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A/n: before this starts you should know that sadness and angst is starting lol, good luck

Also just in case: Tw: Knives, death, suicide.

"Jade! What the hell?!" Sweet Pea's voice yells through the hallway till it reaches you. You and Cheryl instantly turn around to see Sweet Pea walking towards you three with a pissed off look in his face.

"Sweets? I thought-

"SWEET PEA! WHAT THE HELL?!" Cheryl yells as you suddenly are pressed against the lockers by Sweet Pea. His left arm was pressing against your upper chest and lower neck. His right hand was in the dent now formed to the left of your head. Your breathing was shaky and so was his. You were scared and he was pissed at you.


"Don't. Don't you dare 'Sweets' me." Sweet Pea growls.

"Sweet Pea?! What are you doing?! Fp is gonna kill you! And so am I if you don't get your hands off Jade!" Toni yells as she runs over and tries to pry Sweet Pea off you. She fails and is flung back into the crowd by Sweet Pea.

"SOMEONE GET JUGHEAD RIGHT NOW!" Cheryl screams at the crowd. People run off down the halls of the school to try and find Jug.

"Sweet Pea, what is it?" You ask as your breath shakes.

"You hung out with Josie and told Jones I hurt you?! Like what the fuck Jade now I might be kicked out of the Serpents!" Sweets yells at you.

"Sweet Pea you used to hate the sight of me hurt, but now you are the one hurting me!" You yell at him.

"Sweet Pea get the fuck off my sister right now!" Jughead shouts as he pushes sweet pea and punches him.

"The fuck Jones?!" Sweets exclaims.

You run over to block a punch about to get thrown, and you end up getting knocked out.

When you wake up you are in your room and Toni is sitting at the end of your bed with Cheryl.

"Guys? What happened?" You ask as you touch your aching face.

"You just punched by Jug on accident. Him and Sweets are downstairs being held back, both are ready to rip each other's heads off." Cheryl explains.

You immediately stand up and run downstairs. Only to find Penny. She was holding a knife to Fp's throat. Everyone else was being held down or just didn't want to risk Fp getting hurt by Penny.

"Penny let dad go." You say seriously.

"No I think I'm gonna carve him up like I did Jughead." She smirks, then steps back and reveals Jughead. He was badly beat up and was bleeding so much it hurt you to look at.

"Penny what the fuck?!" You and Cheryl shout.

"Shut up Blossom, I'm here for my daughter." Penny  hisses.

"I am no longer your daughter, Penny." You snap.

"Really because I think I can change your mind and make you come back." Penny smirks, she looks over at one of the other Ghoulies and winks and him.

Suddenly a scream can be heard throughout the whole house and your hand flies to your mouth as a gasp escapes. "Sweep Pea!" You rush over to Sp who was now on his knees as a knife stuck out of his stomach. "Peabody what the hell?! You shout.

"You didn't back down even after Jughead so Sweet Pea was next. Now join us again or Fp is next." She warns.

"Jade listen to her damn it." Fp adds.

Quickly moving you manage to swipe a hand pistol off of the ghoulie holding Fangs back.

"Drop your weapon and tell everyone else to as well." You say as Penny is forced to look down the the barrel of the gun. Penny nods once at her new gang, they drop there weapons and step away from the Serpents. "Betty call an ambulance for Sweet Pea and Jug right away." You say, she pulls out her phone and walks away.

"Mom just go away, I will shoot you if I have to but I'd rather not have to clean up a body." You command. She scoffs and walks out of the house, followed by everyone else.

The gun falls to the floor along with your tears and your knees. Cheryl and Toni run over to you but you turned to look at Sweet Pea.

"Sweets... please be okay." You cry as your hand lightly cups his face and you feel his tears.

You remember Jughead and you shoot up and around. Rushing over to your brother to see he had lost consciousness. "His pulse is stable and his lungs are working but he has lost so much blood." Fp says and he holds his face.

After a few minutes the ambulance comes to get Sweet Pea and Jughead, the rest of you follow them to Riverdale General.

"Fp Jones and Jade Jones?" The doctor asks when he walks out.

"Yes?" You answer.

"Jughead is stable but unconscious. However..." The Doctor begins.

"Oh no..."

"Sweet Pea...?"

"Doctor is Sweet Pea okay?!" You beg.

"I'm sorry. We are losing him." He lowers his head then walks off again.

You fall to your knees and faint from the horrid news.

When you awake you are still in the lobby and everyone is crying.

No... no no no! He can't be gone!

"Jade we are so sorry. Sweet Pea, he he just passed."

Did I just lose the love of my life?

It was a week or two later and no one had heard from you since you had run out of the hospital.

They had found Penny Peabody dead and hanging by her ankles to a tree. Someone had killed her and tied her there.

You spent the entire time hiding out at Sweet Water River. Until you couldn't handle it and stabbed yourself in the same place as Sp was stabbed.

Laying there under the stars in the same place you and Sweet Pea kissed for the first time, you closed your eyes and spoke your final words.

"My Sweets, I'm coming."

Took your final breath on the bank of the river.

The end </3

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