Chapter 9

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Okay, this might be a little confusing...


The others were walking forward, confident in Boo's plan to get them to the tool shed. They knew they wouldn't admit it, but Boo had become a part of their family. He grew on them in the same way they grew on him. They knew without having to talk that they would be Boo's family. So it concerned them when he stopped in his tracks, staring at the ground.

Boo shifted his feet, "Um. Everyone?" All eyes turned to him, and Boo cleared his throat to continue, "Some things have come up, and I'm just really...confused. Do you mind if we wait before proceeding to the shed? I need time to think."

The gang looked at each other, a silent agreement passing in between each one of them. Sheela was the first to speak up, "Boo, we worked hard on this plan. Do you really want to get your mind together right now?"

Boo nodded sheepishly and Mini spoke, "Ok, then. We can wait. There's still some time left before it even gets remotely dark. You can take some time for yourself while we refine the plan."

The gang walked back behind the bush and promised Boo that they'd stay there until he came back. Boo nodded gratefully, as he walked away, but not too far from the bunch.


Boo strolled along the path, sitting down on a rock. That was when he broke. Tears spilled out of his eyes, truly comprehending what this all meant. He was stuck in the past and a new generation of kids were stuck in the very game that he was stuck in. He took it all in.

Boo took a shuddering breath as he buried his head between his legs in an effort to calm his oncoming headache. He whispered meaningless words to himself, trying to divert the attention from the specifically sore topic. He, instead, thought about how the world might have improved. Maybe he would land in America after they win the game. He smiled to himself thinking about all new possibilities.

He got up, ready to face what Jumanji would throw at him. Unfortunately for him, that was an uprooted tree root that made him fall flat on his face.


The gang had been waiting for about an hour, and were starting to get worried. Brynne was the first one to say anything, "Shouldn't Boo be back by now?"

Aru nodded at her, "Maybe I should-"

Brynne shook her head, "You only have two lives to spare. It's not going to do us any good if you die. I'll go, besides, he can't be too far."

Brynne came into the clearing in which she saw Boo disappear into. She saw him groaning on the ground, flat on his face.

"Stupid Jumanji tree," He muttered.

He rolled to his side widening his eyes to see Brynne of all people, watching him at the clearing.

There was an awkward silence between the two. Lucky for them, the tree root had managed to press the small of his chest, showing his strength and weakness board and effectively getting rid of the silence.

All he could get out before Brynne ogled at it, was a small and strangled no.

Brynne stared wide eyed at the screen in front of her. Boo got up and dusted himself, a poker face present on his face. He stepped forward, and glared at her, "You saw nothing, you hear me?" He told her, leaning towards her with a scowl on his face.

Brynne gulped, but stood her ground, "And if I do?"

"You know my power. One glance is all it takes," Boo said, sizing Brynne up.

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