Chapter 3

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When they were about to head into the Jeep with Kara, Nikita stopped and rubbed her forearm. Her eyes widened with panic as she saw two bold lines engraved in her skin. She immediately flung into action as she shoved everyone's sleeves up, all of them looking like she grew a second head.

"No... This can't be happening. No no no no!!" Nikita screamed frantically.

Aru put a hand on her shoulder, trying to be as comforting as possible,

Her voice soft as silk and laced with concern asked, " What's going on Niki? What happened?"

Mini was confused, until she realized what Nikita was doing. " Oh my god, Nikita, are you checking for the amount of lives we have?"

Nikita nodded frantically, small tears polling in her eyes as she cried out, " I don't wanna die!"

The others were very confused until Mini filled them in. They stood, there frozen in shock, as they realized that if they died, it was GAME OVER.

Aiden jumped in, putting his hand on Aru's shoulder subconsciously, "Wait. Don't jump to conclusions guys. If we are in the game, then maybe this could mean the amount of power-ups we have or something. Why don't we ask the NPC?"

Nikita nodded, "Good idea. Maybe-Maybe I was just worrying too much."

They all got into the Jeep and Mini asked Kara, "So, Kara, what are the lines on our wrists? I don't remember any of us getting a tattoo, and if any of us did, it would be Brynne and a tattoo of a Potato."

Kara turned to look at Mini's wrists, "Those represent the amount of lives you have. If all of you manage to win the game with at least one life left, you'll return home safely.'s Game Over."

Nikita started hyperventilating again, and Aru was the first to calm her down once more, mainly because Sheela couldn't find her sister amidst all the people, "Niki, it's okay. You still have two lives left. You won't die. I won't let that happen, okay?"

Aiden smirked, "Wow Shah, when did you get so positive?"

Aru shrugged, confidence radiating off of her like never before, "When did you turn into Zac Efron?"

Aiden stopped talking after that. He really didn't like it when people noticed his looks. It was the main reason he always wore a hoodie and jeans. He never wore shorts or t-shirts unless he was at home alone, and that was the only reason.

Aru's response left the rest of the gang to snicker, and they decided that they should probably talk about something else, as to not upset Nikita any more than she already was.

Kara shared a bright smile as she suddenly said, "Princess, it was an honor to meet you, but this is where we must part! Please, check the map in your pocket and give it to Scimitar Blade, He can read it and get you on your way. A letter about your mission was also placed in one of your back pockets. Good Luck! May you save Jumanji! Remember, 'If you wish to leave the game, you must save Jumanji, and call out its name!' Goodbye now!"

She left the gang at the front of another forest, where they got off, except this one seemed less dense and looked much easier to navigate. Once they got off the Jeep, a big flash of light surrounded them. A voice was reading the letter while showing the background story of the enemy. A cut-scene.

" A long time ago. The Isle of Jumanji was a safe place for all people and creatures. Entities large and small, came here to live in peace and harmony. In the heart of Jumanji, a statue lay still, protecting all the inhabitants. A jewel, fixed in the center of the chest of the statue, is what gives the statue control of Jumanji. One day, a wicked warlord nicknamed, The Sleeper, stole the jewel from the statue, thus taking control of all of Jumanji. Your job is to return the jewel back to the statue, so that Jumanji may be peaceful once more. Once you have completed your quest, call out Jumaji's name and end the game."

Aru Shah: Jumanji AUWhere stories live. Discover now