16. Help!

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"5,6,7,8.... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" Michelle says as the dancers all practice the dance. Well all apart from Emily. "And one" Michelle said then they all posed. "Okay guys, let's do it one more time just to fine tune it" Michelle told the dancers. Emily glares at Michelle. "Michelle?" Chloe asked running up to her. "Yeah" Michelle answered. "I gotta go. I have a shift" Chloe says.
"I'm the only one in A-troupe who knows about Chloe's financial problems" Michelle says.
"So when I have to leave, she is very understanding and really sweet about letting me go" Chloe said.
Michelle nodds her head. "Thank you" Chloe whispers then runs off.
"When I see Michelle letting Chloe go so early, I mean it just goes to show how irresponsible Michelle is as a dance captain" Stephanie says.
"I'm flabbergasted" Emily said.
"2,3,4,5,6,7,8" Michelle said as Chloe runs through the door. As the rehersal goes on Michelle then see's Emily not dancing.
"I'm kind of fustrated with Emily" Michelle said.
"I just think she's being a drama queen" West said.
"Regionals is coming up. We gotta be ready. We can't have one person in the back being all sad" Tiffany says.
As the rehersal goes on, Emily is still not going into the dance so Michelle asks Emily why she's not being a team player. And Eldon stuckup for Michelle. Then Emily turns round says she had no input of the dance and that she's isn't apart of the team. Kate then taps on the window as Emily goes to walk out. They then go back to rehersing as Kate is talking to Emily. Kate was feeling for Emily as she went through something similar, but Emily feels like she's not apart of the team.

James is in the juice bar doing his maths studies. Then Daniel comes and sits him with him and takes a look at his foot. When James asks what is going on, Daniel plays it off. Carly arrives in the juice bar. She sees James and walks over to him as Daniel leaves. "Hi" Carly said. "Hi" James said. "Want help?" Carly asked. "Yes" James said. Carly and James huddle up to see the book. While this is happing, Emily is telling Eldon that she can't do big dance moves and that's why she does her own choreography.
Michelle is talking to Kate about switching up the dance positions and Kate let's her. Meanwhile in studio B, Eldon is helping Emily with the dance. And it looks like Emily is having a fun time and showing that she can do this. At the end, Emily aced the dance.
In studio A, Michelle walks in as the dancers are all talking. "Guys. I'm going to be changing the line placements. So I'm going to need you guys to re-audition for your placement" Michelle said.
"Michelle didn't tell me about this, I don't know, I just thought she clarify with me as well since we are co-captains" Carly says.
Steph is pissed off that they have to re-audition do she walks out, however Emily decides to stay and try her best. Michelle sees Stephanie and calls her out. Then Stephanie calls Chloe out for leaving all the time. West is up to audition and he's doing amazing. Eldon is up next and Michelle is loving it. Emily is up next, Carly can see she's been rehersing this dance and is working so hard to get the dance. After, she's done, Carly claps for her. Daniel is up then Tiffany, then Riely and then Chloe. "Thank you all very much, and me and Carly will make the disition" Michelle says.
In the office, Michelle and Carly are telling Chris and Kate the placements.
"As I'm looking at the placements, I can't but feel sorry for Emily, I know she's worked hard" Carly says. 
They come put and tell the team were they were placed. "So in the first line we have myself, Michelle, Daniel and Eldon. And then in the middle line we have Chloe, Riley, Tiffany, and James" Carly says. Then everyone claps. "And then in the last line we have West, Stephanie and Emily" Michelle told them. Everyone is happy or semi happy where they are at except Emily who is sad.

At home
Carly and James are on FaceTime to each other. "I feel bad for where Emily's at. Like in the auditions, she looked like a new girl. The dance looked well rehearsed and she did her best" Carly told him. "But did you really have a say?" James asked. "No. Michelle kinda did it all" Carly answered. "What you mean?" James asked. "Well I just feel like I'm not really co-captain with her" Carly says. They talked all night till they feel asleep.

This might feel like it's a short chapter, which it might be. They are took long to write it all out so the parts I find unrelivent, I'll take out.


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