Chapter 7

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HEY!  So, Imma say that this chapter has sort of a My Little Pony ending to it.  Don't expect more.  Too sappy for a daily basis thing.  Anyway, just wanted to get that out of the way!  ENJOY!


Aru sat next to Boo, staying quiet and listening to Boo's small hiccups.

Aru looked at him sympathetically, "Again, I know I said I wouldn't apologize, but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But on a happier note, Boo has a nice ring to it don't you think?"

Boo snorted making sure the sarcasm was practically dripping from his voice, " Suuuuuure. I have been waiting for such a preposterous title for 288 years. It's just what I needed."

Aru looked at him strangely, "Honestly with that kind of vocabulary, which I totally know and understand, you would think that you're in like, 11th grade!"

Boo rolled his eyes, "It's clear that you can not comprehend my branch of speech and vocabulary. For your information, I am 12 years old."

Aru looked him up and down, "You look like a 20 year old in this game."

Boo raised an eyebrow, " You look like you're no older than 28. But based off of your immaturity and lack of comprehension, I would guess that you are about 13 ."

Aru feigned offence, " Then try talking in words I understand. Like...try using contractions such as 'don't' and 'can't.' It'll help everyone understand you better. Also, it's a fact that I am 14."

Boo scoffed, "Alright. I am touched by your concern to teach me a new branch of vocabulary. I can't believe that you are so dim in the head. I am appalled. Don't give me that face, it would give you wrinkles. "

For the next few hours of the night, Aru was up all night with Boo teaching him everything about the 21st century and it's language habits. Boo nodded at everything and took notes on some paper he bought at the market before the rest of the gang came.

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" Well Miss. Uh... I mean dudette. Um... or was it just the full name? I'm confused! This is too confusing!" Boo complained.

Aru stared at him, "Do NOT call me dudette. It feels unnatural. People call me Shah or Aru. Either one, but NEVER dudette."

Boo smiled, " You just gave me your weak spot."

Aru's eyes widened and unclasped the necklace her character was wearing and started swinging it around like a hypnotist would, "You do not remember anything that I said about 30 seconds ago."

Boo chuckled, "It doesn't work. Dudette. It was proven already, by my doctor, that hypnotism doesn't work."

Aru sighed exasperatedly, "I've already taught you enough. If you don't stop being annoying, I won't tell you anything else."

Boo fidgeted with his English notes, " Well... I think I trust you enough to tell you my story. But I can't say it if I Shut up can I? I think I was informal enough in that statement."

Aru looked at the boy, "Fine, but summarize it. We need to get out of the game and we need sleep for that. So...begin"

Boo nodded, taking shuddering breaths as he summarized his 12 years of life, "Well, my family was always a little broken. My father, er, dad, was an abusive alcoholic. He always came home late at night and whipped my mom who was sitting on the couch waiting for him. If my sister and I ever saw him hit my mom, he would whip us too, except if we got away in time. My mother didn't have the rights to divorce my father so..." he blinked away some tears, "she commited suicide, hanging herself to get away from the pain. My sister and I were left to my father's mercy. We eventually made a plan to run away when father was out on a business trip. We packed everything we needed, and even raided almost all of my father's money stash so that we could fend for ourselves. Our family was rich so my sister and I had more than enough money to live. While we were packing, I found an old board game - one that my mom had bought for my sister's birthday. Since our father was still off on his trip, we decided to play a few rounds before leaving our...home. I never made it past the first round..."

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