5. Steal My Sunshine

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All of the dancers are rehearsing the dance.
"Right now, we're working on the beginning stages of our regionals routine" Riley says.
"We're just starting early, so everything is set up and were 110% ready to go when regionals rolls around" Emily explains.
"That was really, really, really good....for B-troupe" Emily said once they finished the dance. "I thought we were in A-troupe" Michelle said confused. "Yeah. Your dancing was B-troupe material. So, take five, we'll be back" Emily told all the dancer. Kate and Chris walks into the studio and Kate says "beforeyou take five, just wanted to let you guys know, that we have dance camp in studio A all day tomorrow, so you guys get a day off." All of the A-troupe dancers are exited to have the day off.
"Having a day off is awesome. I mean... It's great go kind of get a day off to relax and hang out with my sister's" Riley said.
"What are you guys planning on donig?" James asks. "Yeah, we should all chill" Eldon says. "I've never been to the beach" Michelle told everyone. "Yo, let's go to the beach!" James said. Eldon and West agreed.
"I'm so excited to go to the beach. I haven't spent any time with anyone from the studio and, hopefully, this will solidify some friendships" Michelle said.
"Actually, the E-girls are helping out with dance camp, so we won't be able to join you" Emily said.
"So, as dance captain, running dance camp is one of my responsibilities. All the E-girls volunteered to do it with me" Emily says.
"You know what? I'm excited to have a day away from the E-girls" James said.
Riley walks up to the E-girls and asked "where do you want me?"
"The beach" Emily gave Riley a blunt response.
"When Emily rejects me from dance camp, it really hits home" Riley said.
Carly and Michelle walks up to Riley and Carly said "hey, Ry, you should come to the beach with us." Michelle agrees "Yeah, it'll be fun."
"I'm not an E-girl any more and I never will be again" Riley said.
The next day everyone is at the beach apart from the E-girls.
"I'm actually really excited for our day off. I'm really excited to go to the beach, maybe get to know Michelle a little more. And obviously Carly is joining us so...." James said with a smile.
"Spending a day at the beach will be good for us. And I'm glad Riley is joining, she needs to have fun" Carly said.
As they got a spot, they dump their bags and stuff down. "Man, I can't wait to start fishing" West says while holding a toy fishing rod. "Man, you can't actually fish with that" James told him. "Of course you can! What do you call a pole with a rod and a hook?" West asked James.
"West is so weird" James says.
"Umm, a three year old's toy" James said pointing at the rod West is holding.
"Is he kidding or is he being serious?" James asked.
"Uh, you know what, guys? Maybe... maybe the fish are sleeping" West told the rest of the group. "Yeah" they all agreed.
"I hope he's just kidding" James says.

Back in studio A
All the E-girls say hi to the little ones coming in.
"Dance camp is for our youngest members of the studio. They come and spend the day with me and the E-girls and we just learn about dance and learn why it's amazing" Emily explains.
"E-girl rule number six. You always lend a hand at the studio so it looks like I'm helping out with dance camp and all those kids" Chloe says.
"I love working with kids. I love seeing their faces light up when they finally get a move. I... I love their energy. Its something I really enjoy" Emily says.
"You're really good with kids" Stephanie says to Emily. "Thanks, girl" Emily politely said.

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