Chapter 12

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Aru, once she and the others were completely filled out on Boo's 'one glance can kill' thing, was completely perplexed. Of course, she was now scared to make Boo mad, but she also understood that her team was now a whole lot stronger.

They had made plans to head to the statue using the map, with hopefully no distractions. The statue was apparently close by, so they'd get there if they woke up early. If there were no guards, which there almost always are, and if they manage to get past the Sleeper's men, which are apparently always stationed there, all they had to do was make it to the top of the statue and put the gem in. Simple. Right? Not really.

*TIME SKIP to the next morning*

Aru stared at the luscious greens and vegetations, and finally, to the stone jaguar visible over the tops of the trees.

Boo halted them, "There are guards. The statue is guarded by forest peoples and jaguars. I think it's best if we-"

"COUNT ME IN!" Brynne whisper-shouted.

"What?" Boo asked.

"I think I could lead them away and have them chase me. I have 2 lives anyway," Brynne explained, receiving looks from everyone.

"Brynne I don't think-" Boo started

Mini stopped them, "That's actually kind of smart. You are a cooking ninja of some sort. If they find you enough of a threat then maybe all of them will leave, trying to pursue you. That'll give us enough time to sneak forward."

Aru looked at her, her mouth hanging open, "Mini! But-"

Aiden stepped forward apologetically, "I think she's right. Maybe someone should go with her though. Maybe Nikita and I?"

Aru gaped at all of them, "But! I-"

"I believe I have a solution. I think we can afford to have that group of Aiden, Brynne, and Nikita if she is willing. Then Rudy should have a partner who has at least 2 lives. It would only put him in danger if he went to attack the jaguars guarding the statue. So Mini can go with Rudy. Sheela and Aru can come with me," Boo concluded, getting looks of approval.

Mini shook her head a little, "What if the Sleeper's men find us? You said that they would be here."

Boo nodded grimly, "I forgot about them. Okay," he clapped once, "Revising the plan. Aiden, Nikita, and Brynne can take the Sleeper's men. Sheela, you'll come with me and Aru. Brynne, hand Aru the jewel. We'll take it up. While we do that, Mini and Rudy are on jaguar/forest people duty."

"While Aiden's group gets the Sleeper's men, Mini and Rudy take on the jaguars and tribespeople, Sheela, Boo, and I put the jewel back. Then we go home!" Aru said excitedly.

"Exactly!" Boo responded.

They were about to put their plan into motion. Sheela was the one to get out of their hiding spot to do some searching, since she had 3 lives left. She opened her mouth to say something. That's when they heard growling. Jaguars creeped out of the bushes, sniffing the air. Sheela couldn't see them. She only knew when it was too late and quickly dove into bushes but not before one of them saw her.

"Jaguar guards! I heard them!" Sheela screamed, as the jaguar pounced on her. The rest of them averted their heads, quietly sneaking to another bush as the jaguar feasted on Sheela's flesh. They heard her explode, and the jaguar whimper. The chimes of Jumanji rang again as Sheela fell, putting a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. She blindly fell into the bushes where the others were hiding.

"We need to act fast. Those jaguars are going to find us!" Mini cried.

"True, but we have a plan for that don't we? I mean, Mini and Rudy got this. Right?" Brynne questioned.

"Definitely. This won't work otherwise. Mini, take the human guards. You should be able to shake them off. Either that, or you can bore them to death with medicinal facts. Rudy, you get some snakes to kill off the jaguars. You can work together to get them off your scent. Brynne, Aiden, and Nikita, wait for my signal. You guys head to the bottom of the statue and check for the Sleeper's men. Kill them without hesitation. Aru and I can try to take the Sleeper with our strengths. If we come across him, that is. We'll protect Sheela," Boo responded, siriusly ( I MADE A PUN! Not a good one tho lol-PLB).

Mini and Rudy nodded to him, Mini a little miffed at Boo for calling medicine boring. Aiden, Niki, and Brynne crouched in anticipation. Boo and Aru shared a look before taking each of Sheela's hands. With one signal, they got into their designated groups and went their separate ways, fighting for their way back home. 


If you guys didn't understand, instead of only jaguars, we put tribespeople as guardians too.  Mini and Rudy will kill them.  The Sleeper's men will be taken on by Nikita, Brynne, and Aiden.  The jewel and the Sleeper will be handled by Aru, Boo, and Sheela.  

Other than that, hope you enjoyed y'all!  - Trips and PLB

Aru Shah: Jumanji AUWhere stories live. Discover now