Chapter 2

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Mini noticed something weird, "Hey, guys? Is it just me or is there another character?"

Aru narrowed her eyes, "I see it too, Min. I think that character's taken already..."

Nikita scoffed, "Whatever. Not a big deal. Let's just get this over with and done. Aru press start."

Aru was suspicious but still pressed start, the anticipation eating her up. That was when, you guessed it, something weirder happened. The console emitted a bright green light, and the students shielded their eyes.

Suddenly, Aru screamed in terror, "GUYS! I NEED HELP!"

The girl was being pulled toward the bright green light, seemingly turning into little green particles. Sheela and Aiden tried pulling her back, but they couldn't, and she was fully sucked in.

Brynne and Nikita cried out the same as Aru, then Rudy, Sheela, Mini, and finally Aiden. They were all sucked into the green light, and the room they were in was left empty as the light faded behind them.


Aru was screaming, tears ripped from her eyes, as she was falling into a dense forest. She realized that her scream was less... childlike, and more mature sounding.

She landed on the ground with a Thump as she got up, groaning, and assessing herself for any injuries. What she saw, surprised her.

Her body was full grown, stylish goggles on her face. Her hair was more luscious and long (with less split ends then Aru had even seen in her own), braided down her back, with beautiful barrettes and clips, adorning her hair. She was wearing a loose black and white frilly dress shirt, with a long black formal cardigan that reached her knees. She was wearing dark maroon skinny jeans, with a small but beautiful tiara adorning her head.

She stood there, looking around, until she heard a chime from the sky above. She looked up only to see the figure of a....Jack Black?! She heard screaming and immediately stepped out of the way, and let the Jack Black looking figure fall on the floor groaning.

The figure looked up at her and started screaming, so Aru started screaming. They had a full on screaming party, and it took them a minute or two to calm down.

Jack Black freaked out and asked, "Who are you? Nice fashion sense by the way."

Aru answered confidently, "I'm...Aru Shah..."

Jack Black eyes widened in surprise, "ARU?! When did you become...fashionable?"

Aru just rolled her eyes, "Who are you?"

The person got up and said, "It's me! Niki!"

Aru helped Nikita dust off, "Okay...considering we just saw a bright green light come out of a video game, I can believe that. you know what you look like?"

Nikita started tearing up in panic, "WHAT?! WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE?! AM I HIDEOUS?!"

Aru waved her hands in denial, "NO! Well...I can't really explain, but there's like a pond can go check."

Before Nikita could go check her reflection, many more chimes were heard, and everyone fell out of the sky and onto the cold, hard, dirt ground. Luckily for Aru and Nikita, the others didn't notice how hard they were laughing. Nikita started screaming her head off at the reflection looking back at her. It was a person that looked like the female version of Jack Black. Her black hair was short and messy, and her face was adorned with huge gold rimmed glasses, green eyes, and freckles, but the worst part was that she was wearing a plaid purple and red sweater and black shorts, with a botanist apron on. Even if she wasn't dressed, well... gracefully, she was still spouting fashion advice to everyone else.

She stood there, staring at her reflection, as if she was a blue alien from outer space...until she was promptly eaten by a hippo. Everyone was still groaning on the floor and didn't realize that Nikita was eaten. They heard another chime in the sky, and Nikita fell onto the ground, joining the others. Aru just stared, shocked as to what had just happened.

Aiden's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he realized that he was like an indian Zack Efron impersonator. Mini was a beautiful woman, but was quite short (GUYS MINI WAS...MINI! - Trips). Not too much of a surprise though. Rudy... Rudy, was... well, terrifyingly handsome (That's a little scary). His eyes had slits, and he was wearing a brightly colored robe. His hair had green stripes in them, and had terrifying fangs. He nearly fainted from his reflection.

Brynne had a white crop top, white skirt up to her knees, and a white beret. She held a crazy sharp knife in her hands.

Sheela was calling out to everyone, stumbling on every little thing. She was wearing a gypsy robe, and had beautiful flowers in her hair. Then, she gorgeously tripped on a rock.

A chime was heard and a projection screen was seen above them.

Strengths vs. Weaknesses:


Princess Lightningale: Caring/Loyalty

Scimitar Blade: Poison

Viper Lazybones: Bread/any physical activity that harms snakes.

Madame Verity: Heels

The Seer: Madame Verity and sight

Aubergine Crusher: Strong Winds

Booksy Skullshade: hospitals/clinics/anything safe


Princess Lightningale: Lightning summoning, rain and thunder control. Rain dancing, and invincibility when Lightning bolt is unlocked.

Scimitar blade: Weaponry, Strategy, the smolder, Princess Lightningale and muffins

Viper Lazybones: Sand, Sun, Negative Energy, Tongue of the Snake

Madame Verity: Insults and wedges/botany

The Seer: fortune telling

Aubergine Crusher: Knives, food, cooking utensils

Booksy Skullshade: Knowledge, zoology

Aru was the first to react to the giant screen, " LOYALTY IS MY FATAL FLAW?! I CAN CONTROL LIGHTNING AND RAIN! AAAAAHHH I'M A MIX OF JASON AND PERCY! Wait..."

Mini stopped Aru there, "Aru. Don't. Just don't. At least yours sort of make sense. My worst nightmare is literally my weakness. I can't even go near anything related to hospitals."

Aiden snickered at Mini, "Well, speak for yourself. My weakness is poison, which means there is a LOT more likely chance of death. And one of my strengths is Aru so, you see why you have it better."

"HEY!" Aru shouted, hurt and pouting. Aiden paid the poor girl no mind, thinking she was being playful (OBLIVIOUSNESS!!! -Trips).

Sheela, in the meantime, walked in the opposite direction and kept feeling the ground, trying to find her way back to the group.

She knew that being blind was her weakness, but it didn't help that she lived a life full of colors and brightness. She kept crawling until she felt something, suspiciously like a tire.

She gasped, as she realized that it was indeed a car. Maybe they could get out of this place!

" GUYS!!!!! I FELT SOMETHING! I THINK IT'S A CAR!" Sheela cried, over the thundering laughs and arguments of the others.

The others looked around, being reminded that Sheela couldn't see. Worry glazed over 'their' physical features, as they sprinted towards her, gasping at the rusty Jeep, with a person inside.

The person smiled, "My name is Kara! Welcome to Jumanji! Jumanji is in great danger! That is why we called for your help! Princess Lightningale, please check your back pocket for a letter about your mission. To sum it up, you must find the jewel of Jumanji and see it safely returned to the peak. 'If you wish to leave the game, you must save Jumanji, and call out its name!' Now, you must enter the vehicle, for I must take you to the starting point of your journey."

Aru Shah: Jumanji AUWhere stories live. Discover now