Chapter 4

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Wassup Y'all!  PLB and I hope you enjoy!


Aiden and the rest of the gang were in confusion as to what just happened to Rudy, but decided to put it off since their main priority was getting back home. Aiden pulled out the map from his pocket. It was soaking wet, but still legible. Everyone crowded around him, trying to figure out what the "blank" piece of paper said.

Aiden pointed to a bottom corner, "It says here that the Night Bazaar isn't far. There's also a little note. It says, 'You must find the missing piece.' I think the Bazaar is where we're supposed to go next."

Aru, cranky from being wet to the bone, grunted right before she made a sour expression, "No duh captain obvious! Why did you even get the map wet anyway?"

Aiden stared at her for a few minutes, " I didn't. We fell into a FLIPPING WATERFALL!"

The other felt the tension and cautiously took a few steps back.

"Honestly, You're so careless! Why didn't you protect the map more?" Aru asked, scoffing.

Aiden stood still, shadows covering his eyes, " You think I'm careless? YOU THINK I'M THE CARELESS ONE?? YOU ACTUALLY JUMPED INTO THE FLIPPING RIVER! DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT THE REST OF US?? Or do you just care about yourself, Your Highness? I think it suits you well! You're a Princess, and you're careless like one too!" Aiden finished, observing the lightning bolts and storm clouds that surrounded her. He probably should have been worried and run for his life knowing Aru, But at that point, he wasn't thinking so much about that.

"YOU! ARG! I JUST WANT TO ELECTROCUTE YOU RIGHT NOW!" Aru screamed, her eyes, becoming a bright blue. To prove this she attempted to shove him in the water, although, it really didn't do much.

Mini ran up to her before Aru could do anything. She whispered some stuff into her ear, causing Aru to back down. She sent the storm clouds away, and let Mini engulf her in a hug. Aru broke out of Mini's arms, much calmer than before, a hateful glance directed straight at Aiden.

Aiden did something very rash, to compete with her. He shoved her off and into the deep water, with not so much as a shrug until he realized what he had done. He attempted to jump back into the river to help her out when a gigantic tusked creature speared her in the stomach. The Jumanji bells struck again, as Aru screamed in surprise as it cut through the air. Aiden saw a small tear slip out of her eyes right before she exploded.

The chimes of Jumanji were heard again, and Aru fell on top of Rudy. Mini helped them both up. When she asked Aru if she was okay, all she got was, "Rudy broke my fall."

Aiden tried to apollo-gise (Yay! I made a pun! A very overused one, BUT I STILL MADE ONE!- PLB), and the weird thing was that Aru smiled at him, and awkwardly patted his shoulder.

"Um... I'm very scared of you right now. You're too calm, and I really feel bad about what I did! I'm so sorry! It was a very rash decision, and I'm so sorry! If you're really bothered by it then I can make sure not to get the map wet!" Aiden wailed, his eyes showing shame and utter failure.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Aru rubbed the back of her neck, "I-It's okay. Chill. I still have two lives left. Besides, I'm all dry now thanks to you. I think I was just cranky about being soaked."

Truth was, Aru really was okay with it. For one, she had a HUGE crush on him. Second, she truly admired how he stood up for himself against a raging lightning princess. He really didn't do anything wrong. At the same time, she felt discouraged and a more than a little hurt, because he called her careless.

Aiden saw that she was still a little hurt by what he had said earlier, "And I'm sorry for calling you careless. You're nowhere near that. Maybe you're a bit stubborn but I like that."

Aru brightened, but she was still slightly hurt. She brushed that away as she heard how he liked her being stubborn, "I told you. There's nothing to worry about. We're good now. And-"

Nikita cleared her throat, "If you two lovebirds are done, we should get this show on the road. Aiden hesitantly looked at the map again, and pointed to the direction of the Night Bazaar. They're journey was just beginning.

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