just being herself. She's just a boss like she's just being bossy, really bossy, and I don't like that" West explains.
"And the shoes? We're not donig hip-hop. I thought we already established that" Stephanie says to West. "Sorry" West mumbled, taking of his shoes.
"I'm just really tired of Stephanie bossing me around" West says.
"You, there's your girl, go get it" James told Eldon. Emily tells Eldon that was was waiting for him in studio B for him. Eldon and Emily are walking out of the studio, Michelle asks him, where he's gonig before he go out of the door. Eldon says he's gonig to come back in 5 minutes then they can rehearse.
"I'm feeling like he's donig somethi g behind my back. Like, where is he gonig?" Michelle said.
"Right now, I don't have the guts to tell either of them. I'm... I'm just kind of like all mixed up, and I'm confused and overwhelmed" Eldon says.
Eldon walks into the studio where Emily is rehearsing. As they start to rehearse together for 5 minutes, Eldon says he has to go to the washroom and them runs out of the studio leaving Emily.
Carly and James are rehearsing the dance as Eldon come back into studio A to work with Michelle. James jumps behind Carly and tells her to watch Eldon and Michelle. As Carly watched Eldon make up an excuse of where he was, James put his hand on her lower back.
"Why is West letting Stephanie boss him around. Like, really Steph, let West come up with some moves" Carly said.
"I don't like it when the E-girls try and boss around everyone. So I think West should kind of stand up for himself" James said.
West is getting irrated that the dance is only showcasing Steph. Eldon and Michelle are rehearsing the dance then Eldon makes up the same excuse of gonig to the washroom. Eldon walks into studio B and they rehearse then Eldon walks out the door. James and Carly are rehearsingas Eldon comes back into the studio. "Round two, buddy. Here we go" James said to Eldon as he walked by. Carly smiled. Michelle is sitting on a chair then sees Eldon. "Finally, what is gonig on?" Michelle asks him. "Nothing, nothing. Don't worry about it" Eldon says to Michelle. "No, this is getting ridiculous. You've got to tell me what's gonig on" Michelle demanded Eldon. "Nothing. There s nothing gonig on. I just had to do something, it's all done now. Michelle, it's fine. Let's just practise" Eldon says. "No. I will not practice until you tell me what is happening. You left like five times" Michelle says getting irritated. "Ok. You know what? I have something to tell you. I... I.... I.... I accidentally.... double-booked myself. I actually have two duets" Eldon finally confesses. "With who?" Michelle asks him. "I have one with you and... one with Emily" Eldon says.
"I can tell by the look on Michelle's face that she really understands what I'm going through right now, and she'll definitely let me have the duet with Emily" Eldon says.
"That's my situation. And you know, I'm really... I'm really glad that you can help me out with this and help me keep my duet with Emily, you know, I really appreciate it" Eldon says.
"I can't believe Eldon double booked himself. What is he thinking?" Michelle says.
"No!" Michelle told Eldon. "What?" He asked her. "Do you need a tissue for your issue? I asked you first, so we're duet partners" Michelle says. Eldon looked shocked. "You heard me. I said no. I asked you first. We're duet partners" Michelle says.
"When Michelle stands up to Eldon.... it just pushes me more into thinking that she should be Dance Captain of the studio" James says.
"The fact that she can stand up and say, this is what's right, I asked you first, that shows real leadership" Carly says.
"I think Emily is refusing to give up Eldon because it's another way for her to get at me. Cos since I've been here, that's all she's been donig. And I'm not giving up Eldon. I don't care what she says" Michelle said.
"I'll be right back" Michelle said to Eldon them walked out of the studio. Michelle walks into studio B where Emily is rehearsing. Emily and Michelle have an agruement. And let's say it didn't end well.
Back in studio A, Stephanie goes up to West and bosses him around. West then had enough and said he couldn't be her dance partner. They come to an agreement that West can do a flip if Stephanie can be a little bossy. Everyone was rehearsing with their partner all except for Chloe.
"When I see everyone else dancing and I don't have a partner, it definitely hurts, and I don't like sitting on the side and not dancing" Chloe says.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Stephanie asked Kate. "Sire" Kate said and pulled Stephanie to the side. "Ok, um, so, I've been giving a lot of thought lately to A-troupe, and I feel like I've been in it for a really long time and I kind of want more" Stephanie says to Kate. "Your not quitting are you?" Kate asked. "No, no, no. I want to do different things. I want to act, I want to sing, i want to be able to do that stuff and, like, you know?" Steph explains. "So you want to be a triple threat?" Kate asked. "Yeah" Stephanie answered.
"I want to be a triple threat because it's been a dream of mine since I was a little kid" Stephanie says.
"I don't know where to start and I was hoping that maybe you could help me" Stephanie says. "Sure, I do know a few agents, so I could give them a call and see if I could set up an appointment" Kate offered. "Thank you. You're the best" Stephanie says then hugs Kate.
"I've always thought of late as, like, a mother figure to me, so going to her and asking her for advice and help just seems natural" Stephanie explains.
"Eldon, bro... You're looking huge. Why you so down man?" James asked.  "Eldon" Emily shouts. "So, do you like being my duet partner?" Emily then asks him. "Yeah!" Eldon says to Emily. "Good, because I like being yours, and I just think there's so much potential for us go grow, you know.... close together" Emily said. "Yeah" Eldon said as Michelle walked into the studio.
"Two words- train wreck coming.... which is three words" James said.
"Stop talking to him. He's my duet partner" Michelle said to Emily. "Look, Michelle, he doesn't want to be your duet partner. Get over it!" Emily told Michelle. "If he doesnv want to be my partner, why would he say yes?" Michelle asked. "Obviously, he just felt bad for you" Emily replied. "Well...." Emily said then moved her hand up and down. "What's wrong with me?" Michelle asked. "I mean, the shirt" Emily says.
"I'm the Dance Captain and he is the best dancer. I deserve it" Emily said.
"So, Eldon, you better pick me" Emily told Eldon firmly.
"There is no way that she's gonig to be Eldon's duet partner" Michelle says.
"You better pick me" Michelle said then her and Emily stormed out of the studio. "Dry!" James said to Carly while laughing. "Go help him out" Carly told James.
"Eldon doesn't really deserve this. I know James is the right guy to help him out" Carly explains.
"Yo" James said to Eldon. "Yo" Eldon replied back. "Tough break, bro" James says. "Yeah" Eldon said. "All right, this is what you're gonig to do...." James said.
"The advice that James gave me, I mean, it just made me think like, wow, he's a genius" Eldon says.
"All right  ladies and gentlemen, attention, please. Attention, please. All right, quite down, quiet down, listen. Miss Kate has something to say. Listen up" Chris said to all the dancers apart from Riley since she's off sick. "Ok, we're gonig to get started and do duets, all right? Is everyone warmed up? Youre good to go? You've run over it with your partner? Yeah? We're feeling good? Do we have any, uh, volunteers?" Kate says. Eldon stuck his hand up. "Oh, Eldon, perfect. Thank you. And... who is your partner?" Miss Kate asked. "Uh...." Eldon said then walked.
"As I'm walking towards Michelle and EmilyI'm kind of second- guessing my decision" Eldon said.
"Honestly, I'm not worried. Eldon's obviously going go pick me" Emily said.
"I'm really hoping  that he'll choose me" Michelle said.
"He better pick Emily" Stephanie says.
"I have no idea how he's gonig to get out of this mess" West says.
"You don't know who your partner is?" Miss Kate asked. "No, I do" Eldon said. "You do?" Kate asked. "Yeah" Eldon answered. "Ok, grab your partner" Kate told him. "Yeah" Eldon said.
"I just hope everyone's happy with my decision, and that none of this is going to come crashing down on me" Eldon explains.
Eldon grabbed Chloe's hand who was in between Emily and Michelle.
"I hate to admit it, but James advice is really good" Carly said.
"Unfortunately, there's no E-girl rule against that... but I'll look into it" Emily said.

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