6. Good Girls Go Bad

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"Didn't Emily, Stephanie and Tiffany have a competition this weekend?" Eldon asks Riley as Carly was getting her water form the side. "I don't know, I've tried to avoid talking about dance around Emily" Riley told Eldon, James and Michelle as Carly comes back with her bottle.
"Me and my sister's keep our personal lives separate, and I really don't want this thing that's gonig on at the studio to affect our lives at home" Riley said.
"Hey" Emily greeted everyone in the studio. "Hey" they all replied back with. "How'd you guys do?" James asks Emily, Stephanie and Tiffany. "Oh, well, we came in second" Emily said. Everyone cheers and applause.
"A trio competition is where you go with a trio so there's solos which is one person, duets which is two, and trios which is three" Emily explains.
"We went out there to kind of remember what it's like to be on stage in front of an audience and we can go into regionals not being so nervous" Stephanie says.
"Second? Who came first?" James asked. "Elite" Emily replied.
"Elite Dance Academy is our... ok, well, they're everyone's main competition. They win a lot" Emily said.
"It's been The Next Step's goal to beat them for as long as I've been here" Steph says.
"You should have seen Elite. They were amazing" Emily said. "You guys have to see this" Stephanie said while pulling out her phone. "I've never seen a team so polished..." Emily started. Then all the team gathered aroundto see Stephanie's phone. They all looked in aww, and was complimenting their moves.
"I taped the footage of Elite because I wanted to show people what we lost against" Stephanie says.
"Ok, ok, that's enough. That's enough" Emily said, then Stephanie put her phone away. "Look, I say we take a little road trip to Elite, sneak into their studio, see what they're donig for regionals come back and work on ours. What does everyone think?" Emily explains to the other dancers. Riely nodds and walks up to Emily then says "Oh, I... I could..." Emily then scoffs, while Carly is looking from the side. "Wait. You weren't thinking you were invited, were you?" Emily asked in a rude tone. Carly shook her head in disappointment. "No" Riely whispers after she gulped. "Good" Emily said in a blunt tone. "Whoo, Emily, what the hell? If Ry Ry ain't gonig then I'm not" Carly said, sticking up for her little sister. Riley smiled at Carly. "Good. I never wanted you to come anyway" Emily said to Carly.
"Why would I want Riely to come? She's so negative about everything. She can stay here alone and learn her lesson and if Carly wants to stay with her, then fine by me" Emily said.
"I really thought things with Emily would have been better by now. My relationship with Emily is... not really gonig to heal as fast as I thought it would" Riely said.
"So who's gonig to come?" Emily asked while looking around the room. "Oh! Oh! I'm... I'm coming!" Eldon said while putting his hand up.
"I'm happy to go on this road trip with Emily. I'm even gonig to pretend like it's kind of a date" Eldon says.
He walks over to Emily. "Stop. Back" Emily bluntly told him.
"I really hope he doesn't think this is a date or something" Emily said.
"Ok, James, how about you?" Emily asked James. Carly looked up at James to hear what he's answer is. James looked down at Carly then said "nah, I'm not interested." Carly looked down confused. "All right. Obviously this isn't for Michelle, so..." Emily said.  "No, I'll come" Michelle quickly said. "Really?" Emily asked. "Yeah, I'm interested in seeing the competition, right?" Michelle told Emily.
"I want to go check out Elite's routine because if I spend a little bit more time with Emily and the rest of the team, that you know it'll bring me a little closer with them" Michelle explains.
"I let Michelle come along because I want people to think I'm fair. But I'm not. This isn't a democracy. It's an Emily-ocracy" Emily says.

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