Chapter 11

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Boo rubbed the bridge of his wrist apprehensively, feeling the small beads of sweat trickle down the back of his neck. His arm felt empty without the wrist watch his sister had given him. Ever since he got into the game, he had developed a habit of rubbing his wrist, feeling the empty space as if the watch would somehow magically appear back on him.

He whistled, watching his eagle soar above him before coming to a rest on his forearm. He nervously looked back at the gang, the members staring at him with concern. Boo bowed his head to the animal before saying, "My friend, you need to gather the rest of our bird family in case of another mishap. You see, I didn't do my proper duty as a pilot. My human friends there almost perished in the chasm. If you please, look after us. You're our guardian compass now."

The eagle let out a ear-piercing squawk before ruffling its feathers and leaping off of Boo's arm. It flew higher and farther to the point where not even Boo's hawk-like vision could spot it. He sighed before turning and jogging back to the others. Aru gave him a slightly hurt but mostly concerned look.

Boo smiled at her apollo-getically, "Sorry for pushing you off like that. I just remembered to call in a favor. It was urgent."

Aru nodded to him, sighing in relief, " I thought something was seriously wrong."

Boo fervently shook his head, earning some looks from Brynne and surprisingly, Aiden. Boo raised an eyebrow at Aiden who just shook his head and looked away.

Rudy clapped his hands, effectively turning all attention to him, "SO! What do we do now?"

Mini set down her backpack, "I think it would be a little better if we camped here for the night. The entire rhino stampede and all that other...stuff, took a lot out of us."

Boo nodded, about to say something when Aiden cut him off. He took out the map, and his eyebrows shot up, "I can see the statue now. It's not too far away, but I think Mini's right. It's getting dark, and I'd rather not walk the entire night."

Everyone else nodded in agreement, leaving Boo to unpack some of the sleeping bags he was carrying. That is until, "WHAT?! Nononononono."

Boo clutched his head, and Brynne rushed to him, "Is it your lives? They're fine right? Why are you screaming?"

"I think some of the sleeping bags got untied during our flight. They're gone. Some of us are going to have to sleep on the floor," Boo said, "As usual, I've failed again."

Brynne proceeded to console him, unaware of the looks they were getting from a certain girl.

Aru glared at the 2, almost enviously. Why were they close when she had befriended Boo first? She tried to make her way towards them, a slightly hurt expression flickered in her eyes.

Aiden seemed to notice because he walked up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Hey. It's okay for Boo to have other friends. No need to be overprotective. Besides, it's not like Bee's a stranger."

Aru hid it well. She nodded along, envy pent up inside. It simply wasn't fair.

Aiden just shook his head, "I see you. You can bottle up your feelings all you want, but I'll still be able to read you like an open book."

Aru glared at him, "Oh, so you know him better too? What are you hiding from me! I told you what was going on before, so you tell me now! You. Owe. Me!" She snapped back

Aiden raised his hands up in defense, "I never said that, Aru. And, I'm not hiding anything. Look," Aiden sat down, patting the ground next to him. Aru sat down, still glaring at him, " To be honest, you're literally the one person I can't lie to. I can even lie to some extent, at least. She always seems to find out. I also know what Boo's going through. He blames himself for almost getting all of us killed. It wasn't his fault. I mean, I should know. I feel like that every day. My parents splitting was hard to deal with. I always feel like it was my fault even though I know that it's not. You of all people should understand that. I just...I want you to know that Boo's not going to leave you just because he has others to take care of him too. Neither am I. We're all friends for a reason, trust me on that." Aiden smiled at her, waiting for her to say something.

The response he was waiting for never came. Aru simply got up and walked away. Everyone's eyes were on her. Aru never just...'walked away' from people. Aiden knew something was still up, so he got up and followed her, jogging to catch up, "Wait! Aru! Where are you going?"

Aru kept walking, her chin poised high, and her hands behind her back.

Aiden caught up to her, grabbing her wrist to keep her from walking any further, "What's wrong." He said. He didn't ask. He sort of gave her a command, trying to make sure she told him...but there wasn't any hostility in his tone.

Aru glanced at him, and sighed, looking at him straight in the eyes, water blurring her vision. Tears speckled her cheeks, dripping out of her eyes, slowly...almost unnoticeably. Aiden, however, noticed her expression and pulled her into a tight hug, allowing her to cry. Her tears stained his shirt. Aru gripped him tightly, still crying.

She sniffled, still not letting go, "I-It's just that...I've never been able to make f-friends properly. I-It was always, make one friend and have them introduce the others to you. Boo was the first friend I made on my own, without help or lack of confidence. I-I don't want him to leave me..."

Aiden pulled away from her, slightly, "Don't worry about that. No one's going to leave you. Why would you even think that?"

Aru hugged him even tighter, "B-because... They all did! I don't want it to happen again like mom and dad."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, "Who else left Aru?"

Aru slightly raised her head, "Well, there were these girls at school... They kinda liked me but then..."


"Um... I started lying..."


"Stuff? To make myself cooler?"

Aiden narrowed his eyes, "Okay...and I'm guessing they figured that out?"

"Yeah... They all ganged up on me in elementary school, and became my school bullies ever since."

Aiden cupped her chin. Aru was still in tears. He smiled at her, "That's not going to happen here. I mean, look around. We're all stuck in a video game and are basically trying not to die the entire time. I don't think that anyone's gonna leave you after this."

Aru didn't speak. She used actions... She leaned closer, and so did Aiden, until (of course) Boo jumped in and separated Aru and Aiden.

Boo pushed them apart screaming, "PLEASE! I DON'T NEED THIS! I'M STILL A KID! Well, kind of... Wait am I still a kid?"

Aru laughed, "Not really? What are you doing here anyway? Isn't Brynne tending to you?"

Boo let out a nervous chuckle, "About that...I heard what you said. I mean, it's not technically hearing if I purposefully tuned my ears to hear your conversation...ehe."

Aiden chuckled and stealthily left Boo and Aru to talk. Aru fumed, "You eavesdropped on us?"

Boo held up his hands in surrender, "Now, now. Eavesdrop is a strong word..."

Aru raised an eyebrow, "What do you want, Boo?"

"Well, If you wanted me to spend more time with you, you should have just asked! Honestly, you don't have to hide your-"


Boo's face turned into a small frown, "Well... I don't think Aiden knows...maybe he understands what I'm going through, but he doesn't know... I have to talk to Brynne, but to start the tale, it all started with a glance..."

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