15. Changes

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Everyone is warming up. Miss Kate and Chris walk into the studio. "Dancers can i have your attention please?" Chris asked. "Miss Kate has an announcement" he also added. "Just wanted to let you know that out application for regionals has been confirmed" Kate says. Everyone cheers. "So we know what that means, it's game time. So get your game face on" Chris said. "Regionals are in a month, so we have a lot of work to do" Miss Kate said. "Get to work" Chris said as he and Kate walked out of the studio. Michelle walks up to Emily. "Can I talk to you alone, please?" Michelle asked. "Sure" Emily said. Steph walks away. "I just wanted to make sure that we are okay" Michelle asked. "What do you mean okay?" Emily asked. "We need to be friends to make this work" Michelle answered. "Friends? You're asking me to be your friend? You went behind my back, took my friends, and my sister and stole my so do as dance captain. There's no chance we could be friends" Emily told her. "All I came over to tell you is that I want you to help me and your sister out. We could be like trio captains" Michelle said. Emily laughted, said no then walked away. James and his mother come into the studio. They are talk in to Kate and Chris. Tiffany goes up to Steph and starts a conversation bit Steph doesn't want to talk. They end up having an argument. Chris and everyone else come fro the office. "Dancers, we have another announcement to make. Miss Deborah. This is James mother" Chris tells the dancer. "Um. Actually Chris with respect, I think this is an announcement that James should make himself to his friends. I think that they deserve that" James mam says. "Um, as of today, I'm being pulled from A-troupe" James says. Every other dances starts asking questions. As he explained, he looked at Carly. Miss Deborah says she had one choice and it was to pull him from the studio.
"I'm dissapoted James is leaving. We have gotten really close lately and I don't lnow what I'll do without him... at the studio" Carly says.
"I have an idea" Michelle said stepping forward. "I'm sorry, who are you" miss Deborah asked. "I'm Michelle, the new dance captain with Carly" Michelle said. "Dance Captain? When did that happen? I thought Emily was...." James mam said. "Mom, it's Michelle and Carly" James says. "Okay, never mind. So, you were saying?" She asked. "I say James leaves for 2 weeks, focuses on his studies, and brings up the grades. Becasiexwe really need him for regionals" Michelle says. "I understand that, Michelle, bit James has promised me these things before. And James will do what he always does, which is find something more fun to do than math and that's not hard. Root canals at the dentis are more fun than math. You know, you blow it off, James" James mother said.
"We... none of us knew about this problem. Now we all know and now we want to fix it. Right, guys?" Michelle asked the team. Yeah they all said. "You know what, I'm a math genius. So I could definitely help your son out" West said. "We can all help him" Michelle said. "I don't know" James mam said. "Please?" Michelle said getting down on her knees. Everyone soon follows. "Please?" The all say. Miss Kate and Chris then joins. "Can I take a picture of this, please?" James asked. "You, zip it" James mom said to him.
"I'm feeling a little more needed at the studio than I ever have before.  I mean the whole dance crew, A-trouper's just on their knees for me. I kinda liked it, actually" James said.
"We need your son" Carly said. "Ok" James mom said. Everyone cheers. "Hold on, hold on. I know I'm still talking becasue my lips are moving. So listen good, I don't want to see any dancing from you for 2 weeks James. And I mean it! No class, no rehearsals, no studio, no A-troupe. I don't want to see so much as a flap ball change from you, James. And I'm warning you, if those grades do not improve, I will tour jete your skinny behind into military school so fast your head will spin! Do you see how serious I am?" Miss Deborah asked. "Yeah. Mom" he said than hugged her. Everyone else the joins. Miss Deborah walks out of the studio with James. Carly chases after them. "James. James" Carly says catching up to him. James and his mam stop. " Look, James, mommy's having a hot flush, ok? I'll meet you at the car. What? What? Am I embarrsing you?" She asked. She starts rubbing his head then leaves. "Listen, I am so sorry about the whole math thing" James tells Carly. "I know" she says. There is a little pause. "I don't lnow what to do. Tell me. Tell me, Carly, what am I supposed to do?" James asked her.
"He can do it. I mean, he just has to set his mind in doing it, I need to think of something that will give him a little motivation" Carly said.
"I have a proposition for you. If you g at a 70% on your next math exam, no less than a 70%, I will go on a date with you" Carly says. James then smiles. "Well, what makes you think I really want to date you, though?" James said walking a little closer. "I dunno. Do you?" Carly asked.
"Seeing her standing there and jist asking if I liked her made me like her all the more. Because i could never figured this girl out. I could never figure it out and by her saying that, she pretty much was agreeing to like me back" James said.
"So it's a deal?" Carly asked. "Yeah, I think it's the best deal I've ever made. I'll see you later?" He asked. "Yeah" Carly said. James walked away.

The dancers are in studio A practicing. Miss Kate and Chris were giving feedback, then they go to the sidelines. "Umm I wanna mess around with other people ideas, cos I don't want it to jist be all of the same choreography, I want everyone to include their ideas" Michelle says. Emily sits to the side. Music is put on and everyone dances. Carly and Daniel do a lift. " So let's take it from the turns, 5,6,7,8, 1,2 and 3,4,5,6,7,8
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" Michelle says. As Daniel was dancing, he ankle started to hurt. "Um, michelle? Can I just take a five minute break?" Daniel asked her. "Right now?" Michelle asked. "Yeah. I really need it. I'llbe quick" Daniel said. " Go ahead" Michelle says. Daniel steps outside and takes a look at his ankle. Emily is still at the side as stpeh walks up to her. They start talking. They then hug. " So we need to get down to business. You guys all know the lyrical choreo? If you don't, let's tech it to you. 5,6,7,8..." Michelle says. Carly walks up to Emily, who is sitting on the floor.
"I know we kind of ended things on a rough patch, I mean with me and Michelle becoming co captains and all. I just want to make things right" Carly says.
"Um cab we talk, as sisters, not dancers?" Carly asked. "As dancers, we have nothing to talk about. And as sisters, we have even less. You're not even my sister any more" Emily says standing up, then she walks away. Carly sits holding her knees. Kate and Chris both look at the sisters feeling upset for Carly.
"It feels like she's getting further and further away from me. The fact that she said were not even sisters
... I don't regret having Michelle as dance captain or even being co captains with her. It's the right thing to do. On a personal level, maybe it was a bad choice. I just lose my big sister. And she won't let Riley speak to me much. But I couldn't have her in the mix and it's all my fault" Carly says.
Chris sits down next to her and hugs her as she cries.

Thank you for being patient with me updating.
Well Carly lost Emily and it's now the start of Carly and James

XOXO Kisses

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