18. Brand New

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"I overheard my parents talking to Emily and well Carly didn't cos she was asleep. And she was saying that they're planning on moving to Elite" Riley told the dancers.
Everyone in the studio were all asking questions. They didn't know what they were going to do now. Both Kate and Chris were annoyed with the news especially since they are going to Elite which is the rival studio.
"They say how much they want to do for the troupe but then they leave. I mean come on!" Chloe says. "They're always about themselves. We know that" Tiffany says. "But I think if we talk to them, or something they'll want to come back" Michelle explains.
"No bad idea" Carly says while walking into the studio. She found out from Riley the night she found out.
"If Emily sets her mind on something nothing's going to change tha. They're both going to Elite" Carly explains on camera.
"I know that we've worked really hard to go to Regionals and I really want to go, but.." Michelle said.
"Are you suggesting that we not go go Regionals?" Daniel asked.
"I don't wanna say that..." Michelle says. However, everyone else says that they are going. So Kate has an idea that they pull two members from B-troupe so it makes it 10 dancers not 8.
"But they haven't audition yet so there's still hope" Eldon says. "So we're just supposed to wait for them to get into Elite, go to Regionals then beat us? Like, we have to do something now" Riley said. They all agree they are having auditions to find two new dancers.

"Alright, welcome to A-troupe auditions" Carly said while she stands next to Michelle.
"Carly and Michelle are running the auditions because they are co captains. Obviously it's not their decision. Chris and I make the final decision, but it's really nice having their input as well" Kate said.
"So as you know there are two open spots in A-troupe. A-troupe is a big jump from B-troupe and it's really important that you guys are serious." Michelle expalian. Giselle is exited that there is a spot on A-troupe. " Just so you know, it'll be solos, like four counts of eight, then we'll go through choreography after. So, we'll have you first" Carly said while pointing at a dancer. "So why do you like to dance?" Carly asked.
"I have Carly ask why the dancers dance. Dance has to be apart of you it has to be your every ounce of being" Kate explains to the camera.
"I like to dance as I like to entertain people. I like being the centre of attention. Right after I'm on stage, it's always fun being up there" the guy said while doing a backflip in the middle of speaking.

(Play from 4:46 to 6:14. And what Michelle says, Carly is saying it in this case)
"So Beth why do love to dance?" Carly asked. "Well some people tell me I'm kind of a little crazy, and loud so I love to express that with my dancing. And it's embarrassing, but I really miss James and I want to see him again so I'd love to make A-troupe. Yeah that's it" Beth said. The room got a little awkward.
"Beth, telling me that the only reason why she wants to be in A-troupe is because of James is kind of lame. I mean it's jist wierd that she said that" Carly says.
Chloe then runs into the studio with Riley to get Carly. They pulled both Michelle and Carly to the side. Chloe and Riely tells Carly that James is calling and wants to speak to Carly. Michelle said it's okay to go she'll cover the rest of the auditions.
In the juice bar
Carly, Riely and Chloe are all shitting at a table with an iPad which held James on the screen as he's at school.
"Hi James" Chloe says. He say hi back.
"Well I'm not at the studio becasue my mam took me out so that I could focus on my math because my math grades were slipping" James explains.
"We're here to do your daily math pop quiz. Are you ready?" Carly asked. ".....yay....." James said with no enthusiasm at all. "Yeah, but umm, I made cue cards this time. So..." Carly explains while holding the cue cards up for him to see. "Dry. Ok" James says.
"Everyone who's apart of A-troupe has been taken shifts to help James with his math" Chloe says to the camera.
"What is cosecant?" Chloe asked James. "Um.. the inverse of cosine" James answered. The three girls cheer.
"It's important to pass because if I pass it, I get to go back to the studio. And I get a date with Carly" James explains.
"Umm. Does sine to the power of 4 times theta minus cos to the power of 4 thimes theta equals 2 sine squared theta minus 1?" Carly asked. James looks confused. "Ummmmmmm.... 3?" James asked. "No. No. You have to say if it equals or not" Carly tells him. "Ummm... yes?" James asked. Carly shook her head. "No" carly says. "No!" James repeats after her. "OK, let's do another one" Riley says. Chloe and carly nod their heads yes. "Because you need to get these right" Riely says.
"I don't really know if he'll make it back. But I really hope he does because he's a huge part of A-troupe. And well even thought my sister says there nothing going on between them both, I know there is something there" Riley says.
"I don't know if I can learn all the martial in time and I'm kinda stressed out about learning the dance. I've got to get to know it a little better I think" James explains to the three girls. "Well I mean I guess I could come teach you?" Carly suggested. "Yeah, that'll be cool. I'm down for that" James sayswith a smile of his face.
"It's technically not at the studio and I mean as long as your mom doesn't see you dancing, it doesn't matter if other people see you dancing" Carly explains.
"Technically, my mom's not going to see it, so I'm not breaking the rules" James said.
At Elite
Both Emily and Stephanie are looking at Elite studio. "This place is huge" Stephanie says. "This is their B-studio" Emily tells Stephanie. "They have a piano!" Stephanie says. "We have a boom box" Emily says.
"This studio is amazing" Stephanie tells the camera.
"Thay have a tech booth with a projector screen. Do they show movies in here?" Stephanie asked.
"It's state of the art. It has everything" Emily says.
"This is insane, Steph!" Emily gushed.
"I mean compared to the Next Step, it doesn't even compare" Stephanie tells.
Then Amanda and Lucian walk into the studio. "So I hear you two girls would like to audition for Elite" Lucian says while walking. "That's correct" Emily said. Amanda walks forward while saying "do you understand who we are?"
"Yes. That's why we came here" Emily said. "And why?" Amanda asked. "Stephanie and I are two of the best dancers from our studio. We want to be with the BEST studio" Emily tells Amanda. "And your studio is?" Amanda asked. "The Next Step" Emily answered.
"I don't think I've heard of The Next Step" Lucian says. "Umm, I've heard of it but isn't it pretty wreck?" Amanda asked while walking around them. "No" Emily whispered. "Dry" Stephanie said lowly so no one heard her. "It's pretty competitive actually" Emily stated. "Hm. Nice sweater by the way. Its really red" Amanda said.
"There just trying to mess with our heads. And I totally respect that" Emily tells the camera.
"What do you think Amanda?" Lucian asked. "I think we should talk about it" Amanda said. "Okay, well go chat and we'll be right back girls" Lucian said then walked away.
At James school
"Right now I'm at James's school jist to keep him up to date on the choreography for the Regionals routine" Carly says.
James walks out of the doors and once Carly show him she started to walk. "James! Hey, you ready to learn Michelle's choreography?" Carly asked. "I can't, I'm sorry. There's too much on my plate right now, ok?" James explains. "What! No, James come on" Carly says. "My teacher just scheduled a math resit for tomorrow" James explains. "So? You know this stuff, James. You've been studying for weeks" Carly explains to him.
"I'm not ready for the exam, I'm not going to pass it. I've already accepted that I'm not coming back to the studio" James explains.
"Just relax, ok?" Carly asked. "I'm telling you, I don't know any of it. I have to get tutored after class. I still don't know it!" James said. "OK yes you do" Carly says. "No. I don't!" James said . "Okay, you know what? Let me prove it to you. Here" Carly says. "Oh my gosh! You brought cue cards?" James asked. "Yes
Can you just tell me the angle?" Carly asked. "I don't know, 92? I have no idea!" James said. "This is a right angle, right? Right angle triangle..." Carly explains. "Is 90 degrees" James said. "Yeah. Exactly. So how many degrees is left over to make the other two?" Carly asked. "45 degrees" James said. "Exactly, you've just figured it out" Carly says. "Yeah but that's one question, there's gonna be like 50 on the test. One out of 50? What is that like 2%?" James asked. "Exactly, you just figured out another math question" Carly says.
"I do think James will pass his exam. I mean he just has to believe in himself" Carly says.
Outside Elite
"I came to Elite to figure out what's going on with me and Emily" Eldon says.
Emily walks out the door. "Hey, u just got your text" Emily says. "Hey" Eldon says. "What's up?" Emily asked. "Not much, how are you?" Eldon asked. "I'm good, I have to get back in there, but how's the studio? Have they replaced Steph and i yet? Orr....?" Emily asked. "Kate and Chris are auditing B-troupe" Eldon says. "Well that's s good decision" Emily said. Emily phoned then went of. "Look, I really have to back in, is that it?" Emily asked. "Umm. I just wanted to say hi" Eldon says. "Hi?" Emily asked. "I just wanted...." Eldon said. "You took... you took three buses to come here to say hi to me?" Emily asked. "Yeah" Eldon answered.
"It's a long way from where he lives. This must be important to him" Emily says.
"Eldon, get to the point, hun" Emily said. "Okay well...." Eldon started to say until Emily phone went of. "You're auditing for Elite and... " Eldon says. "And?" Emily asked. "Well what about us?" Eldon asked. Emily looked bewildered then she realised. "Oh" Emily says.
"We're not really going out so... I wanted to know where we were are in our relationship" Eldon says.
"Eldon, it doesn't matter where I dance, we're still going to be together" Emily says. "Ok" Eldon says with a smile on his face. "Is that what you were worried about?" Emily asked. "Yeah" Eldon says. "That's really cute" Emily says.
"He's been there for me through everything and being official with Eldon is kind of an amazing feeling" Emily tells the camera.
"Don't worry. Nothings going to change ok?" Emily resures him. "Okay" Eldon says. Then the door opens which reveals Stephanie. "Ugh. There you are! Amanda and Lucian have made up there minds. We need to go. I've been looking everywhere for you" Stephanie says. "Okay. Ok. Wish me luck. I'll see you later ok?" Emily says while hugging him. "Good luck, bye" Eldon says. "Bye" Emily said while walking back to the door. Once Emily is through the door, eldon walks around smiling to himself.
"It feels amazing to finally be Emily's boyfriend" Eldon says.
Both Emily and Stephanie run into the studio where Amanda and Lucian are talking. "Girls, we don't appreciate tardiness here at Elite..." Lucian said once he saw them. They both say sorry. "But we have decided to let you audition. Let's see what you got" Lucian says. "We're just going to get changed and we'll be right back. Sorry. bye" Emily says then they both run out.
"I'm still really nervous but I'm a little relieved when Amanda and Lucian decided that Emily and I can audition" Stephanie says.
"I'm ecstatic. I just want to get out there, I want to dance and I want to prove to them this is where I belong that this is my new home" Emily says.
Back at James school
"You've answered every question right. You know all this stuff, I've told you this" Carly said. "I hope your right" James said. "I know I'm right. High five" Carly says. "High five?" James asked. "High five" Carly repeats. James just laughs and hugs her. She hugs him back. "Thank you" "You're welcome" the both say while in the hug.
"He just got every single question right that I asked him so he's clearly capable of doing this" Carly says.
"She believes ine when no esle does. It fells like anything is possible with Carly" James said.
"Follow me, ready?" Carly asked then started to dance. "Carly, what are you doing?" James asked. "Im dancing" she says while carrying on dancing. "Yo, there's nothing to see here. Hit the road" James says to the people that are staring.
"I begin dancing, because for so long I've always been the one who's always been so  stressed about everything and for once James is now stressed about his math and I just need to show him how to let loose" Carly says.
"Come on James..." Carly said when she dances closer to him. "Man...." jess says which makes Carly stop dancing. "Just learn the choreography. You can do this" Carly tells him. "In front of the school?" James asked. "Do it for me" Carly replied. "OK, well. I don't know it" James said. "Okay so let me teach you" Carly says. "So go slowly" James said. "Fine" Carly says. "From the top" James said while putting his bag down. "OK, ready?" Carly asked. "Yeah" James says. "Ok, one, two" Carly says then shows him what to do. He copies her.
In studio A at The Next Step
"Okay so who's left?" Michelle asked. Giselle put her hand up. "Giselle" Michelle says while moving back so Giselle can take the stage.
"I'm so excited i got a second chance to audition for A-troupe. That's never happened" Giselle says.
"Why do you dance?" Michelle asked. "Ummm, I dance because when I was a little kid I was really fidgety and my parents got extremely worried. And so we were talking to a couple of other people and they suggested that they put me in dance. And I instantly feel in love with it. I was with the people that was fidgety as well, and... I was like, I was at home" Giselle says.
"Giselle answer was really moving. A lot of kids feel like they don't fit in, and they don't belong and when they find that one place that they just feel so at home. I'm getting goosebumps just talking about it. We belong in this crazy little dance world" Kate explains.

(It shows Emily and Stephanie audition for Elite and Carly and James with the routine)

"Thank you guys. It we could swap with the next group and then we'll fo over the choreography with you guys" Michelle says.
"I've been working so hard you wouldn't even believe me. I've been in this studio every single night. I just really, really hope I make it this time" Giselle says.
In the juice bar
Both Beth and Giselle are waiting in the juice bar to see if they got in.
"I think the audition went really, really well. So I'm just anxious. I just want to know already. I just keep staring at my phone. I've talked to Chloe and she said she would text me if she heard anything. But still no text" Giselle says.
"Beth?" Giselle asked when she turned to look at Beth. Beth looked at Giselle. "Did you hear anything yet?" Giselle asked. She signs and says "no". Giselle turns back round.
"A-troupe means the world to me. If I don't get in. I'll be devastated. There are two spots, gotta stay positive" Giselle says.
Back in studio A
"Alright so we've talked it through, and we've made a decision of two individuals that will move up from B-troupe into A for Regionals. And I just wanted to let you guys know first before giving them the news" Kate tells the dancers.
"To add 2 new people into the group so quickly right before Regionals, it's gonna be hard to mix all our chemistry together" Chloe says.
"So we've done a lot of deliberately. A lot of talented dancers, and the two individuals...." Chris started to say. "They really improved" Michelle cut in. Kate and Chris agree. "The two individuals that will be moving up from B-troupe to A-troupe is..." Chris stopped talking cos Stephanie walks through the door. "Hi. Are there still auditionsfor A-troupe?" she says. "Well. No they're finished" Miss Kate explains.
"Stephanie walking in was kind of ridiculous. If you left, you left. Why come back?" Michelle asked.
"I come back to the Next Step cos I have no where else to go. I thought I was gonna get into Elite so I didn't really think of anything else" Stephanie says.
"I know instantly that Emily made it to Elite and she's not coming back" Eldon says.
"Do you guys think you can make an exception? Do you think I could audition?" Stephanie asked. Everyone looked passed off for the fact she left then came back.
I'm back. Sorry for not posting. Just been busy but I'm gonna try
Once I've finished the book, I'll edit it
XOXO Kisses

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