9. Video Killed The Radio Star

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Riley is finally feeling better so she is back in the studio. "All right, from the top, guys" Chris said. All of the dancers are in rehearsals.
"Right now, what I'm donig is taking the kids though a combo, getting them ready for a suprise" Chris said.
"I have no idea what this rehearsal is for. All I do know is that we're dancing to Brighter Brightest, so it has to be good" Carly said.
"Hold it, hold it, hold it! Nice!" Chris said once they finished. "Good job, dancers" Kate told them all. "All right, dolphin tail!" Chris said. All the dancers did the dolphin tale. "Do you guys like the new song?" Chris asked. "Yes!" All the dancers said. "So does anybody know who this band is?" Chris asked. "Brighter Brightest!" Carly said super fast. "Yes, so for those of you who do or do not know, I'm actually good friends with the band and I did their last music video. And they're actually doing another music video and they want some dancers. But not just any dancers! Our dancers" Chris said. Carly is jumping up and down with so much excitement. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm just joking" Chris says. "What?!" All the dancers said. "No I'm not! Get excited!" Chris says.
"Brighter Brightest coming to the Next Step Studio is a huge deal" Michelle says.
"Clearly I'm not excited as Carly, who is probably thier biggest fan" Emily said.
"I'm so excited. Sorry. Just I can't wait. I can't wait" Carly says.
"How should I act around the band? I mean, I want to be cool, right? Like is asking for their autograph kind of uncool? I mean like asking for their autograph might be cool, I don't know" Carly blabbered on to James. "Just be chill" James told her. "No. I can't just be chill" Carly told him.
"Carly is so gonig to get nervous" James said while laughing.
"Let's be serious though. Like, you get nervous sometimes" James said. "Are you kidding me? I do not get nervous. When have I ever got nervous?" Carly asked James. "Ok, ok. Practice on me. Ask for my autograph" James said. "I don't need to practice because I don't get nervous" Carly says. "I'll guarantee you'll freeze up. Practice on me" James told Carly. "Can I have your autograph? See. Perfect" Carly says.
"I'm going to be so cool around Brighter Brightest. It's not even a question" Carly says.
"Just do it like that. That was perfect" James says to Carly.
Brighter Brightest then walked into the studio and Carly ran up to them. She tried to ask for their autograph but it didn't go to plan and the Brighter Brightest thought she wasn't English.
"I feel so sad for Carly. I just want to give her a hug" James said.

They went to show Brighter Brightest what they got. Everyone danced their best apart from Carly who did a really bad cartwheel. She felt so sad since she's one of the best dancers and she couldn't even dance. Once everyone finished the Brighter Brightest said that they did so good. James and Carly are arguing in the back. "Really? I was nervous. What was I supposed to do?" Carly told him annoyed. "I thought you were gonig to impress them. You just froze" James said while smiling. "Can you please stop? You have no idea how hard it is to stand in front of them and dance!" Carly said. "Ok, ok. I'm sorry. Just go ask for their autograph" James says. They argue some more. "Hey. Yoo-hoo? Hello! In the back! It's a little disruptive. Listen, you have Brighter Brightest here, it's an opportunity. How about show a little professionalism? Ok? Come on in" one o the members of Brighter Brightest said.
"I'm thinking great they now caught us donig something embarrassing, and of course, it's James's fault again" Carly says.
James pushes Carly to the front to ask for their autograph but she froze up again. "Erm, so anyways. The song definitely has a lot of chemistry, you know? It's definitely about a relationship and you guys have a lot of chemistry, there's something obviously going on back there" another member says.
"How can I have chemistry with someone that irritating?" Carly said.
"Well they're right. I just hope Carly sees it" James said.
"We want you to be the focus of the video" the member said.
James nudged Carly and smiled at her. "Did you hear that?" He asked her.
"Being the focus of the music video, although it may be with James, it's still amazing! I can't even believe it's happening right now. Like, it's unreal" Carly said.
They want the dance done for tomorrow. Chloe goes into Kate's office. Chloe said she can't make it to the Brighter Brightest video because she has a personal commitment. Chloe has a shift at work but doesn't want to tell anyone in A-troupe because in A-troupe it's a big commitment.
Emily is showing the dancers what to do for the Brighter Brightest video. Some of the dancers don't like the dance because it's too blah. The guys all make animal nosies and Emily had enough and told the guys to get out. So it was boys against the girls. James pulls Carly to the side. "What was that?" Carly asks him. "What?" James asked confused. "The animal nosies? Why? We need the dance for the video" Carly rambled on. "Carly, back here now" Emily shouts. "Gotta go" Carly said. "I'll see you later" James said. All the boys them walk out of the studio making animal nosies.
The guys are all messing around donig impressions of one another in studio B. In studio A all the girls are rehearsing.
"I'm not sure if separating the boys and girls is a great idea. I don't really think it's gonig to work. I think we should work as a team" Michelle said.
"Me and James are the focus of this music video and he is now in another studio completely, so I don't know what's gonig to happen with that " Carly said.
James and Kate come in with pizza, they go to eat but Kate says no pizza until the guys are back. The boys come back in and they all argue until Kate tries to do the dolphin tale and everyone laughs. "Oh, you think this is funny. Any other dancer would kill for this opportunity. It's being handed to you and you're throwing it away. Hm? I'm tired of this. I'm tired of this fighting so guess what? I'm calling the band and I'm calling it off. It's too late to beg. It is way too late, ok? I'm sick and tired of this. No music video" Kate told the dancers.
"Ok, well thanks boys, for ruining it for everyone" Tiffany says.
"I was looking forward to working with Brighter Brightest" Michelle said.
"It's all Emily's fault. She came up with horrible choreographyand it tore us all apart" Daniel said.
"It's kind of like a big weight has been lifted of my shoulders cos I wasn't able to find anyone to cover my shift" Chloe says.
"This whole thing has been James's fault. I had the chance to be in Brighter Brightest's music video and now I don't, because of James" Carly said.
"Miss Kate I can do this" Emily said as her and James walked into Kate's office. "Emily, clearly you don't have it under control, ok? Half of the dancers are in studio B" Kate says. "Don't even look at me for that" Emily said. "Yeah, it might have been my fault a little bit" James confessed. "Oh, what you do James?" Miss Kate asked. "Well, I mooedin rehearsal" James said. "I knew it was you!" Emily says then slams her hands down. "Yeah, I know of make animal nosies when I'm under stress. I always gave, like since I was a little boy. This month is cow" James says. "He has never made an animal noise before" Emily said. "I always have"james said nodding. "And I know you've been under stress" Emily says. "She doesn't even know who I am" James says while looking at Miss Kate. "What is wrong with you people?" Miss Kate asked while looking at them. "Wrong with me?! I'm not the one mooing" Emily said firmly. "It was kind of a strategic moo. Just because I felt like she was riding us so hard" James then said. "A strategic moo? That's not even a real thing James. I just want to do this music video. The whole team wants to do this music video" Emily told Miss Kate. "Yeah, but the problem is that she won't consider our ideas" James said. "If we want to do this video, you have to include everyone's moves" Kate explains. "Everyone's moooooooves" James said.
"I just think she's silly, but she owns the studio, so..." Emily said with a shrug at the end.
"Fine. Consider the moooooves included" Emily said whilst James is smiling. "Thank you" Kate said as Emily walked out. He mowis then Miss Kate told him to get out.
"All right everybody. It looks like we will be continuing with the video shoot" Emily told the dancers. All the dancers cheered.
"I am so relieved that James and Emily got the music video back on" Carly said.
"I'm happy I could get the music video back for Carly" James said.

Carly sees Riley get her bag. "Hey Ry, where you gonig?" Carly asked her sister. "To a doctor's appointment so tell me what happens" Riley said. "Ok, but you'll miss the shoot" Carly said. "It's fine, I should go though, mum's waiting" Riley said. "Okay" Carly says then hugs her sister. Riley leaves then Carly paces.
"Right now, we're waiting for Brighter Brightest to come for the music video and I'm trying to figure out how to act around them" Carly explains.
James come up to her. "All right, listen, I know you can perform in front of Brighter Brightest" James told her. "I don't think so. I mean, every time I see them, I freeze up" Carly explains. "You're tripping out. Just don't concentrate on them so much. See? You're already more relaxed" he said to her smiling.
"Talking to James, surprisingly, helped. Idont know, he made me feel a lot better" Carly said.

"Brighter Brightest us in the studio and they're doing a music video shoot, and I really want to be a part of it" Chloe said.
"Hi, um...I'm feeling a little sick and I'm not gonig to be able to make it in to my shift........... Yeah I know I've just had this sick feeling for a while and I haven't been able to get rid of it"  Chloe said down the phone.
"My boss told me if I miss one more shift, I'll be fired" Chloe said.
Brighter Brightest come in and one of the members said she don't speak English.
"I'm never gonig to be able to convince them that I'm a normal human being. I'm just hoping that I don't mess up the video" Carly said.

(Carly is Riley)
Carly is sitting on a bench in studio A when James comes over. "Yo. Why the long face?" James asks her. "I had a chance to talk to Brighter Brightest and I blew it. They think I'm from another country" Carly told him. "Yeah, that was a little bit embarrassing" James told her. Carly rolled her eyes.
"It's hard for me to keep control of myself because I kind of have this surprise planned for her" James says.
"But, hey, cheer up. I've got something for you" James told her. "What?" She asked him then saw a member of Brighter Brightest come in. He site next to her. "This... This is for you" he said then passed her a singed copy of Brighter Brightest picture. He kissed her check them she froze in shock. "Thanks so much. Good luck in your country" he said then walked away. "Gracias!" Carly says. He grabs James hand a bounces. "Ow" he said. "Sorry" Carly said then let go of his hand.
"I think what James did for me was really sweet. I kind of saw a soft side of him for the first time" Carly said.
They vibe out singing a Brighter Brightest song. "I should get gonig" Carly then said. "Okay, my mam said she'lldrop you off" James says. She hesited then followed him to his mom's car. Once Carly got home, she showed Riley what James did for her.

Slowly getting there. Bit by bit. Thank you for coping with the slow updates. Really appreciate it *mwah*

XOXO Kisses

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