Chapter 15

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The three musketeers turned around to see the same man Aru had pushed off the balcony, except he was decked out now. Last they had seen him, he was wearing a shirt, jeans, and held a blade. Now, he had on a long brown trench coat, some black pants, and held a... stick?

"What's with the stick?" Aru asked him, raising an eyebrow.

The Sleeper turned to her, "Aaah. Kanye West..."

Aru raised an eyebrow, "What? Oooooh, right. Ehe."

Boo panicked at the sight of the stick. He grit his teeth and pulled both Aru and Sheela behind him. Aru managed to get out of his grip, "You still didn't answer my question. What. Is. With. The. Stick. Napper?"

The Sleeper growled, "I am The Sleeper!" He took a deep breath, "And if you must know, this stick is your inevitable doom."

Aru rolled her eyes, "Gee, how many times have I heard that line?"

The Sleeper slammed the bottom of the stick on the floor, making the ground shake, "I have had enough! Where is the jewel?"

Sheela spoke up, after a while, "Safe. Away from you."

The Sleeper looked at her, as if seeing the girl for the first time, "Safe?" He laughed, "As long as I am here, there's no way anything of value is safe. Which is mainly why, you're not safe."

Aru scoffed and shot Boo a look, "Did he just call me worthless?"

Boo looked at her, "Sure. You question that, but you don't question how he knows me. Way to keep your priorities straight, Arundhati."

She waved him off, "Yeah, yeah. But did he just call me worthless?"

The Sleeper snarled, "Tell them, dear Lex. Tell them, so that ripping you up will be so much"

"Creep," Sheela grumbled.

Boo looked at his companions and sighed, "Just remember, this whole thing is fake. None of this is real." Sheela and Aru nodded, as their interest spiked, "Well, my game character was originally designed to be evil. Weird game right? I got the jewel when I first entered the game and was supposed to bring it to The Sleeper. When I brought it to him, it was revealed that in the game, The Sleeper is in fact my brother."

Aru gaped at him, and Sheela just checked nails and hummed, "YOUR BROTHER?! SHEELA?!"

Sheela just shrugged in response, "Visions. Didn't seem important at the time."

Aru almost blew her top, but managed to calmly say, "Yeah, sure. The villain and my friend's relation to said villain isn't at all related to what could have happened."

Sheela just shrugged and gestured for Boo to continue. He looked right into the Sleeper's eyes, "I had given him the jewel, and planned to take it back in the dead of night, wanting to escape. When my plan was set into motion, my brother managed to find me." The Sleeper smiled cruelly, and Boo sighed, "It was all out war. Me against him and twenty men. I called for help from the birds, as it is my character's power. I have power or flying things. They helped me escape, doing some gruesome damage to his team. They helped me get away, though I did have some gashes near my legs, rendering me vulnerable."

Boo sighed again for the umpteenth time, "I made my way to what was my home for a while. The tree house I built. I mapped out the area and discovered the tool shed. Still being new to the game, I went there and found it unguarded. I went inside, looking for any means of help but only found a meeting being conducted by my lovely game brother dear. He caught me off guard and threw a knife at my chest, making me respawn in my tree house again. The second time I went to the tool shed, I took the long way around. I made sure no one saw me, but I had to walk through thorns. Doing so, I reopened some wounds I had gotten by The Sleeper. Once again, I died and respawned, reopened wounds being my weakness. That was when I just decided to give up, and wait my years out. I never knew how long I was stuck here. And yes, I did lie to you. I got past the shed once, but didn't live long enough or have the bravery to continue on to see anything."

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