12. Get It Together

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James, Carly and Michelle are sitting in the juice bar. Carly is deep in thought until James spoke up. "We just need to show Kate and Chris that nobody wants Emily and her bad choreography here anymore" James told both of the girls.
"We need a new dance captain because the way that Emily is treating people is horrible and we're not goingto win regionals with her choreography. And I've seen how Carly can dance, that's why I want her to be co captain with me" Michelle said.
"I understand that Carly wants to think about the decision but I really hope she knows she can do this" James says.
"I have an idea. I say we re-choreograph the regionals routine. Make it so good, make it better, include people's ideas" Michelle says.
"Yeah, and we can show it to kate and she'll love it so much that she'll have to change Emily as dance captain" Carly says. "I'm down. When do we start, then?" James asked. "No time like the present" Michelle said.
In the office
Kate and Chris are talking to Emily about her disagreement and want Emily to apologise. Emily agrees but says she won't like.
In the juice bar
Daniel, West, Chloe and Giselle are all talking and having drinks. Daniel asked why Chloe was always late. And because Chloe doesn't want anyone to know about her job, she changed the subject. Giselle had to leave for rehearsal and Daniel is confused on why Chloe dodged the question. As Giselle walked out, she saw Emily and they hugged. Emilypulled Chloe for a chat to do what Kate and Chris told her to do and she apologised. West and Daniel are confused on why Emily is apologising.
Studio B
In studio B, James, Carly and Michelle are rehearsing the routine that they are using to take Emily's spot as dance captain.
"I'm choreographing a new dance to get rid of Emily. Carly is also helping me and no she still hasn't decided" Michelle says.
"Well, when Michelle brought up the thought of me using hip hop, I loved it. It was right for me. I love adding that swag and I love the fact that she's so chill about it" James said.
"We are all putting I'm our own input so it's turning out great because we all have a say in it. It so new and fresh and different like, even better than I thought it would be. And I know what I'm going to do about the co captain and I hope James and Michelle understand" Carly says.
Studio A
Chris gathered all the dancers and noticed the Carly, James and Michelle are not here. Eldon says studio B and Emily looks furious. Chris goes to get them and Emily pulls Eldon aside to figure out why 3 of her dancers are in studio B.
As Michelle, Carly and James are rehearsing in studio B. James messes up a little. "Oh, my bad" James said while laughing. "You were supposed to be there" Michelle says. Chris walks in and the 3 dancers look at him. "Carly, James and Michelle. Studio A Is where rehearsals is" Chris says. "Oh! It's supposed to be in studio A. I was wondering where everyone was" James said.
"You know, I covered it up good. I just pretended that we were waiting for him" James said.
"No worries. Come on, hurry up! Go, go, go, go leave" Chris said. They all walked into studio A. "Welcome to class! Thanks for joining us! It actually started five minutes ago. Let's get in our first positions everyone" Emily said. They all started to rehearse.
"I love Emily's choreography. Always. No matter what it is, she's brilliant and she always makes us look good" Stephanie says.
"As we are rehearsing. I like my sister's Emily's routine, it's just seems easy" Riley says.
"I mean her routine is great and everything. Don't get me wrong. But I want something more, something more fun, more groovy" Carly says.
"It's really just showcasing her, you know? It's not really incorporating anybody else's strenghts or ideas" West said.
"We are rehearsing Addicted to you right now, and Emily's choreography is great. Not really that challenging cos I'm kind of used to the way she choreographs now. It's... I dunno but it's good" Eldon says.
"With Emily's choreography. It's her way or no way" Daniel said.
"Emily's routine. I really don't like it. It's too choppy and too bland" James said.
They finished the routine with a pose.
"Carly, James and Michelle seem lazy. I don't think everyone is committed" Emily said.

Carly, Michelle and James are rehearsing in studio B on the dance to throw Emily as dance captain. West comes in and starts to ask questions. Michelle looks at Carly who nodds then they both nod to James. "Uh... we've kind of got something to show you man" James said. "All right, so show me" West said. They show West the dance.
"We've been forced to show West our dance and tell him what's up. I just hope it works out" James said.
They finished what they had so far. "What do you think?" Michelle asked. "Let me get this straight. You guys made this new routine to show to kate to overthrown Emily so that Michelle can become the new dance captain?" West said. "Co captains. Me and Michelle" Carly spoke up. "You agreed?" Michelle asked. "Well if I don't, all this rehearsing would be for nothing right?" Carly asked. "Right" Michelle said. "Emily needs to step down so I'm in" Carly said.
"I know me agreeing to be co captain with Michelle, will Casue problems with me and Emily. I just hope Riley doesn't get in the middle of this" Carly said.
West ended up joining the other in the dance. While the 4 dancers are in studio B, Tiffany is helping Steph act in studio A. Emily and Eldon are talking in the juice bar. Michelle walks in to get juices and she doesn't like Eldon and Emily getting along. Michelle walks out and is now in studio B with Carly and James. West did there secret knock. And he tells them that he told someone about the dance. Daniel comes in. "Carly, Emily is your sister. You just donig the dance alone will casue problems let alone co captain. That'll be war" Daniel said. "Yeah. By my sister does not deserve to be dance captain. She's tearing us apart more than she's bringing us together" Carly explains. Daniel said he'll join, only if he keeps his solo. Everyone agrees. Michelle, James, Carly, West and Daniel are sitting down just talking and donig accents.
"Guys, this would be so much better with more people" Michelle spoke up.
"We need at least one more person to balanceout the team. I'm just not to sure who it could be" Carly said. "I think it would be great for Eldon to join the routine but I don't think he's ever turn on Emily like that" Michelle says.
"We'd be able to partnering and stuff" Carly said. "I know, I don't have a partner. If we get three boys, three girls, it's even. Formations would be better" Daniel says.
"Not Emily, Stephanie..." Carly said.
"Maybe Chloe" James said.
Michelle that they are missing rehearsals. Chloe shows Chris her new move to put in Emily routine. Emily then asked to see it. Emily then said that she doesn't want it in her routine after she saw it. Michelle decided that she will tell Chloe about the dance.
In studio B, Michelle, Daniel, West, Carly and James are showing Chloe the dance. Chloe asked what the dance was for once they finished. "Its for regionals" Michelle blerted out. "I'm sorry, what? Does emily know about this?" Chloe asked. "Not exactly" Michelle said. "And we would like to keep it that way" West says. "Guys, do you know how mad Emily would be if she found out you were doing a dance behind her back? Do you?" Chloe asked.
"I knew this was... It was too early to tell Chloe" Carly said.
"I'm sorry but I'm not interested. And if you guys knew what was good for you, you wouldn't even be doing this right now" Chloe said then walked out of studio B.
"We could have just ruined everything by telling her" Carly says.
So what do you think of Carly agreeing to be co captain with Michelle?
My updates will be slow at the moment. Just going through something. So I'm hoping soon it'll be better. Thank you for thoese who are commenting and liking
XOXO Kisses

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