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It's been a wild ride!  Here's the finale!


Aru was absolutely devastated. After they had come out of detention, Aiden and the others walked home with her. Aru wouldn't say anything. Her eyes were dark, her skin felt cold, and she felt hurt.

Mini had come up with the idea that Boo had probably gone back to his time - to his sister. Though Aru was happy for him, that small sliver of her wanted to be selfish. She wanted her friend back, even though she knew that was impossible.

On the walk home, the gang tried everything to cheer her up. Rudy even tried making Harry Potter jokes, so it's obvious that things got desperate. Aru kept her head down the entire time, staring at the sidewalk. She wasn't looking in front of her, which meant that she almost bumped into things, poles, pets, and humans.

One such instance on the walk home, was when Aru bumped into a kid, about fourteen. He had straight black hair, chocolate eyes with wisdom mixed into them, and was texting away on an old phone. His round glasses reflected the screen of his phone, though it was blurry.

He looked up at Aru, who had lifted her head up ever so slightly. Her face morphed into surprise, then surefire realization. The kid had the same look on his face. Aru saw his eyes twinkle ever so slightly.

She narrowed her eyes, "What's my favorite cookie?" The gang raised their eyebrows in confusion. They didn't know this kid, did they?

The boy scoffed, "Easy. Oreos."

Aru smiled, "I know it was you!"

She slung her arm over his shoulder as the boy laughed. Aiden raised a pretty jealous looking eyebrow, "And you're not going to introduce us?"

The boy playfully glared at Aiden, "Please, loverboy. Stop giving me that look."

Aru laughed, "Don't tell me I have to jog your memory, Aiden."

Aiden furrowed his eyebrows, "Is he a distant cousin...?"

Aru smacked the top of Aiden's head, "No! It's Boo!"

Aiden's eyes calculated the possibilities of the boy being Boo, "Boo? How is that even possible? Forgive me, but you should be dead by now."

'Boo' rolled his eyes, "Gee, thanks."

Mini smiled, "If you really are Boo, then why are you still so young?"

The boy sighed, "When the game changed from board game to video game, my molecules must have changed with it. It changed the way I age, and now," he gestured to himself, "I'm basically immortal, or at least, I'll live a super long time."

Rudy gaped, "Wow, The first ever 299 year old man in a 14 year old body..."

Mini ended up smacking him. Aru snickered and turned to Boo, "So, how was your sister? Did you guys end up running away?"

Boo nodded, "Yes, actually. She ended up starting a family. Married a Scientist who tried to figure out how I was still a kid."

Aru laughed, "Okay, so let me guess. You're related to one of the greats?"

Boo shook his head, "I mean, I wouldn't consider you a great...but..."

Aru sputtered, "What now?"

Boo smiled, "My sister's lineage ended up making me your, great great great something, uncle."

Aru gaped, "And how did you come across this information, actually?"

Boo shrugged, "I have no idea.  My sister let me live with her, and I kept living with the rest of the generations. I had to change myself to fit in with the people of each time period. Explains how I know how to talk in perfect English. When I got to the 21st century, I was living with your distant cousins who managed to bring your topic up.  I asked some more questions and they eventually brought me here at my request.  They brought me here a few days ago, actually.  I was on my way to see you."

Aru raised an eyebrow, "That confuses me.  A lot.  Raises a lot of questions, too.  Like, how do I still remember you?"

Boo rubbed the nape of his neck, "Can we not talk about time travel, anymore? It's making me nauseous."

"That's weird." Nikita pointed out.

Boo just shrugged and was about to retaliate, when they heard something they never wanted to hear again - the warning drum beats of Jumanji. The group shared a look before running over to the school and grabbing the Jumanji Console - the source of the sound. They unplugged it and ran into an alley. Rudy found an old bowling ball and shot a look at the others before smashing the game to bits and pieces. With one last look at the hated game, they turned on their heels and walked away.


Awesome!  I guess we're done with the story you guys!

Keep a lookout, though.  There might be a second part on the horizon.

See ya!

Aru Shah: Jumanji AUWhere stories live. Discover now