14. Sabotage

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"Huh! Was Eldon there?" Emily asked. "Who cares if Eldon was there?" Steph asked. "Yeah, who cares?" Tiffany asked. "Did you not just hear what I just said?" Steph asked. "Well, was he?" Emily asked. "Yeah, he was" Steph said.
In Studio B
"So are you in?" Michelle asked. "I don't know" Eldon said. Outside Emily, Steph and Tiffany are. "Shh. In there" Steph said. "We can do this without you" West said. "What do you mean you don't know, man? She just chrushed your heart" James said. "I don't think I could hurt Emily like that" Eldon says. "That's weak, man" James said. "So what do you say?" West asked. "I don't know. I'll have to think about it" Eldon said then got up to walk out. The three girls walked away. The dancers think he's going to tell Emily.
In studio A
Eldon and Emily are talking and Carly sees through the window. Carly sees Eldon looks pissed off and Emily looks sad.
"I hope Eldon isn't telling Emily. If Emily finds out from someone else that I'll be co-captain with Michell, she'll freak out" Carly said.
Carly sees Steph and Tiffany go over to Emily once Eldon leaves. Carly sees Steph take put Michelle's phone. Steph messages Emily a horrible message from Michelle's phone. "Chloe" Carly said As she walked by. "Look" Carly added. "What are they doing?" Chloe asked. "I don't know but  you are an E-girls so you can talk to them" Carly said. Chloe walks over and Emily isn't telling Chloe what's going on. Carly knows that what happened isn't goingto be good.
Everyone is in the studio and James is sitting out so he can take a practice maths test. Chris tells Emily that James is sitting out. "One, two, three, four...." Emily says. The dancers start the routine. "All right ladies, show some technique. Can I get a little energy maybe?   Can I see some full out dancing for once? It's like that never happens in this studio!    Stop! St..... are you guys serious? That is so messy. Just.... go to the beginning!" Emily kept shouting.
"She's particularly harsh this time. I mean, Emily knows something's up and she's taking it out on the rest of the dancers, which isn't fair" Carly said.
Carly walks to her spot. "Hurry it up, Carly!" Emily shouts. Carly looks back at Emily mad. Carly never likes to be shouted at in the studio but she lets it slip so they don't fight in front of Riley. "We're going from the top and I want it full out. One, two, three, four, turn out your legs!" Emily shouts.
"Emily's in a really bad mood. I'm kind of happy I'm just out on this one. However Carly is getting shouted at a lot by Emily which I hate" James said.
"Do you call this dancing? You all look like your marking it. Carly pick it up, stop looking sloppy.   Stop. Ju..... stop" Emily said. "All rogjt" West said scratching his head. "That is supposed to be in sequence, as in all together! You are acting like J-troupe. Go back to the beginning!" Emily shouts. As Carly goes to her stop, she whispersto Michelle, "She's on to us."
"What?" Michelle said confused. The walk to there positions.
"I don't know how Emily found out about us, but I don't want her to know yet. I'm not ready yet. And Carly is goingto get a rough time as well. We are in big trouble" Michelle said.

Carly and James are in studio A. "So, um, how was the math test?" Carly asked.
"Uh. I had my final math exam this morning and it went, uh.... pretty much how I expected" James said.
"I killed it. It was fine" James resures her. "Really?" Carly asked. "Yeah!" James said. James looks or trys to look ecstatic. "No. No, you're lying to me" Carly says. "No I killed it, for real" James says.
"I know James is lying because I know James, I mean he can't put anything pass me" Carly says to the camera.
"No you're lying to me" Carly says. James laughs. "Can you please just be straight with me? Come on. Just be straight with me" Carly tells him. "Ok. All right. I might have done a little bad on it" James finally tells her. "How much is a little bad?" Carly asks him. James looks awkward. He finally says "It was a small test though."
"You failed the test?" Carly asks. "I swear it was small" James tells Carly. "It was small, was it really that small?" Carly asks. "Yeah, but 5+4=9" James says. "Okay, that's great. But that's like grade one math" Carly told him. "That means I'll pass the next one. For real" James tells her. Carly nodds.
"I messed up horribly. I mean, I let my whole team down. That's just not me. Ive- let Carly down" James says.
"I'm being serious, was it that small of a test that it won't matter, won't effect your grade?" Carly asked. "No it's kinda big, actually" he says laughing. Carly looks at him. "Don't worry about it, though" James tells her. "This is not funny. What does this mean?" Carly asked him. James looks down.
"Um, I'm getting pulled from the studio. I'm gonna miss dance so much and, like, I'm not going to see Carly everyday. Like, it's gonna ve tough" James tells us.
Carly looks upset. "5+6=11. That's math right there. For real" James tells her. "Hmm-huh" Carly hums. "Don't even worry about it" James says walking away.
"If James left. I would be pretty upset. I mean we've gotten close lately and I need him... Well, we need him for regionals" Carly says.
In the office
Emily is talking to miss Kate. Emily is saying the Michelle is bulling Emily, even though she hasn't. Kate goes to get Michelle. Michelle walks in the office nervous. Michelle is so confused in what going on, so Miss Kate tells her. They keep talking about it, as Michelle says she didn't do it but Miss Kate showed her the evidence. They go to check Michelle's cubby, for her phone. They walk out the office, and Kate is looking throug Michelle's bag. Miss Kate couldn't find the phone, so Emily trys. Now every dancer is around them.
"I saw the E-girls with Michelle's phone, I went over there, checked it out, saw what they did, so I took her phone and hid it" Carly explains.
"When I see the look on Emily's face, I find it so funny to watch her jist go through that. It's great" James says.
"What's really going on? This is clearly isn't about just a text message" Miss Kate asked. Emily looks at Michelle. "Ever since you've been here things have been messed up. And now you all are going behind my back and choreographing anouther regionals routine" Emily explains. "Is this true?" Miss Kate asked them all.
" yeah" Carly says. "Ugh... why?" Miss Kate asked. Michael takes a deep breath. "Emily's a horrible dance captain. You're bossy, you're rude, you tell at people, you don't include any ones ideas! You make us not want to dance. A good dance captain doesn't tear the team apart" Michelle tells Emily. "Oh, so your routine didn't do that?" Emily asked. "Listen, I'm tired of this. This is what gonna happen. Michelle, we'regoing to see your routine. You guys ready? You wanna show me your routine?" Miss Kate asked. Everyone says yeah. "And each dancer will vote if they want Michelle as dance captain" miss Kate says. "Ummm, me and Carly agreed to be co captains" Michelle says. Emily looks at Carly furious. "Is this true?" Miss Kate asked Carly. "Yep, it is" Carly says. "Do we accept them terms?" Miss Kate goes back telling Michelle and Emily. Yes they both say. "Good, Michelle let's see your routine" miss Kate says.
"We've created this whole plan to overthrow Emily, and it's all coming down to this very moment" Michelle says.

(Carly is Riley)
"Watching them there, just all smiling, and doing the best they can to take everything I've ever worked for away from me? That's hard. That's really hard" Emily says.
Riley is smiling at her big sister thinking she did amazing. "Ok, dancers that was great. So who do you want as dance captain? Emily or Michelle and Carly" Kate says. "Chose wisely" Chris says. Steph goes first, and goes to Emily's side. And hugs her.
"I've voted for Emily becasue she's my best friend and no matter what happens, wrong or right, I will always stand by her becasue that's jist the friend I am" Steph says.
"That's one for Emily" Miss Kate says. James and West go next and they go to Michelle and Carly's side. West stands next to Michelle and James stand next to Carly. Chloe come up next.
"I thought for the longest time that I wanted to be a part of the E-girls, and now that I know what it's all about, I'm ready for something better and I think Carly and Michelle could be amazing working together" Chloe says.
"And three for Carly and Michelle" Kate says. Daniel come up next and goes to Carly and Michelle. Tiffany stand up next.
"I'm feeling a little caught in the middle. On one hand, there's Michelle and Carly, who has an awesome routine and work well together, and there is Emily, who has one vote. I can see Emily's reigns coming to an end. So... I wanna protect myself" Tiff says.
She goes to Carly and Michelle side and whispers sorry to Emily. "Are you serious?" Steph asks. Riley steps up. She looks between her sisters.
"I know what Riley wants to do. Bit I can't let her" Carly says.
Riley looks at Carly and Carly shacks her head no. Riley goes to Emily's side and Emily hugs Riley.
"I'm just glad Riley sees what I'm capable of, whereas Carly jist went behind my back and not only was apart of the routine bit is going co captain" Emily says.
"All right, Eldon. You have the last vote buddy" Chris said.
"Michelle and Carly have already won. I mean, they have the majority, but I still have a choice to make and it's... it's tearing me up inside" Eldon said.
Eldon just stand there. "Eldon, you have to vote" miss Kate said.
"Emily has hurt me one too many times and somehow I have to put her behind me" Eldon said.
Eldon goes to Carly and Michelle's side.
"When Eldon goes for Carly and Michelle, honestly, I'm so proud of him. It's like he grew up. It's like Eldon just grew up right there. And I can see that Carly is about to cry not only has she lost Emily but Emily won't let Riley speak to her as well" James said.
"I feel lost. Like I could have done something to prevent this from happening. Like, I could have been better, tried harder, done things differently I guess" Emily said.
"Emily, I hope that you can now be a team player and I won't hear any complaints out of you" Kate said. Emily and Steph walk out. Everyone congratulates them.
"You know I didn't think this will be hard. You know, seeing it all happen is a lot harder than jist planning it behind the scenes. But I know it has to be done" Carly says.
"Well, Carly and Michelle are the dance captains" miss Kate said.
"It's great but also bitter sweat, becasue I don't get to enjoy it. I'm getting pulled from the studio. I won't be there for Carly" James said.
I'm backkkkkkk
Well that happened. What do you think going to happend to Riley and Carly?

XOXO Kisses,

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