Chapter 14

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HEY GUYS!  So, to clear up some stuff, remember when Aru took that potion in one of the previous chapters?  That means, Aru now has 3 lives.  We fixed everything and there aren't any plot holes.  Aru has three lives in this chapter, and this is the reason.

Also, we added a song in this chapter.  The song doesn't belong to me!  It belongs to Christina Aguilera!  She owns it.  I just thought it was a good song and we decided to incorporate it into the story.  

Now, without further ado, here's the chapter!


"Are we there yet?" Aru asked for the 14th time.

Boo sighed and Sheela gave him a sympathetic glance. Boo simply held the bridge of his nose and kept hiking the trails to get to the top. All of the jaguars and forest men had fled the area, leaving nothing but tracks and weapons littered on the green jungle floor.  Aru curiously started to walk over to the weapons when Boo yanked her back.

Sheela grabbed onto Boo's other hand, afraid she was going to fall.

"Uh... This is a bit awkward," Boo said, eyeing them both.

"Maybe it wouldn't be, if we were there already," Aru grumbled, pulling her hand back.

"Aru, stop it. Boo's only trying to help! If we took the main path we would have been skewered ages ago!" Sheela countered, furrowing her eyebrows and staring off into space.

"Sheela, Aru is over there." Boo said, staring wearily at Aru, who just shrugged.

"Oops," Sheela said, as she giggled nervously.

Aru groaned, "I wanna go home...I miss my mom."

Boo gave her a sad look, "Me too, but we have to keep going if we're going to make it home."

Aru nodded to him, "I guess you're right, but can we at least make the trip up a little less boring?"

Boo rolled his eyes, "You want me to sing or something?"

Aru's eyes twinkled, "Yes actually. Let's see how well you are." She taunted.

Boo shook his head, "NO WAY! It was sarcasm!"

"Well I think it would be pretty nice, Boo!" Sheela squealed.

"No! Nuh uh. Nopity nope nope nope. NO!" Boo refused, shaking his head aggressively.

"C'mon! I'll start you off." Aru cleared her throat, "Wait...what songs do you know? Lullabies preferably?"

"Um... None really. I haven't really had the liberty to um... sing? Or Listen to music? Yeah sounds real right?" Boo stuttered, looking anywhere but there faces.

Aru gave a look, "Really, Boo? Even an oldie like you would know how to sing!"

"I'M NOT OLD! Although, maybe those vocal classes would-" Boo stopped. He realized his mistake.

"BOO, YOU TOOK VOCAL CLASSES?" Aru screamed, her eyes wide. Sheela was just giggling while the entire conversation was happening.

"W-what? No! I didn't! I um... didn't sing?" Boo said, trying to cover his mistake.

Aru rolled her eyes, "No way I'm believing that. Come on! Hm. let me think. What kind of songs would be around during your time period? Any ideas Sheela?"

"Why me?" Boo cried, burying his face in his hands, as they trekked up closer to the statue.

Sheela giggled, "I don't know many Aru. Maybe think of something your Mom listened to?"

Aru Shah: Jumanji AUWhere stories live. Discover now