19. First Date

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As Riley came through the doors to go into the studio she saw Stephanie sitting in a bench.
"Where's Emily?" Riley asked. "At Elite. She made it in. I didn't" Stephanie says. Riley sat down next to Stephanie and the both hugged. Michelle come round the corner and says "were ready for you." The three girls go to the rest of the group while Stephanie takes the floor.

"They don't look to happy to see me, I either dance here or I don't dance, I'm alone" Stephanie says to the camera.

Both Kate and Chris say she's going to be auditioning like every one else as she didn't go the right way around leaving. "I just got no clothes though" Stephanie says. "You can dance like that" Carly says while walking into the studio.

Stephanie re-auditons to get into A-troupe.

"Stop" Carly says cutting the music off. Stephanie says I'm sorry then walks away. "Stop" Carly said more firmly. "We know you can dance. That's why we need you in A-troupe" Carly says. Stephanie hugs Carly and says thank you. Once the pull away they both go back to the group. They all have a big group hug.


Once Carly finished dancing, James clapped. "That was unreal!" James said. "Thanks, what are you doing here? Your not supposed to be here till you pass your math exam" Carly says. "True. Bam!" James said and hold his math exam up. Carly hugs James and says it amazing. "Not jist a B but a B+. Well, uh, you know that means right?" James asked. "Yeah. Your back in A-troupe" Carly answered. "Ture. Ture. Umm... but also, it means you owe me a date" James say.

In the juice bar
Michelle walks up to Eldon and sits with him to say they should do a new routine and a duet for Regionals but he just thinking of Emily which makes Michelle jealous and storm off.

In studio A
James walk into studio A and everyone gives him a hug as they are so glad to have him back. And then they find out Giselle is back into A-troupe. "Umm guys so me and Michelle and Carly were talking and we think it's be to have a new routine for Regionals" Stephanie says. "Why?" Kate says. "Emily might share our old routine with Elite" Stephanie says. And everyone agrees. "And I also, came up with the idea me and Eldon do a duet in the new piece" Michelle says. Miss Kate thinks that is a good idea so the go into studio B while everyone else is in studio A.

Michelle and Eldon are working on thier duet in studio B while the rest of the team come up with a new routine in studio A.

Daniel and Kate are in her office. "Daniel why you marking your solo?" Kate asked. "Oh. Ummm. I thought I heard you say that everyone is marking it this time" Daniel said. "I distinctly said full out" Kate said. "Oh. I just didn't want to burn out eith it coming.g so close to Regionals" Daniel said. "Okay I get that but James is your understudy, he can come and take it in a heartbeat" Miss Kate explains. "I'll do it full out I promise" Daniel said. "Good now get back it there" Kate said.

In studio B


In studio A
James is waiting for Carly to show up for thier date.

"I am putting every inch of my brainpower into this date. I really hope she enjoys it" James says to the camera.

Carly walks into the studio. James gets up and walks to her. "Hi. Why are we meeting here?" Carly asked. "Come on!" James said and takes her hand.

"I chose studio A for our first date, because it's where I first met Carly. I mean any guy could take any girl to a restaurant. This is original" James explains.

"This is not very romantic" Carly said. "What? There's more to it than what you think" James explains.

"I'm always dancing here. I don't wanna have my first date here" Carly says to the camera.

"Trust me. Here... Take this" James says and passes Carly something. "What is it?" Carly asked.

"As soon as James pulls out the pass port. I'm a little more intrigued" Carly says.

"Where did you get my yearbook photo?" Carly asked. "Heh. Don't worry about it" James says.

"Carly has a passport because I know she loves to travel" James explains.
"Maybe he put a little more effort into the date than I thought" Carly says.

"Ok. Sorry" Carly says to James. "Yeah. It's all good. We're going to have fun. Come on. I'll show you" James says and takes Carly's hand.

In studio B
Daniel is working on some dance to see if he can push his ankle to its limits.

West then walks into the studio looking for Daniel as he is West ride home. Bit Daniel doesn't want anyone to find out about the injury as if they do then Kate will pull the solo from him, but it's all he ever worked for.

In studio A
James helps Carly sit on the chair that is in the studio.

"Well for the date. We are going to eat a bunch of food from around the world. Different countries" James explains.

"And before we get a little bit of food from each one, I'm gonna stamp your pass port. So what country do you wanna go to first?" James asked. "Suprise me" Carly replied. "Well I think I'm gonna go to America first. Jist because I love the burgers" James said.

"I've always wanted to travel the world" Carly explains to the camera.

"Ok. We have to sta.p your passport first" James says going round the table. "Of course" Carly says with a smile on her face.

"So James definitely has my attention now" Carly says.

James come back to the table with burgers and chips then say "bon appetite" while sitting down.

"She's starting to enjoy it more and losen up again so I think that the date is going really good" James said.

"Ok so I want to go to India" Carly tells James.

"I've built up this idea in my head of what a first date is supposed to look like. I relized now that it's not the most important part at all" Carly says.

They eat the Indian food then eat some more food from other places jist while enjoying each other company.


(The dance is at the end)

So I'm struggling to add it all in as my app keeps crashing so I will try my best.
I know I haven't been updating it, I am trying. Also, I can't seem to add the videos so the links are up if you want to watch the dances.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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