10. Road To Joy

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AN. So this chapter is just foucusing more on Carly and James. So it's just their journey to the costume shop. Since that's the main focus other than Staphine modelling for a headshot. But I didn't think that was that relevant for the story line of James and Carly.
Okay, carry on.

"Since taking ownership of the studio, I've really had a hard time juggling everything. I wish I hadn't given Chris the day off. I could really use that extra help right now" Kate said.
"Hey Kate" Carly said As she walking into Kate's office. "Hey, Carly" Kate said while looking for something. "What's up?" Carly asked her. "I just I can't find this little black book" Miss Kate said.
"I can see that she's really overwhelmed" Carly says.
"Erm, is there anything I can do to help?" Carly asked. "Actually yes. If you could pick up the sample costumes from the costume store, that would be amazing. You have to get them before they close though" Kate said.
"It's so important to get the sample costumes today because the shopkeeper is gonig away on vacation" Kate explains.
"Oh, ok, don't worry. You can count on me. If I was a superhero I'd be Get It Done Girl" Carly said. "It's kind of a lame superhero" Miss Kate told Carly. "Oh, is it?" Carly asked them picked up the book Kate wanted. "Here's your book. Not so lame now, is it?" Carly said. "Thank you" Kate told Carly then Carly walked out f the office.
James did a flip but he didn't land it right. "Ooooooh!" Beth said after he landed it wrong. Beth ran to him and asked if he was okay. He said he was good.
"Right now, I'm practicing my back hand back tuck, and I can't get the landing" James says.
"Typical James. He just shows off to everyone" Carly said.
He did the flip again and didn't land it right. "Woo. Sure you don't want help?" Beth asked him. He ran to Carly who was grapping her bag. "Yo!" He said to her. "Where you gonig?" James asked Carly. "Ummm, nothing, I'm jist donig something for Kate" Carly told him. "I didn't ask what you're donig. I asked where you're gonig. Listen up" James said. "Okay, well, I'm jist gonig to pick up the sample costumes" Carly told James.
"I don't know why James is approaching me right now. I mean I do not have time for it" Carly says.
"All right, I'll tag along" James said with a smile. "Don't you have to get back to your girlfriend?" Carly asked him, pointing at Beth.
"The thing about James is he flirts with all the girls and all the girls love it and I'm not talking for it" Carly says.
"Beth? She's not my girlfriend" James says to Carly. "And does she know that?" Carly asked with a laugh. "Hey, yo, Beth! You're not my girlfriend!" James shouted across the studio to Beth. "Kay" she says awkwardly.
"I want to go with Carly because I want to spend some time with her. I mean, in the past, she's avoided me. Not this time" James explains.
"She's not my girlfriend. Just to let you know" James said while pointing to Beth. "Ok, well, I gotta go" Carly said then walked away.
"Kate is trusting me to pick up these costumes and there is no way I'm letting James mess this up" Carly says.
"And I'm coming with you" James said to himself then grabbed his bag.
"Carly has no idea right now, but her days about to get a lot more interesting" James says.
Carly is on the bus and just before the bus pulls off, James stops it.
"I want to go because it's a great time to hang out with Carly one on one without the distractions from the studio. So I think maybe if she spent some time with me, I can show her that we can have fun together" James explains.
"Hey" James said as he sat down next to Carly on the bus. "What are you donig here?" Carly asked James. "I told you I was coming" James stated. "I told you not to come" Carly told him. "Really?" James asked her. Carly nodded. "That's wierd cos I could have sworn you told me to come" James says.
"I really do not want James to come. I mean, he's just annoying. He never takes anything seriously" Carly says.
"I love this area. You know, I grew up in this area. My mom bought her car from that dealership. Me and my buddy Danny, we used to skateboard there every day!" James says.
"Is he even concerned about what everyone else is thinking? I mean the whole bus does not have to hear his life story" Carly said.
"And I used to have breakfast right there every morning before school, just down the street. My mom used to make me walk, of course. And I definitely had...." James kept on saying. "Ok, do you ever stop talking?" Carly asked as she grabbed James hand to put it down. "No, I like talking to people. As a matter of fact, you know how much I like talking to people?" James asked. "What?" Carly asked confused. "Watch this" James said then went to tap a lady sitting in front of them. "No, no, no, no, don't..." Carly tried to say. "Excuse me, sorry to bother you. But I jist had go tell you your hair looks gorgeous" James told this lady. "Oh thank you" the lady said.
"I was just hoping for a little peace and quiet on the bus. But it looks like that's not happening" Carly says.
"It's gorgeous, right, Carly? Look at it" James asked Carly. Carly nodded her head smiling. "Oh, Carly, thank you" the lady said. "The perfect amount of volume and curl at the same time" James commented. "Oh, yeah" Carly agreed. "Tell me, where do you get it done? Cos maybe... she could maybe use like a good hairdresser, right?" James asked the lady while putting his hand around Carly.
"I'm super embarrassed. I mean, who does that? Who randomly talks to a stranger?" Carly said.
"Strangers, they're just friends you haven't met yet" James says.
"You work that hair, girl. Work that hair, Mary!" James told the lady as she got of the bus.
There was a little bit of quiet on the bus until James spoke up again. "Oh my gosh. I totally forgot! My favourite shawarma place is up the next block. We need to get a shawarma!" James told Carly. "We are not getting a shawarma" Carly said. "Carly, have you ever had a shawarma?" James asked. "No" Carly replied. "Then you cannot even say a word" James said. "Ok, it's ok..." Carly starts. "We're going to get a shawarma...." James said cutting her off then pressed the bell so the bus stopped. "No, we're not getting a shawarma. What are you doing?" Carly asked. "We are getting a shawarma. It's right here. Right there" James said.
"I'm sidetraking Carly because the longer we take, the more time we get to spend together" James said with a smile on his face.
Let's go" James told Carly then tried to pick her up. "Seriously! If I am late to pick up the costumes, I swear!" Carly said annoyed. "Carly! Let's go" James said again. "I am not doing this. No" Carly says as she got up from the seat.
"I find myself following him. I don't know why but all I do know is that this can't end well" Carly stated. 

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