11. Can You Keep A Secret

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Michelle is walking to the bus stop.
"My dad couldn't take me to dance today. So I decided to take the bus" Michelle says.
"I'm on my way to work. I have a part time job. Just taking a few shifts here and there because I pay for dance. When I see Michelle get on the bus I'm really nervous because I don't want her to see me in my uniform" Chloe says.
"Chloe? Chloe?" Michelle asked. "Oh, ummm..... hey Michelle. I didn't see you there" Chloe says. "I'll come sit beside you" Michelle says As she sits beside Chloe.
"Chloe's here too. What a weird coincidence. And she's wearing some really werid... costume?" Michelle says.
"What's with the.... dress?" Michelle asked. "Oh uh... I have a job" Chloe confesses. "Why?" Michelle asks. "Well, you know, A-troupe is really expensive and the only way I can afford to be a part of it is if I have a job" Chloe explains. "That's cool" Michelle says.
"Chloe telling me that she has a job is, you know, not that big of a surprise for me. I know people our age that have jobs" Michelle says.
"But ummm.. Don't tell anyone" Chloe tells Michelle. "I wouldn't, but why not?" Michelle asks. "Well, nobody in A-troupe would really understand with what I'm gonig through and well you know how it is with Emily. I mean it's either dance or nothing. So, let's just keep it our little secret" Chloe explains. "As long as you give me half your tips then okay" Michelle jokes. "You've got to be kidding me!" Chloe says. "Of course I'm kidding! I would never say something like that" Michelle says then they both laugh.
"I think I do trust Michelle to keep my secret. She's been a good friend since she's gotten here so I do trust her" Chloe says.
"Chloe doesn't want me to tell anyone about her job. So I'm not gonig to tell anyone" Michelle said.
All the dancers were talking. "All right, dancers, listen up!" Kate says. All the dancers are quiet. "Just wanted to remind you, that cheques are due for costumes at the end of this week" Kate remind them.
"The dancers as part of A-troupe, have to pay for their own costumes for regionals" Kate says.
"I feel really bad for Chloe with her financial issues. I know that she can't afford it" Michelle said.
"My dad lost his job a few months ago so now it's my responsibility. If I want to dance, I have to pay for it" Chloe says.
"If anyone forgets, remind them" Kate told Emily. "I will" Emily says. "Perfect. Emily's gonig to lead you in the warm ups so follow along" Miss Kate told the dancers.
"I'm worried that Emily's gonig to get mad at her, and Kate's gonig to kick her out of A-troupe" Michelle says.
"I can't help but look at Chloe because I know for a fact she hasn't paid. In dance, you dog your i's, you cross your t's, and pay on time" Emily says.
"West, I need you to move over, please. Riley, you step forward...." Emily says. "Oh, hey Emily? Your shoe's untied" Eldon says. Emily ignore him. "James, can you...." Emily starts as Eldon bends down to tie Emily's shoe. Everyone on the studio laughs.
"A part of me wants to laugh, and a part of me wants to disinfect my shoe" Emily says.
"If I do something like tying her shoe, I thought maybe she would think that was really romantic" Eldon said.
"No, no. That's weird" Emily says.
"OK....thanks" Emily says weirded out.
"It doesn't seem to be working" Eldon says.
"OK. Pets take it from the ball-chain step. 5, 6, 7, go" Emily says. All the dancers started to rehearse.
"I hope the dancers can stay focused because the auditions for the solo for regionals are tomorrow" Kate says.
"Every year one dancer from the Next Step gets featured in a regionals dance competition. It's a huge deal" James says.
"I really want the solo because at regionals there will be scouts from all over the dance world. If they like what they see, that'll be one step closer for me becoming a professional dancer" Daniel explains.
As they are practicing, Emily walks around to see how they are doing. "Chloe, this isn't cheerleading! Give me some dance" Emily says.
"She is not present. She's missing steps. Shes out of her spacing. I don't really know what is gonig on with her" Emily said.
"All right. Let's stop. Chloe, do you know the timing?" Emily asked Chloe. "Yeah" Chloe replied. "Are you sure?" Emily asked. Chloe nodds.
"I don't like how my sister approached that... like in front of everyone" Carly said.
"Tiff, can you show her the timing, on your backline part, please?" Emily asked.
"Everyone else knows the moves. Why don't you know the moves? There's no excuse at this point" Tiffany says.
"I'm missing steps during rehearsal because I'm a little unfocused because I know I have to start paying for costumes. I wish she knew what I was going throughand I wish that I could tell her" Chloe explains.
"This isn't B-troupe, ok? A little more intensity" Emily says to Chloe.
Michelle pulled Chloe for a chat to ask if Chloe was okay and that she'll help Chloe with the dance routine. Carly overheard Michelle saying she'll give Chloe some help on the dance.

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