Chapter 10

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The gang stared at Brynne and Boo, who seemed to be in a world of their own. They were far enough that the rest of the group couldn't hear but they certainly could see their faces. They didn't look so happy.

Brynne grabbed Boo's wrist and twisted it, showing his last life. She sighed in relief, "What were you thinking?!" she whisper-shouted.

Boo furrowed his eyebrows, "That's just the thing! It was so queer. I couldn't control my own actions. I think... I think I wasn't thinking."

Brynne massaged her temples, "We're fine. You're okay. You'd gradually lose that life anyway. We could find someone to help you even if you were dying."

Boo froze at this, "Brynne, I don't think you understand. Even I know what it means. If you die in this game, you die in real life!"

Brynne shot him a glare, "I get it. Honestly. I'm freaking out here. But, we have to keep moving. Don't you dare use the power unless absolutely needed. Got it?"


"Boo. Listen to me. We need you to stay safe. We all need to get out of here."

"Can I ask you something Brynne? Why are you so concerned about me? I mean, I appreciate the gesture but..."

"You're our friend." Brynne rubbed the nape of her neck, "I've already lost my mom. I am not losing anyone else."

"That makes 2 of us then"

That was all that was needed to say. Silence ensued. Brynne sighed before patting his shoulder and heading back to the group with Boo. Once they were there, Boo put two fingers in his mouth and let out a shrill whistle. The group gasped and covered their ears.

Suddenly, a large eagle swiftly glided through an open window and landed on Boo's arm. It was holding the jewel in it's mouth. Boo held out his other hand, and the eagle plopped the jewel into it. Boo nodded to it before letting it fly off again. He brandished it and smirked. Turning to the group with a somewhat happy expression, "We're getting out of here."

Nikita, in one quick motion, grabbed the sparkling gem and threw it into her backpack. She shrugged, "We're gonna need to put it somewhere."

"Right... Um... Anyway, which vehicle should we take?" Boo asked, eyeing the helicopter wearily.

Aru screamed, "A helicopter!"

She earned weary looks from everyone, but Boo stood petrified, "A... helicopter. Why not a bus or something?" Boo said anxiously.

Aru raised an eyebrow and pouted, "What? A bus? NO! You have a connection to things that can fly right? I mean, birds? A a mechanical bird. Right? Or is that a plane..."

Mini adjusted her glasses before muttering, "That's a plane..."

Boo gulped, "So, we are taking the helicopter?"

Aru nodded fervently. Boo looked to the others, and they just shrugged at him, trudging to the helicopter. Boo inhaled deeply before murmuring, "Aru's rain dance spell must have worn off. Now I'm left with a bunch of cranky babies to babysit."

"Hey!" The others cried out.

"Hay is for donkeys," Boo sing-songed.

"You're one, though," Aru reminded him.

"That got old, real quick Aru," Rudy said, leaning over to whisper.

She swatted his shoulder. Aru looked back, noticing Mini's disappointed expression, she said, "Yeah well. Deal with it. Anyway, I call shotgun! Y'all gotta sit in the back."

Aru Shah: Jumanji AUWhere stories live. Discover now