Chapter 13

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 "Sometimes... it's easy to get so focused on your own stuff that... you other people have problems too."- Jack Black (playing as Professor Shelly Oberon aka Bethany)- Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle



Mini bit her nails. The jaguars had long since left from sight when Boo gave them the signal to split. Last she saw of the others was when Aiden and his group went left and Aru's group went right. Now, it was just her and Rudy.

He led the way, but Mini kept jumping around, her eyes darting to every creature, identifying them and their most dangerous aspects. Being a zoologist in the forest wasn't the best idea. The only means of defense she had with her were her wits and a short dagger that she had in a sheath on her boot.

Mini heard rustling in the bushes behind her, and it wasn't her imagination because Rudy turned his head too. They stared at the greenery for, Hades knows how long. Right when they decided to turn around and keep moving, a large black cat just happened to jump out and attack. Whether it was the adrenaline pumping in her veins or the sheer fear of large, black jungle cats, Mini unsheathed her dagger and with a quick slash, decimated the jaguar. She watched as it turned into game code and disappeared.

Rudy just stared at her wide eyes, looking like he was about to say something but of course, a spear just had to cut him off. Why not? Mini turned to the right as the scene revealed six, very mean looking, men, five of which still had spears in their hands. Behind them, three snarling jaguars shared the same hungry in their eyes.

Mini and Rudy glanced at each other before Rudy smirked, "Come at me, bro."

Mini gaped at him, "I thought we were on the same page here! My look clearly said, 'Don't provoke them.' "

Rudy rolled his eyes, "Really? I thought they said, 'Let's go get some ice cream.' Which I'm totally open to by the way."

Mini mumbled something that vaguely sounded like, "Why am I alive again?" She sighed, "If that was sarcasm, it's not the time! Now get your snakes on hand, pretty boy. I have a feeling we're going to need them."

Rudy wiggled his eyebrows, "OOOOH. So I'm pretty?"

All while this was happening, the tribesmen seemed to be getting impatient, although some held looks of amusement. Mini was sure that if popcorn existed here, those men would be watching them fight with a bucket of it in their hands. Sadly, there wasn't one delicious bucket of buttery goodness in sight, so the men had to go for the next best thing. A cage match to death...but with no cage. So it was just a match to the death?

Anyway, one of the men ruined the moment by pointing his spear forward and yelling a command word, to which all of the jaguars simultaneously launched themselves toward the two. Mini managed to duck under one and slice it's underbelly, making it whimper and disappear. Rudy went with something a little flashier.

Of course he did.

Two jaguars went straight for him on either side. Rudy just winked at Mini before jumping up and doing the splits, making the two cats head bump. While they were knocked out, Rudy decided to call in an absolutely enormous two-headed cobra to take each one out, painlessly. Mini just stared in horror as he dusted himself off.

Rudy shrugged at her, "Playing Call of Duty makes you merciless. I still count the painless death as mercy, though. So, I'm not a monster."

They turned to the men. The men who had lost his spear before, had magically made it appear in his hands again. He and two other guards went to murder Rudy while the other three went for Mini. Mini had about two seconds to make a plan.

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